Kan het misschien zijn dat je je geluisd instellingen van je Xbox op Dolby surround hebt staan? ALs je in de auto (Vooral bij een ferrarri) hoor je motor geluid van achter. Als je dan geen achter speakers hebt, heb je dat geluid dus gewoon niet. Ik hoop dat dat het probleem is
Heb de game nog niet...ga hem zo halen..maar na wat struinen op diverse sites kwam ik dit stukje tegen wat misschien iets er mee te maken kan hebben...alhoewel ik wel denk dat dit voor Live play bedoelt is...kijk zelf ff SOUND ADVICE Check Collision settings to cure audio issue We’ve had reports of people losing audio while racing. In all known cases, this is actually by design and relates to Collision settings in multiplayer races. If you have experienced a loss of sound during multiplayer races, it may be due to the Collision setting selected by the host. Below are descriptions of the game’s Collision settings for multiplayer races and how they may affect audio: Default (On Racing Line): If your car comes to a stop or goes backwards, your car will become a ghost and will no longer collide with other cars in the game. Your engine and collision audio will also be turned off to help players, particularly those using first-person views, know that they are now ghosted, cannot collide with other cars, and that it is time to start circulating around the track. On (Always Collide): You car will always have collisions. Your audio will not be affected. Off: Your car will never have collisions with other cars. Cars will become somewhat transparent as you get closer to them. Your audio will not be affected. Ghosts: Same as the Off setting, but instead of seeing opponents’ cars with paint jobs and liveries, you will see opponents’ cars as ghosts. Your audio will not be affected. If you are having problem with your in-game audio during multiplayer game, have the host check the Collision settings. Greetz