Single Player Questions:
What are the achievements in the game?
V-JH:"Achievements: I'm not telling, you're going to have to wait a bit
But there are 43 of them."
Will there be any other music in the game besides rap?
V-JH:"There is a lot more music in the game than the demo. Over 130 songs in the game, including 6 original songs... 3 songs in the demo
Yes, there is rap and HH but also many different other types."
Are there Police stations in the game? It feels like the Police just come from nowhere.
V-JH:There are, and they are involved in several missions.
How big is the world in Saint's Row?
V-Scourge:It's been awhile since I calculated it, but I believe the city is approximately 10 square miles. That counts the landmasses and the river between them, but not all the ocean/lake water.
crazyeyes1234 Asks:
How many guns will there be in the game?
V-JH:There are quite a few different guns and a lot of variations on them (like a gold plated Desert Eagle).
brand0n23 Asks:
Any other vehicles in the game that we can control? Like Motorcycles or helicopters?
V-JH:No flying vehicles, no motorcycles, no boats. We wanted to do all of these, but we simply did not have enought time.
How long is the game?
V-Scourge:Game duration varies from player to player. If you do some activities, but stick mostly to the missions, I think it was averaging 35-40 hours or so. If you want to get 100% completion on all activities, at least double that.
V-JH:Bigger than VC, but smaller than SA. Big enough to be fun, but not so big that you spend most of your time going from point A to point B. At least that's what we're hoping
And game time to real time?
V-JH:It used to be about 20 minutes of gameplay time for a day, but I think we made it a bit faster. I'll check.
Can you ride bikes or play any sports?
V-JH:No. Well, you can swim but I wouldn't call it a sport in SR
Smoked991 Asks:
How is the saving system in the game? Can you save at anytime or only after a missions ends?
V-JH:You can save at any time and it will restore you to the nearest save point or the nearest crib you own, whichever is closer.
And can you create a girl in game or is it just a guy?
V-Fehr:Greetings , There is only a male player mesh at the moment, but that’s not to say you can’t TRY to create a female looking face. Here’s how it goes down. In the full version of the game, you will have more detailed controls in creating your face. Many face sliders come with an “advanced” button. I’m happy to report that you can get pretty… pretty…PRETTY creative with our customization system. At work I’ve seen some oddball characters created. In some cases it’s actually horrifying what some have come up with, and I mean that is a good way.
What other kinds (if any) of downloadable content will be provided after SR's release?
V-JH:Extra Single Player missions, more weapons, automobiles, etc?
Customization packs (clothing), weapons, maps, maybe vehicles. You should probably keep telling us what you'd like to see after you start playing.
What glitches have been fixed that we experienced in the demo? I've seen some minor rag doll glitches and a slightly major jump glitch. Heres some examples of what I'm talking about (
http://media.putfile.com/on-the-church/ &
http://media.putfile.com/bmx-boost/ ) I hope this glitch doesn't become the next "Super Bounce."
V-JH:We have fixed as many glitches as we could/knew of. If you are referring to the "breakdancing" glitch, this has been fixed.
About how many different kinds of clothing can you choose from and are they only "thug" looking style... I mean I know this is a gangster game but it would be neat to create any kind of character.. like if I wanted to my my dude look like a cowboy or a rocker with punk clothing.
V-JH:Not only "thug" style. You have so many choices I can't list them. Make sure to check all the different stores, as they carry different inventories.
MaxHavok Asks:
Does the radio always restart when you get out and get back in, or does it contiously play?
V-JH:It continues to play. You also have an option which allows you to have the radio "always on" or not. When you select "always on", your vehicle's radio will always be on when you leave it and come back. Check the Options tab.
Slugger97 Asks: Will there be a Saints Row 2?
V-JH:You, the gamers, will decide this . If Saint's Row is a big success, there probably will be a Saint's Row 2.
Multi-player Questions:
How many multiplayer maps will there be?
V-JH: "The game will ship with eleven MP levels. More will be coming as downloadable content."
Will there be a different demo that hits marketplace? Maybe like a multiplayer demo?
V-Scourge:The Live Marketplace demo that's available August 1 is the same demo that appears on the pre-order DVDs
How is the online setup? Like is there going to be a custom list where we can see all the servers? Or something like matchmaking?
Matchmaking really? Like Halo 2 matchmaking?
V-Odekar:Yup. Pretty much exactly like H2.
There's no server list. We use a match making system similar to that of Halo 2. Additionally a player can setup a lobby and allow his friends to join the lobby and then play a game with just themselves or match make with other players.
Our lobby is pretty cool actually cause when you join the lobby you start out in a warehouse and you can run around and shoot each other while you are waiting for other people to join. The host can also make custom changes to the modes and levels before the game begins
If you want to play team games do you HAVE to make a clan or can you go play with random people?
V-Odekar:Nope. You can matchmake into team games by yourself, with your friends, or with your gang
Is it separate from playing with clans then playing with random people? I don't want to join a game and everyone on my team doesn't know each other while everyone on the opposite team are in a clan togeather.
V-Odekar:There are gang matches in which only gangs can participate. However, you and your buddies (gang or otherwise) can matchmake together in non-gang match.
Is Demo Derby a mode online? If not...could you add it in via marketplace or something? I really think that would be an awesome mode to play online w/ friends.

orry, there's no Demo Derby online and at this point we are not planning on adding any new modes to the game.
Ryder77 Asks:
Will you be able to create a match if you wanted to just play with some friends in a deathmatch instead of random people?
NDE88 Asks:
Will we be able to boot betrayers or will we have to vote to kick team killers and suiciders in multiplayer? Thanks
V-Odekar:The host of a lobby can kick people from the lobby if he doesn't want to play with them. Right now there's no way to kick people in game. You can however rate people through the X-Box 360 Dashboard and if you rate them negativley then you won't get matched with them anymore.
Also if you can create a match, how custom can you make it? Can you choose which weapons,
vehicles, explosives, levels etc..
V-Odekar:Yup. You can choose all of these things.
Will there be ranking online?
V-Odekar:Yup. Both indivduals and gangs have their own rankings. Each mode has it's own leaderboard.
About how long is an average game of blinged out ride take to complete?
V-Odekar:About 15-20 minutes
How many teams can play at once? Only Two teams? In single player you have 4 main gangs, so it would seem like you could maybe have at least 4 gangs online fighting it out... that would make 3 players per side... since you can only have 12 people in a room.
V-Odekar:You can only have 2 teams at a time. However, at the beginning of the game we randomly assign each team one of 4 gangs from SR single player.
When playing online is there AI walking around the city streets? Also in a game like blinged out ride.. you would think that when driving around the city you'd run into other motorist civilians or pedestrians.. as well as the police.. I doubt it but that would be awesome.. more obstacles in your way to bling out you ride other then a city with just the other gang..
V-Odekar:The only AI we have in MP is in the co-op modes and for that we only have enemy AI, no civillians or pedestrians.
crazyeyes1234 Asks:
What determines how much money you make from an online match?
MaxHavok Asks:
Devs, when we saw multiplayer videos the player just appeared in the car as opposed to opening it. Is this in the final game? And if so, why? Added by me: So if the animation isn't in the online mode I understand for lag issues but dose that mean we wont be able to car jack the opposing team?
Miscellaneous Questions:
Will the game support the xbox 360 video camera? I highly doubt it but I wanted to ask anyways.
Everyone else feel free to ask Volition some questions in the thread.
Saint's Row forum
How many times does it take you to kill someone with a pistol whip to the back of the head online?
-Approx. 3 to 4 times.
Can you match up online line like 1 vs 1, 2 vs 2, 2 vs 1, 6 vs 3 etc?
-Not in match making, but you can setup a custom match in a lobby and do this.
Is there a sniper rifle available online? If so is there any idication to where you're getting shot from?(Will you show up on the radar or anything like that)
-Yes there are sniper rifles. In MP we use hit indicators to show where you are getting shot from.
What determines how much money you make from an online match?
-You always make some base money after every match. If you or your team wins you make more and you get bonus cash for killing 5 people with out dying, 10 people and if you never die during a match.
hey can i car jack someone online?
-No. We decided that would be too frustrating.
Devs, when we saw multiplayer videos the player just appeared in the car as opposed to opening it. Is this in the final game? And if so, why?
-For the speed at which MP games are played it seemed too slow to have the player open and close the door like in SP.
can co-op be done on the same xbox 360 and If you can do that can you like ditch your mission and just rob banks with a friend
-No, you can only do co-op over live or with syslink. You can't do it on the same box. The co-op levels are designed to just do the mission you are given. You can't roam freely through the city.
When the host is choosing the options for a match, what limits are put on the vehicle section? Could you pick any vehicle from singleplayer or is it categorized into different groups?
-We picked a smaller subset of all the vehicles that you can get in single player.
Can clans create a custom clan car that depends on their wealth and would only be used in clan matches? Im pretty sure the answer for this question is going to be "no", but I'm just making sure because that would be pretty awesome.
-No, sorry. Nice idea, though.
also is there any new multiplayer gametypes planned for the future?
-Not at this time.
Tons of tattoos, not sure of the exact count. A few hundred I'd guess. They're placed on predetermined areas of the body (but there's many locations), and can't be resized. No custom tattoos.
You can have up to three recruits with you in single-player, depending on your respect level. I don't know the gang member limit for multiplayer, someone else might respond to that.
Multiplayer levels aren't fully open world. They're custom levels for multiplayer, adapted from sections of the single-player city, plus many new/custom levels. Many are quite huge.
Hier nog een impressie van de demo:
*The physics are freakin awsome! There are very few things in the world that arnt drivin by physics.
*Graphics for what this game is, are excellent. Textures are decent, lighting is definitly something that stands out, also the best use of anti-aliasing ive seen on the 360 so far, I would almost go as far as to say there are no jaggies, but if u looked enough im sure you could find a couple.
*Car handling is tighter than GTA and seems mybe more realistic.
*Weapon sounds are so much better than GTA SA's cap gun soundin shit.
*City actually feels alive, a bum is sleeping on a bench, people are reading there morning newspapers, just a bunch of little details like that make it feel more real.
*Gunplay is just like any FPS except of coarse its in 3rd person, some people might argue that it can get a bit overwhelming without auto lock on if a bunch of enemys are shooting at you, but just take cover behind a car and you'll be good to go, idk I like this better because its more of a challenge.
*You can derail the train with a pipe bomb. w00t
* This is really the only major complaint I can come up with, the others are very minor. The framerate is definitly sketchy, although it is at 30fps most of the time, once you start causing havoc, aka blowing shit up, it dips pretty hard.
*Controls take some time to get use to. (A is gas so you have to take ur thumb off the gas to do a drive-by and aim accurately)
*Only one radio station in the demo and it has like 4-5 songs total.
*Minor pop in with textures, shadows fade in from a distance, and other common graphical flaws that plague most games.
Overall 9/10