Genre: Actie Developer: Traveller's Tales Publisher: Activision Based on Paramount Pictures' live-action feature film, Transformers: The Game lets gamers control the outcome in the battle for Earth as they choose to protect it as Autobots or destroy it as Decepticons and experience the unstoppable power and massive scale of their favorite robots in disguise. As the Transformers’ war comes to Earth, gamers make the choice to join the Autobots in protecting our planet or to join the Decepticons in destroying it. With dual campaigns, the fate of the world is in players' hands. [Bron:] Ik heb de game sinds gisteren zelf ook en vermaak me er prima mee, je kan echt alles kapot maken, alles oppakken en ermee gooien. De camera vind ik alleen heel vervelend te besturen waardoor je telkens op de - knop drukt om de camera te centreren. Verder een hele leuke game! Screens: Spoiler Boxart: Spoiler PS: Let niet op de kleine afbeelding bovenaan