COD4 onthoud de rank xp niet??

Discussie in 'XBW Gaming' gestart door kikkertie, 12 jan 2008.

  1. kikkertie

    kikkertie Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    had effe een vraagje
    heb dit spel vorige week ook gekocht en stond inmiddels met multiplayer op rank 29 (luitenant)
    en ik zet de xbox vandaag weer aan staat die een ineens op rank 10.???
    ik weer spelen tot rank 15 zet hem aan en uit,wat denk je weer rank 10.??
    de xbox is 2 weken oud
    zal het daar aan liggen of hebben meer mensen daarlast van?
    oh ja de afgelopen 2 weken onthoude die wel gewoon alles
    en hij saved me andere spellen ook gewoon
    weet iemand waar dit aan kan liggen
    als je elke keer je wapens kwijt bent is niet echt fun
    alvast bedankt
  2. GtaGamerMG

    GtaGamerMG GTA IV

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Xbox Live zit in problemen. Meer is het niet. Komt wel goed!
  3. kikkertie

    kikkertie Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    heb je er meer mensen over gehoord dan?
    of hier op het forum
  4. WiXX

    WiXX Kijk uit maloot...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Over het feit dat mensen achievements verliezen of in jou geval ranks?

  5. Samael BS

    Samael BS Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    2 mensen uit me vriendenlijst hadden hetzelfde probleem.
  6. Brutal1tYz

    Brutal1tYz Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ken er ook een paar met dezelfde problemen...
  7. Tsux

    Tsux Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Serieus zijn die problemen nog steeds niet helemaal opgelost dan?

    Zit je je helemaal een flink aantal ranks op te werken na uren hard ploeteren en dan ben je weer terug bij af! Ik zou een partij pissig worden...
  8. d-arnhem

    d-arnhem Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik had gisteren ook op de 360 dat ik van rank 52 naar 41 ging later ging ik weer in een match en toen was me rank weer goed.
  9. Nickromancer

    Nickromancer Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als we het toch over ranks onthouden hebben. Als ik mn computer opnieuw installeer en cod 4 natuutlijk er weer opzet. Kan ik dan gewoon inloggen de rank die ik nu heb?
  10. Chorus


    Leuk Bevonden:

    Thanks to eddiec3003 from Charlie Oscar Delta - I Stole this from you sorry.

    Many people have come to the forums because recently Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer has showed them to be a rank which they should not be. (ie. You should be level 45, but when you start up Xbox Live it says you are 39). This is becoming a very common occurrence lately, due to the strained servers. Personally I have had this happen to myself 3 times and have helped many others when they post on the forums. Here are some key things that every person, that this happens to, should or should not do.

    - Do NOT get upset and start playing to make up the ranks.

    What has happened is while downloading your personal settings, your old data became jumbled with your current data. So, if you play you will over overwrite what your current rank should be.

    - How can I get my rank back?

    Just turn your xbox on and off ... or go back and forth between multiplayer and single player (whatever you can do to make Xbox Live show the screen to download your personal settings). Doing this will make the servers continuously search for your data, eventually it will find the correct data and fix the problem for the time being.

    - I've done what you said, but my rank still isn't coming back, what's wrong?

    #1 - Normally these problems do not sort themselves out the very next time you download your settings. For quick access purposes, servers will set apart your information for X amount of time so it doesn't need to search for it time and time again for only short leaves from playing the game. One of the best ways to fix this is to shut off your xbox for a short period of time, maybe 5-10 minutes ... then start up and go to xbox live, see if it can download the right information, then rinse and repeat until it is fixed. Repeatedly just backing out of xbox live and going back in will rarely fix your problem, the servers need time to reset your data and put it back into "storage".

    #2 - In RARE cases, some people might actually lose their information permanently. It is inevitable that any system can lose packets or get corrupt files but it is extremely rare. I am not the one to tell you that it is the time to give up and re-level, that is your place to make the final call but if you feel that you fall under this category just remember... when you play your first game, it is permanent, that will now become your new level to build from.


    The following update is from RapidA13xand3r also known as eddiec3003 at COD

    - Users must make the decision themselves on...

    A few questions have arised recently about some not so common events, but I felt they should be known. In some cases people may do things to change around their options or create-a-class information before they noticed that they lost rank. If this has happened all I can do is offer guidance and information for you to make a decision on what you want to do but I have no 100% answer for 2 main reasons.

    #1 - Your information may be stored primarily on your xbox so in changing any information you have not activated the servers, and your rank should be able to be restored.

    #2 - Your information may be relayed through the servers, so in changing any options / create-a-class information you may have activated the servers to overwrite your information and register your ranks.

    As I said, I have no definitive answer on this because Microsoft and IW does not release who most of the data is saved and which is relayed. In the end the player must make the decision; on, whether to try the steps to restore you rank or to believe that in making changes you may have activated the servers and need to re-level.

    (Update from Bloody Baroness) - SOURCE

    Xbox Live - Reports of Losing Rank

    Over the holiday, Xbox reported record numbers of users online, which apparently resulted in some hiccups in their service (source: Xbox LIVE Holiday Performance) which we're starting to notice some side effects as we've recently been seeing a surge of Customer Service calls, forum posts, and emails regarding lost rank online.

    UPDATE: Fantastic news. Just got word from Microsoft's LIVE team that they believe they've fixed the issue. It was apparently an SQL Storage Database issue which has been addressed.

    If you experience any future problems with your rank, please let me know immediately so I can make them aware. This won't correct any previously lost rank, however it will prevent it from happening any further.

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