Ja begrijp me niet verkeerd. Ik heb me nog steeds zeer vermaakt, alleen het einde viel me tegen.
Ik ben nog blijven zitten in de zaal. En die credits duurden zó lang. Volgens mij deden ze dat expres.
De cateraar, de personal assistants, elk nummer dat op het feestje gedraaid werd, álles werd ge-credit. En dan uiteindelijk hoor je wat onverstaanbaar gebrabbel.
Ik weet niet zeker of dat wel klopt wat er op die website staat! Al die dingen heb ik ook gelezen op imdb.com, maar daar worden ze met hele andere zaken verbonden.
Quote van J.J. Abrams over de achtergrond van het monster:
And where is he from? "We don't say deliberately," notes the writer, Drew Goddard. "Our movie doesn't have the scientist in the white lab coat who shows up and explains things like that. We don't have that scene."
The film does give us clues. You can clearly see an object flying into the ocean behind Rob and Beth in the closing shot, though Abrams has stated that this is a satellite, which was part of the marketing campaign for the film.
Note that in the "viral" marketing campaign for the film, there were hints concerning the "Bloop" incident. In 1997, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration recorded an ultra-low frequency underwater sound that was never identified. Scientists who studied the phenomenon said that the creature that produced it would be much larger than a blue whale.
Also in the viral campaign were several news reports concerning the destruction of an oil drilling rig, further linking the creature to the deep ocean.