Viva Pinata Character Guide (X-Box 360)
Version: 1.2
Author: Kyle Roy a.k.a. Pure Invasion
Copyright 2006, Kyle Roy
If you have any contributing information, please post on and
I will update through there.
All information (minus a few things I've added) are available at, this guide was created solely as an easy way to print a
quick guide for anyone that may need it on GameFAQ's/Gamespot.
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Part 1) Revision History
Part 2) Pinata Breeds * * IN PROGRESS * *
(NOTE: To quick find any Pinata Press Ctrl+F and type in their name)
1) Arocknid
2) Badgesicle

4a) Bonboon
4b) Sour Bonboon
5) Bunnycomb
6) Buzzenge
7) Buzzlegum

9) Chewnicorn
10) Chippopatamus
12) Cluckles
13a) Cocoadile
13b) Sour Cocoadile
14a) Crowla
14b) Sour Crowla
15) Doenut
16) Dragonache
17) Dragumfly

19) Elephanilla
20) Fizzlybear
21) Fourheads
22) Fudgehog

24) Goobaa
25) Horstachio
26) Jameleon
27) Jeli **UNCONFIRMED**

29) Kittyfloss
30) Lackatoad
31) Lickatoad
32a) Macaraccoon
32b) Sour Macaraccoon
33a) Mallowolf
33b) Sour Mallowolf
34) Moozipan
35) Mothdrop
36) Mousemallow
37) Newtgat

39) Pigxie
40) Ponocky
41) Pretztail
42a) Profitamole
42b) Sour Profitamole

44) Quackberry
45) Raisant
46) Rashberry
47) Reddhott

49) Salamango
50a) Shellybean
50b) Sour Shellybean
51a) Sherbat
51b) Sour Sherbat
52) Sparrowmint

54) Swanana
55) Sweetooth
56) Syrupent
57) Taffly

59) Whirlm
60) White Flutterscotch
61) Zumbug
**Unconfirmed** (Giraffe Breed)
**Unconfirmed** (Penguin Breed)
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Part 1) Revision History (PT1)
Updated Nov. 14/06 (Version 1.0):
- Created main guide outline
- Added in rough Viva Pinata breeds information
Updated Nov. 22/06 (Version 1.1):
- More Pinata updates (numbers 1-36 of list)
- Fixed errors in guide found on
Updated Nov. 23/06 (version 1.2):
- More Pinata updates (number 37-61 of list)
Part 2) Viva Pinata Breeds (PT2) * * IN PROGRESS * *
Animal: Spider
Level: 5
Base Value: $1500
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 6 gardener or better
Visit Requirements: a) There are 4 Tafflies or 4 Raisants in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Tafflies or 2 Raisants
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Buzzlegums
b) Have an Arocknid house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell flower changes its colour to blue
Notes: a) Will keep Buzzlegums from becoming residents in your garden
Animal: Badger
Level: 5
Base Value: $1500
Housing Cost: $825
Appear Requirements: a) Garden has 2 nocturnal residents
Visit Requirements: a) Garden has 4 nocturnal residents
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Newtgat
b) Has eaten 2 pumpkins
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Squazzil
b) Have a Badgesicle house in your garden
Variants: a) Feeding it an apple changes its color to red
Species Conflicts: a) Syrupent

Animal: Dog
Level: 6
Base Value: $2100
Housing Cost: $1155
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) Barbbark can be bought for $2310 from Miss Petula's
Paper Pets
Romance Requirements: a) Has a collar
b) Has eaten 1 bone
c) Have a Barkbark house in the garden
Species Conflicts: a) Kittyfloss
Animal: Baboon/Mandrill
Level: 8
Base Value: $3600
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: a) Have a resident Bonboon in the garden
Visit Requirements: a) Have 1 monkeynut tree planted in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 7 bananas
b) Has eaten 7 monkeynuts
c) Have 1 monkeynut tree grown in the garden
d) Have 1 banana tree grown in the garden
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 3 Jameleons
b) Have a Bonboon house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it an orchid changes its color to white
Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 34 gardener or better
Visit Requirements: a) You are a level 35 gardener or better
Resident Requirements: a) Has lost a fight against a member of the Syrupent
family (Twingersnap)
Animal: Rabbit/Bunny
Level: 3
Base Value: $600
Housing Cost: $330
Appear Requirements: a) A carrot in the garden
Visit Requirements: a) A carrot in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) You have 40 square pinometers of grass (4%)
b) Has eaten 3 carrots
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten a daisy or a buttercup
b) You have 60 square pinometers of grass (6%)
c) Have a Bunnycomb house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a pumpkin seed changes its colour to yellow
b) Feeding it a water lily flower changes its colour to pink
c) Feeding it a gooseberry seed changes it color to green
Animal: Buzzard
Level: 6
Base Value: $2100
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: a) Have a Candary in the garden
Visit Requirements: a) Have 5 Candaries in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Have a fir tree in the garden
b) Has eaten 3 Candaries
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Pudgeons
b) Has eaten 2 Sparrowmints
c) There is a Buzzenge house in your garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a buttercup changes its color to yellow
b) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue
c) Feeding it a bottle of medicine changes its color to pink
Animal: Bee
Level: 4
Base Value: $1000
Housing Cost: $550
Appear Requirements: a) Have 2 buttercups in the garden
Visit Requirements: a) Have 4 buttercups in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Have 6 buttercups in the garden
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten any 2 pieces of fruit
b) There is a Buzzlegum house in your garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a venus pinata trap flower changes its color to orange
Species Conflicts: a) Raisant

Animal: Canary
Level: 3
Base Value: $600
Housing Cost: $???
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) Feeding a buttercup to a Sparrowmint will turn it
into a Candary
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Yellow Flutterscotch
b) Have a Candary house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to pink
b) Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to blue
c) Feeding it a gooseberry fool changes its colour to green
Animal: Unicorn
Level: 9
Base Value: $4500
Housing Cost: $2475
Appear Requirements: a) Become a Master Horstachio Breeder (Have 7 Horstachios)
Visit Requirements: a) Have a fully grown gem tree in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 15 gems
b) Have a fully grown gem tree in the garden
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 3 rainbow gems
b) Have a Chewnicorn House in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to a pink
Animal: Hippopotamus
Level: ???
Base Value: ???
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: a) Have 400 square pinometers of water (40%)
Visit Requirements: a) Have 500 square pinometers of water (50%)
b) Have 14 watercress or 14 water lilies or 14 bullrush
in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 10 water lily flowers
b) Has eaten 10 watercress flowers
c) Has eaten 10 bullrush heads
Romance Requirements: a) Have 700 square pinometers of water (70%)
b) Own a Candary master breeder award
c) Have 1 Candary in the garden
d) Has eaten 4 bird of paradise flowers
Animal: Monkey
Level: 7
Base Value: $2800
Housing Cost: $1400
Appear Requirements: a) There is a fully grown monkeyfruit tree in the
Visit Requirements: a) There is a fully grown monkeyfruit tree in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Have 3 fully grown trees in the garden
b) Has eaten 8 monkeynuts
Romance Requirements: a) Is wearing a fez
b) Has eaten 4 bananas
c) There is a Cinnamonkey house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a chili changes its color to red
b) Feeding it a blackberry seed changes its color to purple
c) Feeding it a water lily flower changes its color to pink
Animal: Chicken
Level: 4
Base Value: $1000
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) Cluckles can be bought for $1100 from Miss Petula's
Paper Pets
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten an ear of corn
b) Has eaten a pumpkin seed
b) Have a Cluckles house within the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue
b) Feeding it an oak seed changes its color to green

Animal: Crocodile
Level: 6
Base Value: $2100
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: a) Have a resident Cocoadile in the garden
Visit Requirements: a) Have 160 square pinometers of water (16%)
b) Have 5 Quackberry residents in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Have 190 square pinometers of water (19%)
b) Has eaten 3 Quackberries
Romance Requirements: a) Have 220 square pinometers of water (22%)
b) Has eaten 2 Juicygoose
Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to pink
Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 27 Gardener or better
Visit Requirements: a) You are a level 28 Gardener or better
Resident Requirements: a) Have 160 pinometers of water (16%)
b) Has eaten 1 Sweetooth
c) Has eaten 2 Swananas
Animal: Crow
Level: 5
Base Value: $1500
Housing Cost: $825
Appear Requirements: a) Have a resident Crowla in the garden
Visit Requirements: a) Have 4 resident Lickatoads in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Lickatoads
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Shellybeans
b) Have a Crowla house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily changes its colour to pink
b) Feeding it a bird of paradise changes its color to orange
Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 14 Gardener or better
Visit Requirements: a) You are a level 15 Gardener or better
Resident Requirements: a) Have 1 birdbath in the garden
b) Has drunk 1 bottle of medicine
Animal: Doe (deer)
Level: 6
Base Value: $2100
Housing Cost: $1155
Appear Requirements: a) You have 400 square pinometers of grass (40%)
b) Have 80 square pinometers of long grass (8%)
Visit Requirements: a) Have 80 square pinometers of long grass (8%)
b) Have 10 blackberries or 10 gooseberries in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 6 blackberries or 6 gooseberries
b) Have 80 square pinometers of long grass (8%)
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 sunflower
b) There is a Doenut house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a jack 'o lantern and an ear of corn changes its
color to orange
b) Feeding it an oak seed changes its color to green
c) Feeding it a thistle flower and a gooseberry fool changes its
color to purple
Animal: Dragon
Level: 11
Base Value: $8250
Housing Cost: N/A
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) A dragonache egg is obtained by digging in a mine
using the Diggerling. You then send a Cluckles to
the egg to hatch it into a Dragonache
Romance Requirements: N/A
Animal: Dragonfly
Level: 2
Base Value: $2800
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: a) Level 25 Gardener or better
Visit Requirements: a) Level 26 Gardener or better
b) Have 150 square pinometers of water (15%)
Resident Requirements: a) Have 200 square pinometers of water (20%)
b) Have 12 bullrushes in the garden
c) Has won a fight against a Reddhott
Romance Requirements: a) Have 250 square pinometers of water (25%)
b) Has eaten 1 Raisant
c) Have a Dragumfly house in the garden
Species Conflicts: a) Reddhott

Animal: Eagle
Level: 9
Base Value: $4500
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: You are a level 33 Gardener or better
Visit Requirements: Have 5 different species as residents in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Have a fully grown oak tree in the garden
b) Has eaten 4 Buzzenges
c) Have 15 different species as residents in the
Romance Requirements: a) Have eaten 3 Sweetooths
b) Have 2 fully grown Oak Trees in the garden
c) Have an Eaglair house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a buttercup seed changes its color to yellow
b) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue
c) Feeding it a bottle of milk changes its color to white
Animal: Elephant
Level: ???
Base Value: ???
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 36 Gardener or better
Visit Requirements: a) Any of 16 blackberries, corn, gooseberries or monkey
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 4 blackberries
b) Has eaten 4 corn
c) Has eaten 4 gooseberries
d) Has eaten 4 monkey nuts
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 bananas
b) Has eaten 2 acorns
c) Has eaten 2 chillis
d) Has eaten 2 pumpkins
e) Wearing ballet shoes
f) Elephanilla house built
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to blue
b) Feeding it a buttercup changes its color to orange
Animal: Grizzly Bear
Level: 7
Base Value: $2800
Housing Cost: $5600
Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 30 gardener or better
Visit Requirements: a) Have 12 fir cones or 3 jars of honey in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 jars of honey
b) Has eaten 8 fir cones
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 raisants
b) Has eaten 1 bottle of medicine
c) Have a Fizzlybear house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a sunflower seed changes its color to gold
Animal: Snake
Level: 8
Base Value: $3600
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) To create a Fourheads romance any two Twingersnaps
and then watch the resulting egg carefully. It will
make a small hop several times and then finally make
a big jump. After the egg makes its big jump whack
it with your shovel and a Fourheads baby will emerge
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Lackatoad
b) Has eaten 2 nightshade berries
c) Has eaten 1 toadstool
d) Have a Fourheads house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell flower changes its color to blue
b) Feeding it honey changes its color to yellow
c) Feeding it medicine changes its color to pink
Animal: Hedgehog
Level: 4
Base Value: $1000
Housing Cost: $550
Appear Requirements: a) 4th night after you take over the garden
Visit Requirements: a) Have 4 Whirlms or 2 thistles in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Whirlms
b) Has eaten 1 thistle
Romance Requirements: a) Has drunk a bottle of milk
b) Have a Fudgehog house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a chili changes its color to red
b) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue

Animal: Galago
Level: 9
Base Value: $4500
Housing Cost: $2475
Appear Requirements: a) Have a Tower of Sour with 8 parts
Visit Requirements: a) Have a Moon-on-a-Stick light in the garden
b) Have 8 Mothdrops or 16 tulips in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 4 tulips
b) Has eaten 2 Mothdrops
c) You have a groundskeeper in the garden
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 4 orchids
b) Have a Chewnicorn resident in the garden
c) Have a Galagoogoo house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a sunflower changes its color to yellow
Animal: Sheep
Level: 6
Base Value: $2100
Housing Cost: $1155
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) Goobaa can be bought for $2310 from Miss Petula's
Paper Pets
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 water lily flower
b) Has eaten 2 poison ivy flowers
c) Have 120 square pintometers of long grass (12%)
d) Have Goobaa house in garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to blue
b) Feeding it a tulip seed changes its color to black
c) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to pink
Animal: Horse
Level: 7
Base Value: $2800
Housing Cost: $1540
Appear Requirements: a) Have a Ponocky in the garden
Visit Requirements: a) Have a Ponocky as a garden resident
b) Have 500 square pinometers of grass (50%)
Resident Requirements: a) Have 500 square pinometers of grass (50%)
b) Has eaten 8 apples
Romance Requirements: a) Have 500 square pinometers of grass (50%)
b) Is wearing a rosette
c) Has eaten 1 toffee apple
d) Has eaten 3 carrots
e) Have a Horstachio house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a watercress flower changes its color to green
Species Conflicts: a) Ponocky
b) Zumbug
Animal: Chameleon
Level: 5
Base Value: $1500
Housing Cost: $1155
Appear Requirements: a) Have 3 different colored Flutterscotches
Visit Requirements: a) Have 4 different colored Flutterscotches
Resident Requirements: a) Have 5 different colored Flutterscotches
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Green Flutterscotches
b) Have a Jameleon house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue
Animal: Yeti
Level: ???
Base Value: ???
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: ???
Visit Requirements: ???
Resident Requirements: ???
Romance Requirements: ???

Animal: Goose
Level: 5
Base Value: $1500
Housing Cost: $850
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) Feeding a gooseberry to a Quackberry will turn it
into a Juicygoose
Romance Requirements: a) You have 100 square pinometers of water
b) Has eaten 2 Newtgats
Species Conflicts: a) Quackberry
Animal: Cat
Level: 5
Base Value: $1500
Housing Cost: $???
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) Kittyfloss can be bought for $1650 from Miss
Petula's Paper Pets
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 ball of wool
b) Has eaten 1 milk
c) Has eaten 1 Mousemallow
d) Have a Kittyfloss house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a bottle of medicine changes its color to pink
b) Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to blue
Species Conflicts: a) Barkbark
b) Shellybean
Animal: Toad
Level: 5
Base Value: $1500
Housing Cost: $825
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) Feeding a nightshade berry to a Lickatoad and then
quickly hitting it with your shovel before it gets
sick will turn it into a Lackatoad
Romance Requirements: a) Have 4 Arocknids in the garden
b) You have 60 square pinometers of water (6%)
c) Has eaten 2 toadstools
d) Have a Lackatoad house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell changes its colour to blue
Animal: Toad
Level: 3
Base Value: $600
Housing Cost: $330
Appear Requirements: a) You have the pond head for your shovel
Visit Requirements: a) You have 10 square pinometers of water (1%)
Resident Requirements: a) You have 20 square pinometers of water (2%)
b) Has eaten 1 Taffly
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Green Flutterscotch
b) Have a Lickatoad house in the garden
Species Conflicts: a) Newtgat
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to purple
Animal: Raccoon
Level: 6
Base Value: $2100
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: a) Have a resident Macaraccoon in the garden
Visit Requirements: a) There are 5 Syrupent family residents in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 3 Syrupents
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Arocknid
b) ???
Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to pink
b) Feeding it a mushroom changes its color to yellow
Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 23 gardener or better
Visit Requirements: b) You are a level 24 gardener or better
Resident Requirements: c) You have 5 Master Romancer awards
b) Has eaten a Cluckles
Animal: Wolf
Level: 7
Base Value: $2800
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: a) Have a resident Mallowolf in the garden
Visit Requirements: a) Have 6 Rashberry residents in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 3 Rashberries
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Goobaa
b) ???
Variants: a) Feeding it a blackberry changes its colour to pink
Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 31 gardener or better
Visit Requirements: a) You are a level 32 gardener or better
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten a Pigxie
Animal: Cow
Level: 7
Base Value: $2800
Housing Cost: $1540
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) Moozipan can be bought for $3080 from Miss Petula's
Paper Pets
Romance Requirements: a) Have 12 daisies or 12 buttercups in the garden
b) ???
Animal: Moth
Level: 3
Base Value: $600
Housing Cost: $330
Appear Requirements: a) Nighttime
Visit Requirements: a) Nighttime
Resident Requirements: a) Has a light in the garden
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 thistle
b) Have a Mothdrop house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a daisy flower changes its color to yellow
Animal: Mouse
Level: 2
Base Value: $300
Housing Cost: $165
Appear Requirements: a) A turnip in the garden
Visit Requirements: a) A turnip in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 turnip
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 daisy seed or 1 buttercup seed
b) There is a Mousemallow house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell turns its colour to pink
b) Feeding it cheese turns its colour to white
c) Feeding it a daisy and a gooseberry seed changes its
color to an off-white color
Species Conflicts: a) Syrupants
Animal: Newt
Level: 4
Base Value: $1000
Housing Cost: $550
Appear Requirements: a) You have 20 square pinometers of water (2%)
Visit Requirements: a) Have watercress growing in the garden
b) You have 30 square pinometers of water (3%)
Resident Requirements: a) You have 30 square pinometers of water (3%)
b) Has eaten 3 watercress flowers
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Raisant
b) ???
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell flower changes its colour to blue
b) Feeding it a bird of paradise flower changes its colour to
Species Conflicts: a) Lickatoad

Animal: Parrot
Level: 8
Base Value: $3600
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 32 gardener or better
Visit Requirements: a) Have a bird of paradise plant in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Have 1 banana tree in the garden
b) Has eaten 10 bananas
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 3 bird of paradise seeds
b) Has eaten 1 orchid seed
c) Is wearing an eyepatch
d) Have a Pirate Statue in the garden
e) Have a Parrybo house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a venus pinata trap changes its color to orange
Animal: Pig
Level: 8
Base Value: $3600
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) The Pigxie is created by cross-romancing a
Swanana and a Rashberry after buying a "Mystery
House" from Willy Builder
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 bullrush flowers
b) Has eaten 2 acorns
c) Is wearing tap shoes
d) The garden is worth 10,000 chocolate coins
e) Have a Pigxie house in the garden
Species Conflict: a) Rashberry
b) Swanana
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell seed will change its colour to blue
Animal: Pony
Level: 6
Base Value: $2100
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) Ponocky can be bought for ??? from Miss Petula's
Paper Pets
Romance Requirements: a) Is wearing a bow
b) Has eaten 1 piece of carrot cake
c) Have any 10 flowers in the garden
d) Have 300 square pinometers of grass (30%)
e) Have a Ponocky house in the garden
Species Conflicts: a) Zumbug
b) Horstachio
Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily flower changes its color to pink
b) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue
c) Feeding it a piece of bread changes its color to
41) Preztail
Animal: Fox
Level: 3
Base Value: $600
Housing Cost: $330
Appear Requirements: a) Night-time in the garden
Visit Requirements: a) There is 1 Cluckles or 1 Bunnycomb in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Cluckles or 1 Bunnycomb
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Quackberry
b) There is a Pretztail house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to blue
b) Feeding it a water lily changes its color to pink
c) Feeding it gooseberry fool changes its color to green
Animal: Mole
Level: 5
Base Value: $1600
Housing Cost: $825
Appear Requirements: a) Have one resident Profitamole in the garden
Visit Requirements: a) Have 4 Arocknid residents in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Arocknids
Romance Requirements: a) Is wearing bottle glasses
b) Has eaten 3 carrots
c) Have a Profitamole house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to pink
b) Feeding it a Watercress changes its color to green
Appear requirements: a) You are a level 19 gardener or better
Visit requirements: a) You are a level 20 gardener or better
Resident requirements: a) Have two mushrooms in the garden
b) Has eaten one Red Flutterscotch

Animal: Pigeon
Level: 6
Base Value: $2100
Housing Cost: $1155
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) Pudgeon can be bought for $2310 from Miss Petula's
Paper Pets
Romance Requirements: a) Owns a camera
b) Has eaten 2 ears of corn
c) Has eaten 1 snapdragon seed
d) Have a pirate statue in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to blue
b) Feeding it a jam changes its color to purple
Animal: Duck
Level: 4
Base Value: $1000
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: a) You have 30 square pinometers of water (3%)
Visit Requirements: a) Have 1 corn plant in the garden
b) You have 40 square pinometers of water (4%)
Resident Requirements: a) You have 40 square pinometers of water (4%)
b) Has eaten 1 piece of bread
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 bluebells
b) There is a Quackberry house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to a blue Quackberry
b) Feeding it a water lily flower changes its colour to pink
Species Conflicts: a) Juicygoose
Animal: Ant
Level: 4
Base Value: $1000
Housing Cost: $550
Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 4 gardener or better
Visit Requirements: a) There is 1 fruit tree of any kind in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 3 fruit of any kind
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 jar of honey
b) Have a Raisant house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell seed and a blackberry changes its
color to purple
b) Feeding it a sunflower changes its color to yellow
c) Feeding it a water lily changes its color to pink
Species Conflicts: a) Buzzlegum
Animal: Pig
Level: 5
Base Value: $1500
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) Rashberry can be bought for $1650 from Miss
Petula's Paper Pets
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 rotten hazelnut
b) Has eaten 1 rotten chili
c) Has eaten 1 rotten gooseberry
d) Have a rashberry house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a watercress seed changes its color to green
b) Feeding it a poppy seed changes its color to red
c) Feeding it a nightshade berry changes its color to purple
Animal: Firefly
Level: 6
Base Value: $2100
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) The Reddhott is created when a Taffly is set on
fire by sending it to a firebrand, then quickly
dousing it with the watering can
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 3 chilis
b) Have 3 lights of any kind in the garden
c) Have a Reddhott House in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily flower changes its colour to pink
b) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue

Animal: Lion
Level: 10
Base Value: $5500
Housing Cost: $3025
Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 38 gardener or better
Visit Requirements: a) There are 5 Doenuts in the garden
b) There are 5 Zumbugs in the garden
c) The garden is worth 40,000 chocoloate coins
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Doenuts
b) Has eaten 2 Zumbugs
c) The Garden is worth 50,000 Chocolate coins
Romance Requirements: a) Is wearing a Crown
b) Have a garden worth 60,000 Chocolate Coins
c) Has eaten a pinata worth 4,500 chocolate coins
Variants: a) Feeding it a bottle of medicine changes its color to pink
b) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue
Animal: Salamander
Level: 8
Base Value: $2800
Housing Cost: $1540
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) Feed a Newtgat a Chili to turn it into a Salamango
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Reddhott
b) Has eaten 2 chili seeds
Variants: a) Feed it a gooseberry to change its colour to green
b) Feeding it a banana changes its colour to yellow
Animal: Snail
Level: 3
Base Value: $600
Housing Cost: $330
Appear Requirements: a) Have 1 Shellybean in the garden
Visit Requirements: a) Have 1 thistle in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 thistle flower
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 bluebell seed
b) Have a Shellybean house in the garden
Variants: a) Feed it a bluebell to change its colour to blue
b) Feeding it a gooseberry changes its colour to green
c) Feeding it an ear of corn changes its color to yellow
Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 4 gardener or better
Visit Requirements: a) You are a level 5 gardener or better
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 apple seed
Animal: Bat
Level: 4
Base Value: $1000
Housing Cost: $550
Appear Requirements: a) Have a Sherbat resident in the garden
Visit Requirements: a) Have 3 Mothdrop residents in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 2 Mothdrops
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten a tulip flower
b) There is a Sherbat house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell changes its colour to blue
b) Feeding it a sunflower seed changes its colour to yellow
c) Feeding it a chili seed changes its color to red
Appear Requirements: a) You are a level 9 gardener or better
Visit Requirements: a) You are a level 10 gardener or better
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten a jack 'o lantern
Animal: Sparrow
Level: 2
Base Value: $300
Housing Cost: $165
Appear Requirements: a) 2 Whirlms
Visit Requirements: a) 2 Whirlms
Resident Requirements: a) Romancing 2 Whirlms
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten one Whirlm
b) Have a Sparrowmint house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a watercress flower changes its color to green
b) Feeding it a water lily changes its colour to pink
c) Feeding it a thistle flowerhead changes its color to purple

Animal: Squirrel
Level: 4
Base Value: $1000
Housing Cost: $550
Appear Requirements: a) Have any level 3 Pinata resident
Visit Requirements: a) Have 1 hazelnut tree in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 3 hazelnuts
Romance Requirements : a) Has eaten 2 blackberries
b) Have a Squazzil house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to pink
b) Feeding it a snapdragon blossom changes its color to purple
c) Feeding it a watercress seed changes its color to green
Animal: Swan
Level: 7
Base Value: $2800
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: a) You have 200 square pinometers of water (20%)
Visit Requirements: a) You have 200 square pinometers of water (20%)
b) Garden is worth 20,000 chocolate coins
Resident Requirements: a) You have 250 square pinometers of water (25%)
b) Has eaten 2 sandwiches
Romance Requirements: a) You have a Swanana fountain in the garden
b) Is wearing a diamond choker
c) Has eaten 3 water lilly flowers
d) You have 300 square pinometers of water (30%)
e) Have a Swanana house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a snapdragon changes its color to purple
Animal: Beaver
Level: 6
Base Value:$2100
Housing Cost: $1155
Appear Requirements: a) Level 21 gardener or better
Visit Requirements: a) You have 120 square pinometers of water (12%)
b) One water lily or fir tree in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) You have 140 square pinometers of water (14%)
b) Has eaten 3 fir cones
c) Has eaten 2 water lily flowers
Romance Requirements: a) You have 140 square pinometers of water (14%)
b) Has eaten 3 bullrush heads
c) Have a Sweetooth house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell changes its color to purple
b) Feeding it a sunflower changes its color to yellow
c) Feeding it bottle of medicine changes its color to pink
Animal: Grass Snake
Level: 2
Base Value: $300
Housing Cost: $165
Appear Requirements: a) You have 10 square pinometers of Grass (1%)
Visit Requirements: a) You have 10 square pinometers of Grass (1%)
Resident Requirements: a) You have 20 square pinometers of Grass (2%)
b) Has eaten a Mousemallow
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 Lickatoad
b) You have 30 square pinometers of grass (3%)
c) There is a Syrupent house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a buttercup changes its colour to gold
b) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its color to blue
c) Feeding it a bottle of medicine changes its color to pink
Species Conflicts: a) Badgesicle
b) Mousemallow
Animal: Fly
Level: 2
Base Value: $300
Housing Cost: $165
Appear Requirements: a) Have any kind of flower in the garden
Visit Requirements: a) Have any 2 flowers in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 flower of any kind
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten 1 poppy
b) Have a Taffly house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a poison ivy flowerhead changes its color to green
b) Feeding it a buttercup seed changes its color to yellow
c) Feeding it a blackberry seed changes its color to purple

Animal: Two-Headed Snake
Level: 5
Base Value: $1500
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) To create a Twingersnap romance any two Syrupents
and then watch the resulting egg carefully. It will
make a small hop several times and then finally make
a big jump. After the egg makes its big jump whack
it with your shovel and a Twingersnap baby will
Variants: a) Feeding it a snapdragon seed will change its colour to purple
b) Feeding it a bottle of medicine changes its color to orange
c) Feeding it a Venus pinata trap changes its color to yellow
Animal: Worm
Level: 1
Base value: $100
Housing cost: $55
Appear Requirements: a) Have 10 square pinometers of soil or grass (1%)
Visit Requirements: a) Have 10 square pinometers of soil or grass (1%)
Resident Requirements: a) Have 10 square pinometers of soil or grass (1%)
Romance Requirements: a) Have 10 square pinometers of soil or grass (1%)
b) There is a Whirlm house in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a turnip changes its color to purple
b) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its color to red
c) Feeding it a watercress seed changes its color to green
Notes: Whirlms are happier when sprinkled with water
Animal: Butterfly
Level: 3
Base Value: $600
Housing Cost: $330
Appear Requirements: a) Have 1 daisy in the garden
Visit Requirements: a) There are 2 daisies in the garden
Resident Requirements: a) Have 4 daisies in the garden
Romance Requirements: a) Has eaten any piece of fruit
b) A Flutterscotch house is in the garden
Variants: a) Feeding it a poppy flower will change its colour to red
b) Feeding it a watercress flower will change its colour to green
c) Feeding it a bluebell flower will change its colour to blue
d) Feeding it a water lily flower will change its colour to pink
e) Feeding it a tulip flower will change its colour to black
f) Feeding it a bullrush flower will change its colour to brown
g) Feeding it a buttercup flower will change its comour to yellow
h) Feeding it a bird of paradise flower will change its colour to
i) Feeding it a thistle will change its colour to purple
Animal: Zebra
Level: 8
Base Value: $3600
Housing Cost: ???
Appear Requirements: N/A
Visit Requirements: N/A
Resident Requirements: a) When a Horsetachio eats blackberries and daisies,
it turns into a Zumbug
Romance Requirements: a) Have 300 square pinometers of long grass (30%)
b) Has eaten 3 orchids
c) Has eaten a jar of jam
d) ???
e) Have a Zumbug house in the garden
Species Conflicts: a) Chewnicorn
b) Horstachio
Variants: a) Feeding it a bluebell seed changes its colour to blue
b) Feeding it a water lily seed changes its colour to pink
c) Feeding it a banana split and a carrot cake changes its colour
to yellow and orange
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Copyright 2006, by Kyle Roy