GTA IV Cheats

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door *360*, 28 apr 2008.

  1. f4TaLNL

    f4TaLNL Marcus

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dit is de mooiste *)

    Spawn Police Chopper (Annihilator):

    Laatst bewerkt: 1 mei 2008
  2. Kaap

    Kaap Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vanavond effe gecheat. Had zin om rampage te gaan. Er is echter helaas geen godmode om es lekker te raggen. Je moet dan telkens opnieuw de health cheat toepassen....maar...als je geraakt wordt terwijl je je telefoon open hebt, sluit deze weer. Zodoende heb je vaak weinig tijd om health weer up te brengen.

    Erg zuur dat er geen godmode inzit om es lekker te kunnen spelen.
  3. Kimi NL

    Kimi NL It's the first page of the second chapter!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    er komt nog wel een Trainer voor.. tenminste voor de andere GTA's wel op de console.. ook worden er cker auto's gemod..
  4. ErroX

    ErroX Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ben nu met cheats de missies aan het doen. Veel relaxter dan constant een missie overnieuw moeten doen. Ik koop GTA iig niet voor de singleplayer. Vanaf het moment dat de stad unlocked is (zit nu 2e eiland) begint het pas. Al is het jammer dat de politie extreem snel reageerd:mad:.
    Dat ik vervolgens geen achievements krijg, nja pech. Sommige wel sommige niet. Boeit me niet. Heb nu 12 uur gespeeld en heb een hoop lol. Dat telt:)

    Michelle: We do need a car.. *bleep bleep* >>spawns Turismo :+
    Laatst bewerkt: 2 mei 2008
  5. madjules007

    madjules007 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ok cool thx, meteen ff checken dan :D
  6. NuclearGoat

    NuclearGoat PSN: Acrillic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik doe ze zonder cheats en haal ze meestal in één keer. GTA IV is te makkelijk tegenover de vorige GTA's imo.
  7. lol

    lol Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hier nog wat cheats(gebruik op eigen risico :D)

    Cheat mode
    While playing the game, press Up to display Niko's cell phone. Press Up again to access the keypad. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Once a code has been entered correctly, a new "Cheats" menu option will be available on your phone, below "Options", where you can access the cheats without having to enter the phone number again. Note: Do not save the game after enabling a code to avoid unforeseen problems. Enabling some cheats may prevent achievements from being earned.

    Full health and armor
    Dial "3625550100" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "DOC-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets", "Finish Him", "One Man Army", and "Walk Free" achievements from being earned.

    Full health, armor, and ammunition
    Dial "4825550100" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "GTA-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.

    Weapons tier 1
    Dial "4865550100" into the cell phone. This will unlock the baseball bat, handgun, shotgun, MP5, M4, sniper rifle, RPG, and grenades. Note: This phone number translates to "GUN-555-0150". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.

    Weapons tier 2
    Dial "4865550150" into the cell phone. This will unlock the knife, Molotov cocktails, handgun, shotgun, Uzi, AK47, sniper rifle, and RPG. Note: This phone number translates to "GUN-555-0100". This code prevents the "Cleaned The Mean Streets" achievement from being earned.

    Remove Niko's wanted level
    Dial "2675550100" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "COP-555-0100". This code prevents the "One Man Army" and "Walk Free" achievements from being earned.

    Add one star to Niko's wanted level
    Dial "2675550150" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "COP-555-0150".

    Spawn Annihilator police helicopter
    Dial "3595550100" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "FLY-555-0100". This code prevents the "One Man Army" and "Walk Free" achievements from being earned. Alternately, collect all 200 pigeons (flying rats) to unlock the Annihilator police helicopter.

    Spawn Cognoscenti
    Dial "2275550142" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0142".

    Spawn Comet
    Dial "2275550175" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0175".

    Spawn FBI Buffalo
    Dial "2275550100" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0100".

    Spawn Jetmax
    Dial "9385550100" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "WET-555-0100".

    Spawn NRG-900
    Dial "6255550100" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0100".

    Spawn Sanchez
    Dial "6255550150" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "MBK-555-0150".

    Spawn SuperGT
    Dial "2275550168" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0168".

    Spawn Turismo
    Dial "2275550147" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "CAR-555-0147".

    Change weather and brightness
    Dial "4685550100" into the cell phone. Note: This phone number translates to "HOT-555-0100".

    Secret map locations
    Go to a TW@ Internet Cafe, log into a computer, and enter "" as a URL to view maps that reveal all weapon, health, armor, vehicle, pigeon, ramp/stunt, and entertainment locations.

    Rastah Color Huntley SUV
    Successfully complete 10 Package Delivery missions to unlock the Rastah Color Huntley SUV.

    Special friendship bonuses
    Reach the indicated level of friendship with the corresponding character to unlock their special friendship ability:


    Likes: Bowling, drinking, eating, strip clubs, shows, helirides, boating

    Special ability: Unlocked at 70%. Call Brucie and he will fly his chopper to you, allowing you to fast travel to various portions of the city.


    Likes: Strip clubs, eating, drinking, shows, bowling

    Special ability: Unlocked at 60%. Call Dwayne for a car full of gang members that will follow you.


    Likes: Strip clubs, shows, darts, drinking, bowling, pool

    Special ability: Unlocked at 75%. Call Packie and he will make you a car bomb.

    Little Jacob

    Likes: Darts, shows, pool, drinking, eating, strip clubs

    Special ability: Unlocked at 60%. Call Little Jacob and he will drive out a car full of guns for you to buy.


    Likes: Bowling, darts, drinking, eating, pool, shows, strip club

    Special ability: Unlocked at 60%. Call Roman and he will send a cab for no charge.

    Getting 100% completion
    The following is a list of how to get a 100% completion:

    Successfully complete all 90 story and procedural missions to get 68% complete.

    Successfully complete all 30 car thefts to get an additional 2%.

    Successfully complete all 50 stunt jumps to get an additional 2.5%.

    Collect all 200 pigeons (flying rats) to get an additional 2.5%.

    Find all random characters and complete their missions to get an additional 5%.

    Successfully complete all 20 vigilante crimes to get an additional 2.5%.

    Kill all 30 people on the list to get an additional 2.5%.

    Beat friends or computers at every activity to get an additional 5%.

    Get all your friend's special abilities and do all their activities to get an additional 10%. Note: This does not include Dwayne or Roman.

    Easy money
    Go to an ATM, then cause a traffic jam to the area. Wait for someone to take money from the ATM, then kill him or her. Make sure to block any nearby roads so the ambulance cannot get to the murdered victim. Take the money they dropped on the ground. Then, run a short distance away, and go back. The money should have respawned on the ground. You can repeat this as many times as desired. You can also kill more people taking their money from the ATM to increase the amount of money that respawns. -From: Khairol161

    Easily lower wanted level
    If you want to get rid of your wanted level, simply start a mission. Your wanted level will instantly go away. If there were any police cars chasing you, the police will be gone but the cars will still be there. -From: D2

    Repairing engine
    If the vehicle you are driving breaks down and the engine will not start, call "911", and your engine should start again.

    Parking more vehicles
    Outside your first hideout is a small parking area to park your vehicles and save them. Instead of parking your vehicles fully within the lines, you can park your vehicles partially within the lines to allow for more vehicles to be parked and saved. -From: Zane

    At the start of the game it would appear that you can only save two cars parked in the "Residents Parking Only" parking spaces in front of your safe house. However, if you can find other "Residents Parking Only" places around the city, you can also save cars there even if you do not have a safe house at those locations yet.

    Fast travel
    To avoid wasting time driving all the way across the city, call a taxi. They will take you to your destination for your mission, stores, safe houses, or even a waypoint marker. You can skip through the taxi ride, allowing you to travel across the entire city in about ten seconds. This can also be done during missions.

    Easy headshots
    It is sometimes difficult to get headshots, which do count. With some practice, doing the following is an easy way to get headshots. Press [Auto-Aim], then use the Right Analog-stick to move the auto-aim target around your victim's body. Barely move the Right Analog-stick as you are shooting. This puts bullets in the chest and head, and results in an easy instant kill.

    Easy emergency vehicles
    Dial "911" on your cell phone. You will reach a voice menu that allows you to call the police by dialing "1", an ambulance by dialing "2", or a fire truck by dialing "3". Select the vehicle of your choice, and wait for them to arrive. They will stop and look around for the emergency, allowing you to easily steal their vehicle.

    Getting away from police
    When running away from the cops, you will have a circular area in which they look for you. However, if you get out and another cop sees you, it changes. To use this to your advantage, barely get out of that circle, which you will see on your radar. Then, just sit there for about five seconds instead of flooring past it.

    If you are at a four star wanted level or less, find a place with grass or sand. The cops will follow you in, but they usually cannot get back out. You can then just drive away.

    Regaining health during missions
    You can leave the mission area and go to a Cluckin' Bell, hotdog stand, etc. and eat food to replenish your health if you are low and cannot find a health pack. This is especially useful on missions where there are no health packs in sight. Note: You can also take a taxi to those locations during missions.

    Avoiding taxi fares
    To get free taxi rides, hail a cab, and select your destination, but do not choose the quick way by pressing A. Instead, let the cab driver take you to your destination the normal way. When you are approximately two blocks away from your destination, break the window, and start shooting. The cab driver will get out and run away, allowing you not to have to pay for the ride. You can also kill the cab driver and take his money, so he is actually paying you for the taxi ride. -From: DemonUrameshi Naruto

    Avoiding toll booths
    Drive through any toll booth with any emergency vehicle with the sirens on. The booth attendant will open the gate, and you will save $5.

    Free health boost
    Enter an ambulance to get a small health increase.

    Free shotgun shells
    Enter a police cruiser to get five shotgun shells.

    Getting Desert Eagle early
    To get the Desert Eagle before you can buy it, kill the gun salesman in Broker that has it equipped, and then take it from him.

    $100 for all ringtones and themes
    After getting the phone from Playboy X, go to the nearest Internet cafe. Buy all of the ringtones and themes from the ringtones site. Log out of the computer, and you will notice that you only paid $100 for all ringtones and themes.

    Hidden shirt
    There is a secret Happiness Island shirt laying at the highest point on the statue's base that can be reached by foot. It looks like a glowing red rectangle. Once it is picked up, Niko will automatically put it on. It is a navy blue sweatshirt. The front shows the statue and reads "Happiness is..." and is continued on the back with the word "".

    Shooting people with water cannon
    Steal a fire truck, then press [Fire] while driving around to shoot the super water cannon at people around you. You will get many funny reactions from the people that you shoot with it.

    Easy strikes in bowling
    Select the first lane (all the way to the left). Take two full steps to the left. Hold Right Analog-stick Down for about a half second, then press Right Analog-stick Up. Do not add any aftertouch to the throw.

    View Statue Of Happiness' heart
    Once you gain access to Happiness Island, find the Helicopter Tours, which is directly east of Happiness Island, and steal a helicopter. Fly to Happiness Island and over the Statue Of Happiness, then jump out of the helicopter at the statue's feet. You should land on the top-most tier of the statue, which is basically a square platform with a door in the center of each side. Run around the platform until you see a door with a plaque on either side of it that reads, "No Hidden Content Here". It may seem like you cannot go through the door, but you can -- it doesn't open, you simply walk through the door. You will find an empty room with a tall ladder inside. Climb it, and when you reach the top, look up to see a huge beating heart, held in place by chains.

    Phone numbers
    Dail one of the following numbers on Niko's cell phone to call the indicated service:

    Emergency Services: Dial "911" to summon the police, fire department, or an ambulance.

    Zit Song Identifier: Dial "948-555-0100" if you hear a song you like on the radio, dial this number to get a text message with the name and artist of the song.

    Police database
    Go to a TW@ Internet Cafe, log into a computer, and enter "" as a URL to go to the Liberty City Police Department website. Click the "Database" tab at the bottom of the home page to get information on all characters, including Niko and Roman.

    Wanted as a pedophile
    Go to a TW@ Internet Cafe, log into a computer, and enter "" as a URL to get an instant five star wanted level as a pedophile.

    Internet websites
    Go to a TW@ Internet Cafe, log into a computer, and enter one of the following URLs to visit that site:*

    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Red Dead Revolver references
    Watch the Weazel and CNT channels on the television at your hideout. You will see various locations from GTA: San Andreas, and also a commercial that uses scenes from Red Dead Revolver, which is another Rockstar game.

    Hillary Clinton reference
    The Statue Of Happiness is actually Hillary Clinton. She is holding a steaming cup of coffee or latte, and her clipboard simply reads "Hillary Clinton".

    Ricky Gervais reference
    Take a friend such as Jacob or Packie to the Split Sides comedy club near the Star Junction area to see a virtual stand up routine featuring Ricky Gervais.

    Easy "One Man Army" achievement
    Go to the bridge that takes you to the second island and has train tracks under it. Walk along the train tracks towards the second island before you are allowed to cross the bridge. When you are about half way, you should have a six start wanted level. Then, just stand on the train tracks for five minutes to get the achievement. You do not have to worry about the police because they will be on the bridge above you so they cannot shoot, and the helicopters are above you so you have cover from them.

    Go to the hospital at the north-west corner of Algonquin. You can also get there by dying in that general area. Get a motorbike. Set a Waypoint at the hospital or just remember the way you came. Drive to the nearby bridge that takes you to the third island. You must not have access to the third island for this trick to work. Slowly reverse backwards over the barricade on the bridge until you get a six start wanted level. Then, drive straight back to the hospital. To the right of the hospital as you are coming back is a little red fence that you can bust through and get onto the elevated train tracks. Wait there for approximately five minutes to get the achievement. No cars can get to you on the train tracks and the helicopters cannot shoot accurately enough to hit you at motorcycle speed.
  8. ErroX

    ErroX Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb geen idee, speel eigenlijk nooit de singleplayer. Download meestal save games. Dat is niet slap of whatever, ik maak gewoon mijn eigen verhaal. En dat vind ik veel leuker;)
  9. Sjarrl NL

    Sjarrl NL De Sjarrl

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is wel handig voor de hidden packages enzo.. maare blokkeerd dit ook de achievement? of alleen de ''Nummers''?
  10. lol

    lol Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Volgens mij niet maar je kunt het altijd proberen en dan effe kijken of er bij stats staat dat je gecheat hebt of niet.Kun je hem altijd nog laden als het er wel staat.
  11. Sev

    Sev The Lone Wanderer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je kan 'veilig' naar die site ;)
  12. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    nope want heb die site iets van 5 keer bezocht en heb net nog walk free en clean the mean streets gehaald die je beide niet kan halen als je cheats invoert.
  13. Sjarrl NL

    Sjarrl NL De Sjarrl

    Leuk Bevonden:
    danku danku!
  14. Luckyyason

    Luckyyason Bitch

    Leuk Bevonden:
    2275550100 = ook een auto :D
  15. Sev

    Sev The Lone Wanderer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die staat zelfs al in de startpost.
  16. Oujdi

    Oujdi Achievement unlocked

    Leuk Bevonden:
    zo weinig cheats??
  17. Kaap

    Kaap Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik kan het me niet voorstellen dat dit alle cheats zijn als je kijkt naar voorgaande delen.
  18. Oujdi

    Oujdi Achievement unlocked

    Leuk Bevonden:
    inderdaad zo weinig voertuigen, wapens en geen vliegtuig...........
  19. Boertje_PSV

    Boertje_PSV Hedde druksop

    Leuk Bevonden:
    vliegtuig kun je toch sowieso niet in vliegen?? Alleen helikopter toch?
  20. Sirus

    Sirus Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik wil die cheat die geen Wanted Level laat krijgen!

    Zat in alle vorige gta's en nu maybe niet..fuck dat.

    (Heb SP al uitgespeeld dus ;) )

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