First Aid Training from lvl 1-400* -- the Definitive Guide for Alliance and Horde
Note: your faction reputation will determine your price for, or ability to purchase, all items/training. Higher faction ratings earn bigger discounts.
1-Train Apprentice First Aid
Nissa Firestone <First Aid Trainer> in the Great Forge in Ironforge (55,5
Upstairs in the same building as the Herbalism Trainer
Byance <First Aid Trainer> Teldrassil
Dannelor <First Aid Trainer> on the NW side of Craftsmans Terrace, Darnassas (51,12)
Fremal Doohickey <First Aid Trainer> Menethil Harbor, Wetlands
Anchorite Fateema <First Aid Trainer> Azuremyst Isle (55,60)
Nus <First Aid Trainer> Crystal Hall, Exodar (39,22)
Shaina Fuller <First Aid Trainer> in a room off to the right of the main room in Cathedral Hall, Stormwind (42,26)
Arnok <First Aid Trainer> at "Survival of the Fittest" in the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar
Alestus <First Aid Trainer> upstairs in the eastern most inn, Silvermoon City
Kanaria <First Aid Trainer> Upstairs in the inn at the Ruins of Silvermoon
Mary Edras <First Aid Trainer> inner ring of Rogues Quarter, Undercity
Nurse Neela <First Aid Trainer> inside inn of Brill, Tirisfal Glades
Pand Stonebinder <First Aid Trainer> Spirit Rise, Thunder Bluff
Rawrk <First Aid Trainer> Razor Hill, Durotar
Vira Younghoof <First Aid Trainer> Bloodhoof Village, Durotar
1-Linen Bandage (Train with Nissa Firestone/Arnok, etc.)
40-Heavy Linen Bandage (Train with Nissa Firestone/Arnok, etc.)
50-Train Journeyman First Aid (to gain skill to 150) Train with Nissa Firestone/Arnok, etc.
80-Anti-Venom (Train with Nissa Firestone/Arnok, etc.)
80-Wool Bandage (Train with Nissa Firestone/Arnok, etc.)
115-Heavy Wool Bandage (Train with Nissa Firestone/Arnok, etc.)
125-Train Expert First Aid (to gain skill to 225) via a book called "Expert First Aid - Under Wraps" (Must be lvl 20+) sold by:
Alliance: Deneb Walker in Stromgarde Keep, Arathi Highlands (27.0, 58.
You can enter and leave the Alliance held part of the keep through a crack in the outside wall at (23,55) Once inside, cross the bridge into a courtyard. Turn right and Deneb Walker is hidden on your right in the courtyard outside the Sanctum.
Horde: Balai Lok'Wein <Potions, Scrolls & Reagents> a female troll in Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh (36,30) She is hidden behind other NPCs
130-Strong Anti-Venom ("Manual: Strong Anti-Venom" is a rare world drop)
150-Silk Bandage (Train with Nissa Firestone/Arnok, etc.)
180-Heavy Silk Bandage (from a book called "Manual: Heavy Silk Bandage" sold by Deneb Walker/Balai Lok'Wein)
210-Mageweave Bandage (from a book called "Manual: Mageweave Bandage" sold by Deneb Walker/Balai Lok'Wein)
225-Pick up travel from 1st Aid Trainer (Must be lvl 35+ and 1st Aid skill 225/225)
Alliance: Quest "Alliance Trauma" from Nissa Firestone in Ironforge
Horde: Quest "Horde Trauma" Arnok in Orgrimmar
225-Quest "Triage" to Train Artisan First Aid 300 (Must be lvl 35+ and 1st Aid skill 225/225) from:
Alliance: Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen. Foothold Citadel, Theramore. Enter Foothold Citadel and turn right then left. (67, 4
Horde: Doctor Gregory Victor in Hammerfall in the Arathi Highlands (73,36) In building down the ramp from Flight Master and straight ahead
240-Heavy Mageweave Bandage (from Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen/Doctor Gregory Victor)
260-Runecloth Bandage (from Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen/Doctor Gregory Victor)
290-Heavy Runecloth (from Doctor Gustaf VanHowzen/Doctor Gregory Victor)
300-Powerful Anti-Venom ("Formula: Powerful Anti-Venom" sold only to characters with honored or higher reputation with Argent Dawn)
-Argent Quartermaster Lightspark <The Argent Dawn> Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands (42.9,83.7)
-Argent Officer Pureheart <The Argent Dawn> Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands
-Argent Quartermaster Hasana <The Argent Dawn> at The Bulwark, Tirisfal Glades (83,6
-Carlin Redpath <The Argent Dawn> standing at the campfire at Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands (81,59)
-Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock <The Argent Dawn> standing at the campfire at Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands (81,60)
300-Train Master First Aid (to gain skill to 375) through the book "Master First Aid - Doctor in the House" (Must be lvl 35+) bought from:
Alliance: Burko in the Temple of Telhamut, Hellfire Peninsula (22,39)
Horde: Aresella (26,62) SW corner of Falconwatch, Hellfire Peninsula (26,62)
330-Netherweave Bandage (from book "Manual Netherweave Bandage" from Burko/Aresella)
360-Heavy Netherweave Bandage (from book "Manual Heavy Netherweave Bandage" from Burko/Aresella)
375-Frostweave Bandage - TBA*
390-Heavy Frostweave Bandage - TBA*