New Xbox Experience [Deel 2]

Discussie in 'Xbox Hardware' gestart door DulleNL, 23 jul 2009.

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  1. John_Petrucci

    John_Petrucci Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Volgens mij klopt dat getal niet echt dat in je profiel staat.

    Ik heb mijn xbox bijna 4 jaar en ben daartussen misschien 3 maanden gestopt met gamen & volgens mij telt hij het pas sinds dat moment. Er staat namelijk 2 jaar goldmember :x
  2. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Q&A over dat nummertje. Misschien staatje antwoord ertussen.

    Some of your Xbox LIVE Tenure questions answered


    One of the features we shipped with the latest Xbox 360 dashboard update today is what we call Tenure. This is a number that appears when you are looking at Gamercards on your Xbox 360 console. It’s the number 5 you see at the top right of my gamercard above. This number will show how many years someone has been an Xbox LIVE Gold Member. Working with the team here, we’ve put together some answers to some of the frequent questions that we’ve seen in the Xbox forums.

    Q. My tenure is not displaying at all!
    A. The Gold Tenure is being rolled out to all Xbox LIVE users over the next few days. By next week, everyone who has at least 1 full year in Xbox LIVE Gold status will see their tenure.

    Q. My tenure is exactly one year off. Why is that?
    A. If you were a member of the Summer Update Preview and created your Gold Account on an Original Xbox console while living in Canada, your tenure won't update to the proper number of years until your account's next "birthday". For example; if you created your account on October 19th of 2003, your Gold Tenure will display properly on October 19th of 2009.

    Q. I changed my gamertag 2 years ago because I didn't like it. Will that reset my tenure?
    A. Changing your gamertag won't change your tenure, just like it doesn't change your gamerscore.

    Q. I've been a member of Xbox LIVE since it began! I should have 7 years because it's 2009.
    A. The very first gamertag, e, was created on 8/13/2002. e, as he is known both online and in real life, will turn 7 on 8/13/2009.

    Q. My account was in Silver status for awhile, how does that affect my tenure?
    A. All the time you spend in Gold is cumulative and any time you spend in silver doesn't count. For example if you created a gamertag on August 4th of 2007 but didn't upgrade it to gold until February 14th of 2008; today the Gold Tenure would be 1 year because the account spent 6 months of it's first year in Silver status.

    Q. The article online says that if I had a 14 day break in my Gold account status, my tenure would reset! Is that true?
    A. There is no "14 day gap in service" rule anymore. This was the original way tenure was calculated but we changed it. The KB article will be updated soon.

    Q. I've been a member since 2006, why does my tenure only show a 2 when 2006 was 3 years ago?
    A. Your Gold Veteran Status counts full years so if you've been a Gold member for 2 years, 11 months and 27 days; your status will display 2 years.

    Q. The date in on the account details page on says I've only been a Gold member for a couple months. When is that going to be updated?
    A. The "Member Since" date that you see in the Account Management section on and on your console is not the same as your tenure. That is the last time your profile was upgraded to gold (like the last time it auto-renewed or you applied a subscription code).

    Q. Where can I go to see exactly when I paid for my Gold account?
    A. You can login to Billing and Account Management to view your payment history. That will show you exactly when you were Gold vs. Silver. You'll need to login with the Windows Live ID associated with the GamerTag. (Click on your payment type and you'll be able to see your payment history).

    I hope this answers some of the questions you may have had. If you have any more, post them in the comments and I can update this post as needed.
    Edit: The official Xbox Support document on Tenure has been updated.

  3. Remy669

    Remy669 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maar hij is niet meer op de Xbox geweest, dus het kan zijn dat hij al gewoon een RROD had, maar hij kwam er pas achter toen hij een dag later de Xbox aanzette...
  4. Slurpgeit

    Slurpgeit Moderator VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, dat kan inderdaad. Ik beweer ook nergens dat zijn probleem niet door de update komt, ik leg simpelweg uit hoe het zit. Iedereen mag dan voor zichzelf uitmaken of het door de update komt of niet.
  5. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Broodje kroket is leven VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kijk, dit zocht ik. Ik had al m'n oude Xbox (1) aangesloten, maar daar kon ik niks vinden. Maar ik ben dus Gold Member sinds 14-08-2005, dus vanaf morgen zou er een "4" in m'n profiel moeten staan... ben benieuwd! :)
  6. Oujdi

    Oujdi Achievement unlocked

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Telt de eerste keer dat je een gratis goldmembership van 1 maand die je krijgt ook als goldmember of niet?

    Want vanaf de datum dat die 1 maand trial verlopen was kocht ik 3 maanden Gold daarna.......
  7. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ja die telt mee
  8. SjaccoPopino

    SjaccoPopino Stay Frosty

    Leuk Bevonden:
    86 dashboard bleef net toch weer vasthangen ondanks de update :{! Moest mn xbox uitzetten, want niks deed t meer. En nou kan ik niet meer in een bepaalde party komen?! Vaag...
  9. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Broodje kroket is leven VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Cache, router of je console begint gewoon kuren te krijgen. Het kan ook je HDD nog zijn.
  10. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Avatar and Games on Demand Marketplace now on

    Earlier today, the team added the ability to preview and purchase Avatar Marketplace items and add Games on Demand to yourXbox 360 download queue. Swing over to the Marketplace on the Web and browse the new addition if you are looking for something to wear or play today.
  11. tigrau69

    tigrau69 DEVIL

    Leuk Bevonden:
    nou, ik weet het natuurlijk niet zeker,

    maaaaaaaaaar idd ik heb een \o/\o/\o/\o/\o/nieuwe xbox gekregen\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/

    had wat problemen met me nieuwe omdat hij me hdd niet herkende, dus helpdesk gebeld. probleem opgelost. verder vertelde hij mij dat er idd enkele pechvogels tussen zaten die dus door de update een RROD kregen.

    ook werd mij verteld dat ik nu dus weer een jaar garantie heb ook al is me nieuwe xbox van 2009, me oude was van 21-8-2006. logisch, maaaar en dit is dan weer interesant, als het de derde keer is dat je een RROD krijgt dan repareren ze nog gratis ook, buiten garantie

    dus mensen, altijd de helpdesk bellen als je RROD hebt, zijn zo gek nog niet hoor die gasten.
  12. SjaccoPopino

    SjaccoPopino Stay Frosty

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mn xbox is gloednieuw, dus lijkt me sterk dat t daar aan ligt. Router zou ik niet weten wat dat met het vast hangen van het dashboard te maken heeft , wel met die party uiteraard, maar daar moet je me nog maar een keer mee helpen! Cache zal ik zou maar eens legen dan!
  13. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Broodje kroket is leven VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Veel data van het Dashboard/Guide wordt van de LIVE-servers geplukt en als je verbinding/router niet optimaal is kan het problemen veroorzaken. Ik heb het ook gehad, zeker met m'n oude router toen ik nog bij Orange zat. :+
  14. hayabusa halo

    hayabusa halo Half-shark, half-man, skin like alligator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb net die update gedownload.
    Toen ging ik kijken bij een paar gamerprofielen, toen zag ik bij hun naam een 2 of een 1 staan. Wat betekent dat?
  15. Metal Mark

    Metal Mark VIP Dino VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoelang ze al Live hebben. 2 is dus 2 jaar.
  16. Buddha

    Buddha Ohm Mani Padme Hum

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Naar dit antwoord was ik dus ook op zoek, dank je :)

    BTW er stond bij mij dus een 4 O-)
  17. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Some of your Xbox LIVE Tenure questions answered


    One of the features we shipped with the latest Xbox 360 dashboard update today is what we call Tenure. This is a number that appears when you are looking at Gamercards on your Xbox 360 console. It’s the number 5 you see at the top right of my gamercard above. This number will show how many years someone has been an Xbox LIVE Gold Member. Working with the team here, we’ve put together some answers to some of the frequent questions that we’ve seen in the Xbox forums.

    Q. My tenure is not displaying at all!
    A. The Gold Tenure is being rolled out to all Xbox LIVE users over the next few days. By next week, everyone who has at least 1 full year in Xbox LIVE Gold status will see their tenure.

    Q. My tenure is exactly one year off. Why is that?
    A. If you were a member of the Summer Update Preview and created your Gold Account on an Original Xbox console while living in Canada, your tenure won't update to the proper number of years until your account's next "birthday". For example; if you created your account on October 19th of 2003, your Gold Tenure will display properly on October 19th of 2009.

    Q. I changed my gamertag 2 years ago because I didn't like it. Will that reset my tenure?
    A. Changing your gamertag won't change your tenure, just like it doesn't change your gamerscore.

    Q. I've been a member of Xbox LIVE since it began! I should have 7 years because it's 2009.
    A. The very first gamertag, e, was created on 8/13/2002. e, as he is known both online and in real life, will turn 7 on 8/13/2009.

    Q. My account was in Silver status for awhile, how does that affect my tenure?
    A. All the time you spend in Gold is cumulative and any time you spend in silver doesn't count. For example if you created a gamertag on August 4th of 2007 but didn't upgrade it to gold until February 14th of 2008; today the Gold Tenure would be 1 year because the account spent 6 months of it's first year in Silver status.

    Q. The article online says that if I had a 14 day break in my Gold account status, my tenure would reset! Is that true?
    A. There is no "14 day gap in service" rule anymore. This was the original way tenure was calculated but we changed it. The KB article will be updated soon.

    Q. I've been a member since 2006, why does my tenure only show a 2 when 2006 was 3 years ago?
    A. Your Gold Veteran Status counts full years so if you've been a Gold member for 2 years, 11 months and 27 days; your status will display 2 years.

    Q. The date in on the account details page on says I've only been a Gold member for a couple months. When is that going to be updated?
    A. The "Member Since" date that you see in the Account Management section on and on your console is not the same as your tenure. That is the last time your profile was upgraded to gold (like the last time it auto-renewed or you applied a subscription code).

    Q. Where can I go to see exactly when I paid for my Gold account?
    A. You can login to Billing and Account Management to view your payment history. That will show you exactly when you were Gold vs. Silver. You'll need to login with the Windows Live ID associated with the GamerTag. (Click on your payment type and you'll be able to see your payment history).

    I hope this answers some of the questions you may have had. If you have any more, post them in the comments and I can update this post as needed.
    Edit: The official Xbox Support document on Tenure has been updated.
  18. Buddha

    Buddha Ohm Mani Padme Hum

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat verklaart een heleboel:) Dank je Fardo ;)
  19. hayabusa halo

    hayabusa halo Half-shark, half-man, skin like alligator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jammer, dat je niet kan zien welk jaar je bent met zo'n plaatje ergens online.
    Nu moet je helemaal kijken wanneer je voor het eerst geld hebt gestoort. :p

    26-12-2004 ben ik lid geworden, volgens die site. Dus bijna 5 jaar :eek:
  20. Pesu

    Pesu Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    je hebt nu zoon nieuwe update voor 'avatar marketplace' en daar kan je stuff kope en verdiene ma hoe verdien je dan zoiets?
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