Hello everyone!
So I am sitting here in my hotel right now, literally twenty or so miles away from the LA Convention Center and I am thinking, "Hey, I am going to start a thread for Halo: Reach Information!" I realize that I am currently posting in a forum that is on fire with fanboygasms right now, but I think we need to have one thread from a fan that will actually be there to see this stuff up close.
So, without further pestering, over the course of this week, I am going to be posting my impressions and pictures that I take when I am spending countless hours at the E3 Halo Reach Event and Booth. I am going to try to get information to you guys before G4 gets to it, so keep an eye on the thread for information regularly over the course of the next few days. I will post what I can and hopefully what I see will be awesome!
SECTION 1: Confirmations
So obviously, many of you guys have already seen the E3 2010 Microsoft Press Conference demo, but if not, I will post links below to the one from the stage on the one from Bungie's website.
E3 On-Stage Demo
E3 Bungie.Net Demo
So, what can we say about this demo other than.....WOW!
This game not only looks great, but seems to be a brand new and exciting experience for the Halo Franchise!
Below, I am going to list some things that I noticed from the demo.
E3 2010 On-stage Demo
1) The first thing that you notice is that the graphics have been reasonably increased are significantly similar to the VGA trailer back in November. It truly is one of the best looking games for the 360 thus far.
2) The entirety of Noble Team is not at this event, possibly signifying that Emile and Jun are off doing there own thing, or dead. However, the first statement sounds more likely, as it is mentioned that this mission is a last ditch tactical strike against the forthcoming Covenant invasion force, which also signifies that this is roughly 1/4 the way into the game at least.

The HUD has been a significant overhaul. Bungie has really taken the criticism presented during the Beta and has done everything from making the health bar more noticeable to making the reticules more visible as well. This was a needed change by far.
4) The Elites as an AI enemy are fast. You can noticeably see that they move quickly away from danger and their ranks seem to be more diverse. (As noted from the Officer Helmet to the Red Helmeted Elite inside the Base) The AI seems to have had a significant upgrade in this regard, as seen by the Jackal Formation and the dodginess of the Grunts. In regards to AI as well, your squadmates and enemies seem to also use Armor Abilities now, which is definitely cool. Speaking of Armor Abilities, Armor Lock has the ability to destroy oncoming vehicles now, very nice!
5) The UNSC Army definitely looks to be a more intimidating force, albeit outnumbered, in this game. Not only do they seem to actually have a purpose in combat, they are also quite diverse in features and in faces. (There are a lot of them on screen!)
6) The Gore in this game has been increased significantly. You can really see this when you first walk into the control room with the bloodied marine on the floor. Very nice job Bungie, thanks for listening to the Community!
7) One of the Elites near the entrance of the base is holding a new weapon! This weapon is reddish and looks like a carbine without the front. Is this the Concussion Rifle? It is feasible to assume that this weapon is definitely new and is NOT A PLASMA RIFLE.

It seems as well that there are now new Assassinations to perform on enemies, as seen in the hallways in the base.
9) Finally...Finally...SPACE COMBAT. The Vehicle itself was leaked through Beta Coding that has been widely criticized over the past couple of weeks (great job idiots) and has ben confirmed to be a Space Fighter of sorts. It seems that this section of Campaign is an escort/demolition in Space esque mission. It is logical to assume that this type of gameplay will be in multiplayer in some way. Also, it seems that you can finally do a...BARREL ROLL.
10) There is now a definite gender confirmation for the Spartan Player model. Also noted, the model itself is sporting what seems to be the default armor for the player.
SECTION 2: Speculation
So, what can we expect from tomorrow's Bungie Booth and Wednesday's Halo: Reach Event? Below, I will show you my expectations.
1) The Space Battles you saw in Campaign will be part of the multiplayer experience in a gametype known as Dogfight, which will be revealed Wednesday. Dogfight was leaked through Beta coding. I am going to go off on a limb here and say that the Sabre is among the four possible aerial vehicles we will use, including the Longsword, Seraph and a new Covenant spacecraft.
2) The Brutes will be shown off in the coming week, showcasing both nasty and menacing AI interactions and their new weapon sandbox including both the Spiker and the Brute Shot.
Bungie will unveil their Forge 2.0, featuring all sorts of cool things such as Terrain Editing, Time of Day/Weather Editing and the new Mission Forge that was leaked through the Beta.
4) Bungie will unveil that the Max Amount of players has risen, possibly to 24 or hopefully (in my opinion] 32 as possibly leaked or stupidly written by G4.com.
5) We are probably going to see all new multiplayer map goodness, featuring one map that will bring the world to its knees....Blood Gulch Remake.
6) There will be a showcasing of new weapons and vehicles, and a more complete version of the Armory will be shown in all of it's glory.
7) Bungie will make everyone's jaws drop in the awesomeness and please the world by launching the BP executives into the sun via a giant slingshot!
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