Plot holes: The zero-gravity during the van drop in dream layer 1 is transferred to layer 2 (the hotel room). Since the dreamer in the hotel room thus experiences zero gravity, this should propagate into level 3 (the alpine setting) and so on.
Factual errors: SPOILER: After examining Cobb's US Passport, the Immigration Agent stamps it. Passports of US Citizens returning from abroad are not stamped by US Immigration.
Incorrectly regarded as goofs: SPOILER: When Cobb and Mal commit suicide in front of the train, they look young, although we have been told that they had already spent decades in limbo by that point. This is deliberate, an artifact of Cobb's happy recollections. A later scene in which he reflects on their life together revisits this shot, and the actors are aged to show Cobb's corrected memory of the events.
Incorrectly regarded as goofs: SPOILER: It is established that the being asleep for the duration of the ten hour flight would equal about a week of dream time in the first layer. The characters agree they must rush things because of Saito's injury and the impression is given that Yusuf is driving around for maybe an hour or so in the van, however, when the group awakes they are 20 minutes from landing in Los Angeles. However, it is only Cobb who wakes up, while the others in the group were awake before then.
Plot holes: SPOILER: At the beginning of the film we see Saito wake up from the fortress dream to be in the apartment of his mistress, and he states he knows that he is in a dream. Also after he wakes from that one he is well aware of Cobb and Arthur. However, when Fischer wakes up from the dream on the 747 he does not notice any of the people around him who were prominent parts of his dream.
Idd had Fischer ze moeten herkennen. Dat de tijd niet klopte vermoedde ik idd ook al in de film (staat ook wel ergens in mijn replies).
hmmm ik moet dit eigenlijk niet lezen