Wow, die geluiden is nog wat het meeste indruk maakt op me, die klinken zo heerlijk 
Hier nog een Q&A voor de geinteresseerden:
D-LordD-Lord : Will the hardcore mode stay for Vietnam?
DICEfigge: Yes, there will be hardcore mode available.
MasonMason: Are Vietnam maps available for all modes, including Squad DM?
DICEfigge: Yes, all modes are available on all maps!
ChargerCarl: Will Vietnam stats show up under BC2 or as a separate game?
DICEfigge: Everything you score in Vietnam will count towards your normal progression, so you will still get your ranks and unlocks, regardless if you play vanilla or Vietnam.
MattMatt: Can the flamethrower be reloaded with the ammo, or do you have to die to get if full again?
DICE_cmd: Yes, the flamethrower replenishes your ammo while standing next to an ammo box.
Derozero: Do you still have magnum ammo and body armor specs?
DICEfigge: You will be able to use all specializations you have unlocked, with the exception of those too modern to have an equivalent in the Vietnam era (which is only two) [that would be motion sensor and spotting scope -- Editor's note].
daniel44: how big are the maps compared to the now available?
DICE_cmd: The maps have the same size mix as BC2, but since it's in Vietnam there is more forest and trenches to hide in that promotes infantry fighting!
dariuszek: Is knife killing in Vietnam the same as in Bad Company 2?
DICE_cmd: Yes it is, but we have actually tweaked knifing in both BC2 and Vietnam to get a quicker response in both games!
MAC MAC: why is there no possibility to hang a tank onto a helicopter?
DICEzh1nt0: Because that feature wasn't used a lot in the original Vietnam so we removed it to fit in other cool things in the game.
Shmil Shmi: Will the recon class get anything to replace motion mines?
DICEfigge: Yes, they'll be able to use both the TNT and mortar at the same time.
Nick930930: Can you still spot enemies for the rest of your team by pressing "Select"?
DICE_cmd: Spotting mechanics are the same as in BC2.
Kenny Kenny: Did you guys tweak the Thompson and M1 at all or will it handle exactly like BFBC2?
DICE_cmd: All weapons in Vietnam have unique tweaks compared to BC2.
Bach: Will there be any cows in the game?
DICE_Kleanupguy: We care for all animals here at Dice. We would never put an animal in such a dangerous enviroment.
Josh: What weapons on Huey?
DICE_zh1nt0: You have the main weapon for the pilot which are rockets. 2 side mounted guns as well.
Jayross: In Vietnam Rush, what are we destroying? Not M-coms, I bet.
DICE_cmd: You are destroying the radio communication centrals.
M'n default char is recon + shotgun waarbij ik motion sensors spam dus zal ff wennen zonder ze maarja spotten doet het gelukkig nog wel 
edit: ben benieuwd hoe die flamethrower uitpakt, in rush een kistje aanzetten en campen met flamethrower klinkt wel ERG makkelijk...
Laatst bewerkt: 20 dec 2010