1: Discreet - Kill in Discreet Status(get into High Profile mode just before assassinating your target)
2: Silent - Kill in Silient status (stay out of High Profile mode just before assassinating your target)
3:Incognito - Kill when always remaining Silent ( do not ever use High Profile mode)
4: Acrobatic - Kill from an acrobatic position (climbing, hanging, airborne)
rop Kill - Kill a target by grabbing them from a ledge
* Be hanging from a ledge and pull you victim over
6:Focus - Kill after waiting 3 seconds in kill range (until a while bar fully encircles the Assassins icon above your targets head)
7:Hidden - Kill while in a hiding spot
Revenge - Kill an agent that killed you
Grounded - Kill a target while there on the ground
8:First Blood - First kill in the session
oacher - Kill your target with another pursuer on the way, less then 10 meters away
10:Mid-Air - Shoot your target with the hidden gun while they are in the air
oison - Kill your target with the poison ability
12:Intercepted - Kill your target that had just been Poisoned by another pursuer

avior - Kill a target that is less then 10 meters from there target
13:Aerial - Kill * I know the bonus pops up but there is no description in the menu or the strategy guide. So unsure if this is needed. For this I believe you can just be standing on a roof looking down at your enemy and just press
Escape - Escape a pursuer Chasing you
ouble Escape - Escape two pursuers Chasing you
15:Triple Escape - Escape three pursuers chasing you
16:Close Call - Escape a chasing pursuer who is less then 10 meters away from you
Chain - Perform an Escape and kill a target in under 10 seconds
17: Lure - Have your pursuer kill an innocent or a Decoy with the same skin as you while next to you (with a full compass)
18: Stun - Stun a pursuer
Variety - 5 different Bonuses performed
Greater Variety - 10 different Bonuses performed
Extreme Variety - 15 different Bonuses performed
19:Co-Op Kill - Kill a target Locked on by a teammate
20: Co-Op Stun - Stun a pursuer Locked on by a teammate
21:Multi-Kill - Have your team kill 2 targets in a row in less then10 seconds
22:Rescue - Stun the pursuer of a teammate
iversion - Kill a target Chased by your team mate and not by you
24:Knocked Out - Have your team Stun 2 Pursuers in a row in less than 10 seconds
Good Start - Be in the team that finishes first in the first round
Team Win - Be in the team that wins the session
Podium - Finish First, second, or third in a match
Average Kills - Have the best kill/death ratio in a match
Survivor - Be the player with the fewest deaths in a match
Untouchable - Do not be killed a single time in a match
*Must obtain atleast 1 kill
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