[XOne] The Darkness 2

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 28 jul 2009.

  1. Daz

    Daz Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Absoluut. Naarmate je verder komt des te beter de game wordt! Zeer onderschatte game imo.
  2. Camo81

    Camo81 Dood en Verderf

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Darkness is zeker een vette game.
  3. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vond het wel een aardige game, het begon geweldig maar vond het later steeds minder leuk worden eigenlijk. Vooral die gekke 'nazi' levels ofzo vond ik helemaal niks. Ook het schieten vond ik niet lekker aanvoelen en hoe poppetjes neervielen al helemaal niet. Paar hele toffe momenten maar toch des te verder ik kwam, werd het steeds minder leuk....gewoon bijna saai eigenlijk wel.

    Just me ;)
  4. Le Lastpak

    Le Lastpak (◕‿◕✿)

    Leuk Bevonden:
    The Darkness vind ik juist dan weer geweldig. Het schietwerk is juist lekker fris en verrassend.

    Ik moest trouwens wel de aim ff tweaken. Dat je aim automatisch de vijanden volgt vond ik niet echt fijn werken.


    Ik zit nu ff wat gameplay beelden te bekijken om m'n geheugen op te frissen en OMG, wat een geweldige game was dit. Deze zit zeker in m'n top 5 favo 360 games.

    Laatst bewerkt: 8 feb 2011
  5. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik kan je het spel alleen maar aanraden! Inmiddels zal de besturing gedateerd aanvoelen, het is allemaal net wat minder soepel dan de hedendaagse shooter. Uiteindelijk is dat ook niet waar The Darkness omdraait. Het spel zet een briljante sfeer neer met memorabele personages, sfeervolle omgevingen en gevoel van duisternis en melancholiek. Het spel is gewelddadig en bloederig en je grootste wapen is uiteindelijk The Darkness, niet je pistolen. Het verhaal is echt super goed, een mix van een verhaal over mafia en wraak met horror. Als je nog eens een shooter wilt dat meer draait om het verhaal en de personages dan om de actie, speel dan The Darkness. Daar wil ik nog aan toevoegen dat de actie niet eens slecht is, want ondanks de matige besturing, kent het spel heel veel hoogtepunten qua gameplay. Zulke vette shoot-outs, zo veel toffe gesprekken, zo veel bijzondere mensen die je tegenkomt in de stad en in de metro. Als er één spel is met veel hoogtepunten, dan is het wel The Darkness.
  6. EagleScream

    EagleScream Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    wtf, ik had eerst the darkness, en dat is echt het stomste spel ooit.
  7. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Mja....er zaten absoluut hele toffe stukken in. Het begin is echt heel nice gedaan, en hoe alles zich opbouwt. Maar er zaten ook stukken in die het plezier er voor mij flink uit haalden, gewoon rare stukken die gewoonweg niet leuk waren ook. Het was cool om rond te lopen door die straten en rond te lopen in dat trein gebied maar toch mistte het iets.
  8. Le Lastpak

    Le Lastpak (◕‿◕✿)

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik snap de kritiek niet helemaal. De balans van tegen de wereld vechten met de steun en strijd van The Darkness vond ik perfect uitgewerkt. Heerlijke sfeer, goede verhaallijn. Dit is een perfecte revenge game.

    Het stukje in de eerste wereldoorlog, waar je 2x terecht komt vond ik ook minder. Na een tijdje heb je wel door hoe het werkt en dan is het wel redelijk te doen(beetje eentonig en simpel). Het klopt dat niet alle stukken goed zijn uitgewerkt, dat is wel jammer. Maar de game heeft meer dan genoeg positieve punten zodat ik het een zeer sterke game kan vinden.
  9. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Op het begin vond ik Hell echt gaar, maar als je dan eenmaal je grootvader of opa tegen kwam werd het echt prachtig. Die muziek ook, heerlijk! Echt een van de weinige games waar ik echt wat voor voelde tijdens het spelen. Die hele scene in die weeshuis met het ultieme eindstuk met Jenny is gewoon echt ijzersterk, voelde echt met Jackie mee toen op een of andere manier. :+

  10. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maar qua gameplay waren die WWI levels niet al te best. Ben wel benieuwd hoe het verhaal van deel 2 verder gaat, ik heb de comics heel lang gevolgd (volgens mij van deel 1 tot ongeveer del 60 + alle crossovers) maar kan me niet herinneren dat Jenny in de comic dood ging.

    Hoop dat er meer Angelus in zit deze keer. Of anders gewoon een keiharde gangsterstory.

    Beste verhaal in de comics vond ik volgende mij de crossover met Batman maar dat zal er wel niet in zitten denk ik :+
  11. allstyles

    allstyles Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    zo te lezen op het internet gaat deel 2 over de periode dat jackie denkt dat de darkness hem in de steek laat of verlaten heeft....

    Dat vond ik in de comics nou niet echt een geweldige periode :{

    Maar fok dat, weer een nieuwe darkness game _O_ _O_ \o/
  12. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja dus :'-(:

    Ik heb echt niks met cel shaded, vond de stijl in deel 1 perfect. Blijf er zwaar sceptisch over, had liever Starbreeze aan deel 2 zien werken.
  13. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fuck. :mad:
  14. allstyles

    allstyles Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    mee eens, had ook liever gezien dat starbreeze hem moest maken.

    darkness en riddick zijn beide top games \o/
  15. Dr0kz

    Dr0kz Niet?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Bah... vond de stijl van 1 perfect voor de game paste er goed bij en zag er gewoon erg goed uit.

  16. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En treinstations er ook uit? Zonde, vond ik juist heel tof. Ik denk dat het nu gewoon een spel met verschillende levels en missies wordt, in plaats van een open wereld. Dan ook nog eens dat halve cell-shaded, wat echt stom is. Tot nu toe teleurgesteld.
  17. xboxlol

    xboxlol Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Bah! cell-shaded? Daarmee verpest je het hele spel. Die donkere sfeer paste juist bij het spel. :mad:

    Dat het van oorsprong van een comic af komt, hoeft het nog niet cell-shaded te zijn.

    Ik hoop dat ze snel terugkomen van die keuze. Anders kunnen ze van mij lekker oprotten. =(

    Starbreeze FTW! \o/
  18. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    The Darkness II Preview
    We shed some light on The Darkness II and catch up on the life and times of Jackie Estacado.

    Jackie Estacado has it rough. As the protagonist of 2007's The Darkness--a first-person shooter based on the comic series of the same name--Jackie led a content life with his girlfriend, Jenny. However, on his 21st birthday, a malevolent force awoke within him and drew our unfortunate hero down a path of violence, hardship, and sacrifice. It was the darkness--a primal force of creation and chaos passed down through the Estacado family for generations. It has been roughly four years since we parted ways with The Darkness, and since then, it has changed hands from developer Starbreeze to Digital Extremes. We recently met up with publisher 2K Games to watch a demonstration of The Darkness II in motion and see what changes the new developer has in store.

    The darkness has awoken once more, and it hungers.

    Our first look at the game started off, appropriately enough, in the dark. We could hear the steady beat of a hammer not far in the distance. As our character opened his eyes, we could see that a hand--Jackie's hand--was having a large, metal spike nailed through it. He was being crucified in the dim confines of what appeared to be a filthy torture chamber. Our captor was apparently a mysterious crippled man who appeared to be gloating at our distress while surrounded by jackbooted thugs. As he spoke, Jackie's gaze dropped from his punctured hand down to his midsection. A steady stream of wispy, black essence was flowing freely from his gut and into an ornate canister. We were obviously bearing witness to some dark ritual, but how did we get here?

    Right on cue, a flashback transported us back to the prior events. Jackie Estacado, now the don of the Franchetti crime family, had just arrived at an opulent Italian restaurant and was being led to his specially prepared table. As he walked through the establishment, we got our first good look at The Darkness II's new art style. Forgoing the strict realism of the previous game, the sequel draws inspiration from its comic-book origins. Soft, black outlines framed the objects and people, while the in-game textures had a beautiful, hand-painted look to go with the soft glow of the eatery. The entire scene was very noir. Beyond its looks, the restaurant was alive with chatter as patrons paid their respects to the new don or, in the case of one heavyset woman, complained about the lack of spice in the ravioli.

    There were two lovely ladies awaiting Jackie when he arrived at his table. After a bit of flirtatious small talk, our hero managed to tear his eyes away from their cleavage just long enough to spot a nondescript white van right before it crashed through the window facing him. Jackie was instantly blown back. When he came to, it was to the sounds of gunfire and hysterical shouting. He couldn't move because one of his legs had been mangled into a bloody stump. Fortunately, the new don's trusty bodyguard was at least ready to drag his boss to safety while Jackie opened fire on his attackers. Armed with only a pistol, Jackie dispatched one jumpsuit-wearing thug after another while being pulled back through the restaurant.

    As our wounded hero reached the restaurant's exit, we flashed back to our present predicament. The misshapen man who had been looming around Jackie's punctured body once again reappeared, this time screaming in his face. His head was cocked to one side to emphasize his bulging eye and twisted, wrinkled features. He knew about the near-limitless power of the darkness that resided within Jackie, and he wanted it. The game then flashed back to the wreckage of the restaurant after the attack. Jackie's bodyguard was now dead, leaving him unarmed and helpless as one of the assailants squatted over him and slowly lined up the coup de grâce. Just as our foe was commenting on how weak Jackie looked lying on the floor, our hero's darkness powers sprang to life, and in an instant, Jackie tossed the man aside like a toy.

    The darkness then drew Jackie up above the three remaining attackers, who could do little but gawk and curse at the horror unfolding before them. Our character's bloody stump of a leg was pulled into view and quickly rebuilt before our eyes. Unable to handle the scene any longer, the three thugs opened fire only to be swiftly annihilated by way of impalement with a black tendril. Our demonic tentacles were back; their broken, guttural voice once again provided by singer-songwriter Mike Patton. One was for biting; the other for slashing. And both bore a razor-toothed grin. What followed next was a long and bloody fight through the streets of Little Italy.

    Your numerous attacks can be combined for devastating results.

    Whoever wanted us dead had spared no expense in hiring henchmen. They lined up in droves and one after the other had their hearts ripped out, limbs torn off, or (if they were lucky) were simply shot in the face. With the darkness active, Jackie could also interact with his environment. At one point, he ripped the door off of a car and used it as cover while shooting through the broken window. When he was finished with it, he tossed it away, crushing two foes at once in the process. And because this was New York, there were parking meters everywhere. On command, Jackie could send out a tendril to scoop one out of the ground and impale unfortunate targets.

    In the midst of all this blood and carnage, we were once again pulled back to the present. As our character hung helplessly from the spikes in his hands, his captor revealed that he must choose to willingly give up the darkness for this ritual to work. Jackie was, understandably, reluctant. To give him a little encouragement, the old man set one of his goons on him to start loosening his teeth. One nasty crack to the skull sent us back to the past one last time. Jackie was now standing alone in a subway station under some blinding lights. Because his power comes from darkness, our hero finds anything bright very discomforting. The game represented this with numerous audio and visual cues. Our vision was heavily blurred, sounds were muffled, and our ears rang with a constant ping from the fluorescent lights above. The darkness tentacles had also retreated, leaving Jackie considerably more vulnerable than before. The lights were quickly shot out, darkness fell, and his power returned.

    Eat your heart out Ridley Scott.

    As Jackie worked his way though the subway station, we spied one of his darkling minions terrorizing a few civilians. Wrapped in a battered union jack, this demonic creature will play a much larger role in The Darkness II than his cohorts did in the previous entry. Rounding the next corner--alongside his foul-mouthed sidekick--Jackie was immediately ambushed by more jumpsuit commandos. Armed with a pistol, submachine gun, and two hungry tendrils, we finally got to see quad-wielding in action. Our demonstration used an Xbox 360 gamepad, with the two firearms mapped to the shoulder buttons and the demonic tentacles mapped to the bumpers. Walking and aiming were, of course, mapped to the analog sticks.

    When all four attacks were used in concert, our character could dispatch foes with frightening efficiency. At any given moment, Jackie was doing at least two things at once--whether it was picking up an enemy with the tendrils before peppering him with bullets or throwing objects at one enemy while shooting at another. However, the most gruesome attacks were the finishing moves. One technique, dubbed the wishbone, snatched up an opponent by his ankles and, with a quick snap, bisected him into two halves. The Darkness II certainly spared no time for subtlety. Combat looked highly destructive, both for the environment, as well as the enemies, and at the center was Jackie--the living avatar of chaos. As long as he made sure to shoot out all the pesky lights, his power went unmatched on the battlefield. The carnage was cut short as we flashed back to the present, back to our own personal hell as the hulking brute finished working over Jackie's face. A sizable puddle of blood had pooled at our character's feet as the old man babbled on about how we don't deserve this power and how he was doing us a favor. Then we heard a voice--a whisper--in our hero's ear. It was the darkness, commanding Jackie to break free. Fed up with his bindings, he ripped his left hand free from its implement and pulled the metal spike free as well just in time to drive it through the temple of a nearby thug. Next, he dispatched the lone overhead light and allowed the darkness to dispatch those left in the room. Only the old man survived. But, before making his escape, he turned and told us never to regret missing the chance to be rid of the darkness. As door slammed behind him the scene melted away. Our demo was over.

    "We have taken a fresh approach with up close and personal combat that delivers the core fantasy of being a powerful hitman with demonic powers," explained Tom Galt, lead designer on The Darkness II. "The powers we’re showing off in this demo--the Demon Arms and Darklings--culminate in violent and intense gameplay. The Demon Arms are the best example of our approach. In the original Darkness it had to be equipped with the D-pad to be used, but to support our gameplay direction we made them always available and created our gestural slash system that makes melee combat in a [first-person shooter] really fun and rewarding to use."

    Armed with guns, demons, and a demonic helper, Jackie Estacado is a living arsenal.

    From what we saw, The Darkness II is looking to deliver the same intense, cinematic single-player experience as its predecessor. The graphical style was an interesting hybrid of the smooth, stylized look seen in games such as Team Fortress 2 with the gritty realism of the first game. Paul Jenkins, author of the first game and one of the writers on the original comic series, is also returning to pen this project. "It’s that relationship between the player and other characters that we’re focusing on in order to tell a very personal story about Jackie and his struggle with the Darkness," Galt said. "We treat every interaction with other characters as a chance to build their story and give the player a chance to develop an emotional attachment to Jackie and the people in his life." Check out The Darkness II this fall on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC.




  19. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mhm, gaat dus niet meteen verder waar deel 1 stopte: The Darkness die Jackie totaal overnam. Al heb ik het einde van de game nooit echt helemaal begrepen.
  20. Wildstylez NL

    Wildstylez NL Kapitein Iglo

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je eerste regel heb je helemaal gelijk. Het speel zag er voor die tijd ook ontzettend goed uit. Dus van mij part mogen ze dezelfde engine gebruiken. Al kan het tegenwoordig nog mooier.

    Van mij part hoeft het niet zo te voelen als de comic. En ze mogen indd echt erop terug komen. Als het cell-shaded word hoeft het van mij ook niet echt.

    The darkness is voor mij nog steeds 1 van de beste spellen met emotie. Heb hem ook te vaak opnieuw gespeeld. Om die reden ook nooit het speel verkocht. Waar andere spellen gewoon weg hoe goed ze ook mogen zijn.

    Binnenkort maar waar eens uit de kast trekken.

    edit: Had niet goed de foto's bekeken. Maar het zier er voor cell-shaded toch wel goed uit gelukkig. Het is niet TE cell shaded.
    Laatst bewerkt: 26 feb 2011

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