[Centraal] Playstation Store

Discussie in 'PlayStation Hardware' gestart door Kevf, 25 apr 2008.

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  1. Nukem 007

    Nukem 007 Tots units fem força

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die gratis Infamous kan je dus wel downloaden als je geen PS+ bent?
  2. Pegas

    Pegas XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Yup, van zodra het Welcome Pack gedoe online komt.
  3. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Iedereen kreeg toch sowieso een maandje gratis PS+? Dus dan kan ik ook Burnout Paradise binnen halen?
  4. WinterBase


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja volgens mij wel, alleen na een maand kun je 'm dus niet meer spelen mits je weer Plus neemt :p
  5. Nukem 007

    Nukem 007 Tots units fem força

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nice! Ik wil Burnout Paradise ook wel spelen. :)
  6. Rivanov

    Rivanov Apple Fanboy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    PlayStationEU op Twitter.
  7. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    store doet het, maar ik kan niks downloaden. Ik krijg een 80023103 error. Beetje vaag, want die zou moeten slaan op het toevoegen van geld en ik wil alleen maar wat demo's downloaden

    Ik zie ook FFVI online btw, is dat niet voor veel mensen de beste FF ooit? (of iig voor de 'kenners')
  8. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Maar dit gaat niet op voor de niet PS+ games toch? Als ik bijvoorbeeld Dead Nation En Wipeout download, dan blijven die gratis toch?
  9. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    die blijven gratis ;)

    downloaden lukt nu wel. Volgens mij zijn de servers sneller geworden! Zit nu netjes op de max van mijn wireless. (1200kB per sec)
  10. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Bij mij gaat het anders enorm traag, ben al sinds een uur of 11 InFamous 2 demo aan het downloaden. Nu pas 80%, normaal is zo'n 2.5GB demo binnen een half uurtje binnen.
  11. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    vaag ik zit al op 56% en ben aan het downen vanaf mijn vorige post
  12. MAD 1976

    MAD 1976 Useless info here...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waar is die Infamous 2 demo?? Kan hem niet vinden!

    Ook de Beyond good and evil Hd remake zie ik niet; wel als reclame dat je met plus (heb ik) 20% korting krijgt....maar ik kan em niet vinden!

  13. GForce

    GForce Danica Patrick

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Voor veel maar niet de meeste ;)

    Was FFVI niet al een tijdje uit? Of was dat op de Wii?
  14. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Er is een demo van no more heroes paradise :D

    snel ff downen

    edit: ook van The Fight zie ik en nog wat spellen
  15. Rick

    Rick Extreme gamer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het welcome pack is geactiveerd,ben nu bezig met modnation racers te downloaden voor de psp.
  16. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Welcome Back Content Is Available Now; Frequently Asked Questions Answered

    With the PlayStation Store back online, we’ve been getting all caught up this week, having launched an abundance of amazing content for download on PlayStation 3 and PSP. Today, we’re excited to launch the Welcome Back program to thank you for your loyalty and below we’ve detailed what is available, how to go about downloading it and a list of frequently asked questions.

    Thanks again for your patience and understanding as we restored the PlayStation Network and Qriocity services – your support has meant a lot to us and is greatly appreciated.
    Q: What’s in the Welcome Back Program?
    A: To start, all PSN members who had signed up before the outage (April 21, 2011) will be able to select two free games for the PS3 and two free games for the PSP.
    For PS3 owners, go to the ‘Welcome Back’ section in the PlayStation Store, and select 2 titles from the following list:
    • Dead Nation
    • inFAMOUS
    • LittleBigPlanet
    • Ratchet & Clank: Quest for Booty
    • Wipeout HD + Fury
    For PSP owners, go to the ‘Welcome Back’ section of PlayStation Store on your PSP system and select 2 titles from the following list:
    • LittleBigPlanet (PSP)
    • ModNation Racers
    • Pursuit Force
    • Killzone Liberation
    *For the German market, InFamous and Dead Nation will be replace with Super Stardust HD and Hustle Kings in the selection of PS3 games. Pursuit Force and Killzone Liberation will be replaced with Everybody’s Golf 2 and Buzz Junior Jungle Party in the selection of PSP games. Killzone Liberation will not offer online gameplay functionality.
    How to claim your free games
    • Go to PlayStation Store from the XMB
    • Click on the Welcome Back banner on the Storefront or the Latest tab
    • Go into the Welcome Back category and select the ‘PlayStation 3 Free Games’ item, and then select ‘Get Now’ on the following screen
    • You will be taken back to the Welcome Back section where you will be able to select your two free games
    • These instructions are applicable to both PS3 and PSP
    In addition, we’re giving free access to our premium subscription service, PlayStation Plus, which includes free games, huge discounts, exciting exclusives and added features like online storage and automatic downloads, to all PSN members for 30 days at no charge, requiring no long term commitment. As with the games above, go to the PlayStation Store and under the ‘Welcome Back’ section, select ‘PlayStation Plus: 30 Days Free’, and you’ll be given access to all of the benefits of PlayStation Plus. Note that this will not auto-renew and simply expires 30 days after activation.

    Current Plus subscribers had an extra 60 days added to their existing subscription at no charge. For current Plus subscribers, no action is needed as the 60 days have automatically been added to your subscription. Another additional 10 days will be added to your subscription in a few days’ time.

    PlayStation Network users will also get a large number of free virtual items in PlayStation Home as a show of appreciation for your patience while Home was inaccessible. More information and will be available in the near future, so watch out for any announcements from the PlayStation Home team.

    A selection of “On Us” movie rentals are currently available to PlayStation Network customers this weekend only, where Video Service is available.

    Finally, current Music Unlimited Premium subscription members will receive an additional 60 days of free premium subscription. Any Music unlimited free trial users who were affected by the outage will receive 30 days of service.

    Q: When will I have access to the Welcome Back Program?
    A: The content offered as part of the Welcome Back Program is available for download today and will be available for 30 days.
    Q: I have both PS3 and PSP. Does this mean I will get 4 games all together?
    A: Yes, as long as you were a PSN member before April 20, 2011, you’ll be able to receive up to 4 games based on the titles listed above; 2 on each platform.
    Q: Are there any limitations to the PS3 and PSP games we are receiving for free as part of the Welcome Back Program?
    A: None. These games are yours to keep.
    Q: I no longer have the option to choose my free Welcome Back games. What can I do?
    A: If you navigate away from the Welcome Back section of the store without choosing your free games or exit the store completely you may need to follow the below in order to choose and download your free games.
    1. On your PlayStation 3 or PlayStation Portable navigate to the PlayStation Network icon on the XMB
    2. Log into your PlayStation Network account and choose Account Management > Transaction Management > Services List
    3. Choose “PlayStation Network Promotions” from the list of services displayed
    4. Select either “PS3 Free Games” or “PSP Free Games” and then choose “Select Content”
    You will be taken to the store to choose your remaining free games.
    Q: When does the 30 days of my PlayStation Plus access expire?
    A: Your PlayStation Plus 30 day access will expire 30 days from the date you activated it in PlayStation Store.
    Q: Do I get to keep the free games in PlayStation Plus forever?
    A: Content that is free in PlayStation Plus will not be available after your PlayStation Plus time has expired. However, if you decide to join PlayStation Plus, you’ll have access to all of the content you downloaded during your 30 day access for as long as you are a subscriber.
    Q: Do I get to keep any games or content I purchased with the PlayStation Plus discount?
    A: Yes. Any content you purchase at a discount is yours to keep, regardless of your subscription status.
    Q: What content will be in PlayStation Plus when I activate my 30 days?
    A: A full list of available PlayStation Plus content and discounts for our Welcome Back customers was detailed on the blog earlier this week.
    Q: Where can I find the Welcome Back content in Home?
    A: We are still putting our Welcome Back content for Home together and will communicate this soon. Check back here for more details – our aim is to give away content that has not been available before.
    Remember, if you didn’t see your question answered above, drop us a line below and we’ll do our best to answer it. Welcome Back!

  17. OniRyo

    OniRyo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Eindelijk!, ik ben nu Ratchet & Clank + Wipeout aan het downloaden(ik heb nooit een Ratchet & Clank gespeeld :+).
  18. pacboyslim

    pacboyslim jump for joy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nou, leuk hoor. Bij mij geeft die aan dat het weer in maintenance is...:'-(
  19. Sasuke26

    Sasuke26 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Infamous, Wipeout en Burnout Paradise aangezet:)

    @Pacboyslim: Deed hij mij ook en 100x een foutcode maar ben gaan drukken en op een gegeven moment lukt het wel.
  20. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben zo aan het twijfelen over Dead Nation. Game lijkt me niet echt wat, maar het is wel de enige samen met R&C die ik nog niet heb. :+
    Ik zou inFamous opnieuw kunnen pakken, maar hoe groot is de kans dat ik het ook daadwerkelijk opnieuw ga spelen? Hm. Twijfels.

    En nu ook nog uitzoeken hoe ik bij de PSP games kom.
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