[XOne] Battlefield 3 [Deel 2]

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door s0kkie, 25 jul 2011.

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  1. s0kkie

    s0kkie Nicolas Corbin

    Leuk Bevonden:


    [gb]BATTLEFIELD 3[/gb]

    Ontwikkelaar: Dice
    Uitgever: EA
    Genre: Shooter
    Platform(s): PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3
    Spelers: Multiplayer: 24
    Releasedatum: 27 Oktober 2011
    Officiële Website: http://www.battlefield3.com
    XBW Gamepage: onbekend

    - New Engine (Frostbite 2)
    - Multiplayer
    - Singleplayer campaign
    - Co-Op campaign
    - Jets voertuigen
    - Prone ability, oftewel je kan nu liggen op de grond

    [gb]Limited Edition[/gb]

    In de limited edition zit een uitbreiding genaamd 'Back to Karkand', hierin zitten 4 maps uit Battlefield 2, maar nu 're-imagined' met de frostbite 2 engine. Hiernaast zal deze uitbreiding ook wapens en voertuigen uit Battlefield 2 bevatten, en nieuwe rewards & achievements. Voor de mensen die geen limited edition halen zal deze addon een maand nadat Battlefield 3 is uitgekomen te koop zijn.












    [gb]BOX ART=(/gb]


    Startpost gemaakt door Sloober :thumbs:
  2. Camo81

    Camo81 Dood en Verderf

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deeltje 2 hiephoi
  3. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Even zonder gekkigheid... zie nu meerdere van jullie praten ( in't vorige topic ) over de PS3 footage. Ik zeg, waar dan? :eek:
  4. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zo reteveel zin in deze game en dan vooral dat tanklevel, uit dat filmpje op YT. Dat lijkt me zo vet en doet me ook een beetje denken aan COD 2, in de Noord Afrikaanse woestijn.
  5. RemcoM

    RemcoM Ash and molten glass like Eyjafjallajökull

    Leuk Bevonden:
    oa dit filmpje.

    En nog een vergelijking.
  6. iveL

    iveL Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Op welke site kan ik het goedkoopst de limited editon pre-orderen?
  7. RemcoM

    RemcoM Ash and molten glass like Eyjafjallajökull

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Bij de Wehkamp.
  8. Loonens

    Loonens Mclovin!!

    Leuk Bevonden:
  9. Camo81

    Camo81 Dood en Verderf

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als je hem snel wilt hebben bij mediaoffer, 49,95

    Anders kan je em miss goedkoper uit het buitenland krijgen maar dat moet je zelf even bekijken..
  10. iveL

    iveL Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oké bedankt iedereen :D
  11. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    DICE: Gamers 'shouldn't worry' about Battlefield 3's 720p, 30fps

    The PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of Battlefield 3 will support 720p resolution and run at 30 frames per second, facts console gamers shouldn't be worrying themselves about, according to DICE VP and general manager Karl Magnus Troedsson.

    Click to view larger image
    "Console gamers shouldn't worry about this, this topic is discussed out of proportions," he told Gaming Examiner.

    "For those tech-savvy enough to have looked into the actual resolution of their console games it won't come as a surprise that a lot of console games today do not run at 1080p but rather 720p. We've done this for our last games and we believe it can still look amazing. When people ask for 1080p they don't see the compromises that would be needed to get there.

    "As for the frame-rate we've made a conscious decision to stick with 30 FPS on console," he added. "It's not a technical problem with getting our game to run in 60 FPS but we do this in favour of the large amount of players, large scale maps, huge amount of vehicles, full on destruction and so on. The pace in Battlefield is slightly slower than some other twitchy shooters of today which lends itself well to this frame-rate."

    Infinity Ward has said that rival shooter Modern Warfare 3 "will be locked at 60 FPS".

    This week, DICE also moved to assure fans that the cuts it has made to the console versions of Battlefield 3 are the cleverest compromises it could have made.

    [ Source: Gaming Examiner ]


    Laatst bewerkt: 26 jul 2011
  12. Defanatic

    Defanatic blauw beest

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het klinkt alsof Dice goed bezig is, de eerste gameplaybeelden zien er prima uit en ik kan leven met de indeling van de klasses. Het enige wat er fout kan gaan is een singleplayer die zichzelf (te) serieus neemt maar ik speel de game toch vooral voor de multiplayer en daar kijk ik echt naar uit.
  13. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Dit is wel shit bij Mediaoffer...maar ja.

    Betreft de Limited Editie:

    Wij gaan er op dit moment vanuit dat alle pre-orders een limited editie zullen ontvangen. Echter is er altijd de kans dat onze leverancier alsnog aangeeft dat het niet om de limited editie zal gaan.

    Indien u een pre-order heeft geplaatst en het zal niet om de limited editie gaan zal u hier tijdig voor release over worden geïnformeerd.
  14. ThunderCrasH

    ThunderCrasH Ja toch?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als één van jullie een key binnen krijgt voor de BF3 PC alpha en je kunt hem niet gebruiken door wat dan ook, dan zou ik hem graag van je willen overnemen!

    Ik krijg zelf 'You don't meet the criteria' maar ik ga er maar gewoon vanuit dat het random is en dat Veteran status enzo er niks mee te maken hebben.

    Je kunt het hier proberen: https://bf3alpha.battlefield.com/index.php?id=1
  15. Madsamke

    Madsamke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik krijg de idem melding, voldoe ook niet aan de criteria, kan EA misschien uitleggen wat de criteria dan uberhaupt zijn?
  16. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De criteria is misschien de uitnodiging?
  17. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Volgens mij ook.

    Als je een uitnodiging hebt ontvangen (die gestuurd word naar het mailadres wat aan je EA account gelinkt is) kun je daar wel inloggen
  18. Schil1

    Schil1 GT : Schil1

    Leuk Bevonden:
    het is nu augustus en ik mag aannemen dat deze maand toch wel een keer x-box360 beelden komen ?
  19. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Ik verwacht ze nu toch echt wel tijdens de Gamescom.
  20. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Was dit al bekend?

    Van de BF3 blog

    Battlefield 3 Alpha impressions
    On July 24th, 2011 in Editorial, News

    One of our members was lucky got access to the Battlefield 3 alpha after BF3blog was pretty much banned from the alpha (*cough* possibly related to leaking a bunch of stuff *cough*), and he spend the last few days playing the alpha, clocking in a dozen hours or so. He’s still bound by the NDA, so we won’t be showing any screenshots or videos, but here are the full impressions of the Battlefield 3 alpha so far


    Feels more like Battlefield 2 than Bad Company 2. The pace is a bit quicker than in BF2, but it appears it’s because of the map and the Rush mode.
    You can now strafe run, which adds a lot more than it sounds.
    You can see your legs/feet when looking down or jumping over things. It’s not as weird as it sounds.
    No bunny hopping or dolphin diving.
    3D spotting has been revised. It feels like you need to be more accurate when spotting enemies than in Bad Company 2.
    Classes are a lot better and make more sense (Assault with med kit, Support gives out ammo).

    Everything ran very smooth at high frame rates, it gave it a bit of a “Call of Duty” feeling at times. The game appears to be ready for in-game advertising support (banners etc.). Although it could be just random BF3 banners posted.


    Hit detection feels much better than in Bad Company 2.
    Guns look, sound and feel differently from Bad Company 2. It’s more like BF2 than BC2. Muzzle flash on guns has been reduced compared to BC2, now is on par with BF2.


    Just as crisp and lifelike as in other Battlefield games. It sounds more realistic in BF3, kinda like “war tapes” in Bad Company 2.
    There’s still automated chatter from soldiers around you, including enemies (which reveals their position, like in BC2). No commo rose :mad:


    There was only one vehicle, the LAV-25 APC. Controls felt like Bad Company 2, but the cannon firing and sounds were much more realistic, as if you’re in a real APC. It felt like it took a few more rockets to completely destroy the LAV compared to Bad Company 2.


    The game looks great, no way around that.
    Animations are way ahead of Bad Company 2 or any other FPS.
    Destruction feels more limited than in BC2. There are buildings you can destroy, buildings you can’t. There are walls you can destroy, and walls you can’t. There’s no real way of telling which is which.
    There is also a lot of cover that would have been destroyable in Bad Company 2, but isn’t in BF3. (UPDATE: according to some, destruction has been limited in the alpha for testing purposes, which would explain what we experienced). The lighting is amazing, both in doors and outdoors. Also, you can only shoot out some of the interior lights, not all.


    Award pins have been replaced by BF2-style ribbons.
    There are a bunch of new guns, like the G36C, MP7, M27.
    There are now faction specific weapons and rocket launchers.
    When M-Com stations are armed, a C4 device appears on it. When disarmed, the C4 disappears. 100 points are given for a kill, +10 points for headshots, +30 for kill assist etc. You get 200 points for arming M-Com, another 200 for destroying it.


    The game feels a lot more like Battlefield 2 than Bad Company 2, contrary to what many people think. It was hard to comment on pace, since it’s Rush, limited to 32 players, with tight combat areas — so pacing will naturally be fast. On open, conquest maps with 64 players, I can imagine it feels a lot more like BF2. Also, note that these impressions are for an alpha version — it’s far from a finished product.

    Any questions, feel free to ask in the comments and we’ll try and answer. Also, if you’ve played the alpha, feel free to participate and share your experience in the comments section.
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