Ik denk dat deze review van IMDB er het beste bij past:
I've been a fan of Spiderman since childhood. In fact, he has been my favorite superhero. I liked Spiderman 1, 2 and 3; watched Spiderman 3 twice, despite many reviewers bashing it.
So it's natural I was waiting eagerly for The Amazing Spiderman. I was more eager because this movie was rebooting the Spiderman franchise with new cast that included Indian actor, Irfan Khan and it was getting released in India before US! Unfortunately, it turned out to be a big disappointment. It was like they didn't make a Spiderman movie, but a caricature-remake or a spoof of it. Bad script, confused and weak characters, bad direction and bad editing are some of the major flaws. Story was too bland, no spice, no excitement.
The important scenes where Peter gets bitten or hones his skills or makes his suit have been hurried and short, while the irrelevant scenes have been dragged.
Spiderman gets beaten, defeated, injured repeatedly. In fact, the audience was laughing hard on the repeated scenes of him coming home all thrashed and bruised and his aunt talking to him about it. He keeps removing his mask for just anybody and that's not very Spiderman-like.
Most action scenes were non-thrilling. In a scene where Spiderman rescues a boy from a falling and burning car, he wastes almost 5 minutes trying to convince Jack (the boy) to be brave, climb up and hold his hand. He even gives the boy his mask, but the boy doesn't follow him. So in the end he has to throw his spider-thread to pull Jack up. He could have done that already and spared us of that boredom.
It was just an example. Most encounters between the lizard-man and Spiderman were equally boring, dragged and nonsensical.
There were a lot of loose ends and missing links in the story. Like the story of Peter's parents was never shown, but the characters kept mentioning it. Dr. Ratha talks about some Mr. Osbourne, but neither the man nor his story was shown. Maybe they're keeping it for the sequel, but the confusion totally spoiled this movie. A lot of inconsistencies were there too. Sometimes things stick to Peter's hands and break by little force, sometimes they don't.
The romance between Peter/Spiderman and Gwen looked lukewarm and forced. The scene where the burglar kills Peter's uncle looked awkward and disconnected like many other scenes.
Andrew Garfield didn't look much convincing either as nerdy Peter Parker or as Spiderman. He was good in The Social Network but a disappointment in this movie. In many body-close-up shots he was bending forward apparently to hide his penis-line from showing in the tight-suit. That made the already weak Spiderman look even weaker. Since when have Hollywood actors become this bashful?
Irfan Khan appeared in just 3 short scenes. He was more like an extra. But the audience welcomed him with a bout of whistling!
Everyone seemed to be waiting anxiously for the movie to end, which ends after further boring you for some time after the defeat of the villain. So much I wish, they had made Spiderman 4 with Tobey Maguire instead of this disaster.
Vond gewoon The Lizard als villian totaal niet overtuigend neergezet, (gewoon een groene Voldemort met hagedistrekjes) en voelde bij mij aan als een soort opvulling, van: owja, Spinneman moet nog een enemy hebben. Vond hem verder echt te kut gespeeld door die prof met 1 arm ('extraordinary'...
) Zoals ik al zei, sommige actieslingerscenes waren wel tof, maar de rest er omheen was gewoon kak..Uncle Ben's dood was ook cheesy, wat er met die ouders is gebeurd (te zien in de trailers) wordt nooit echt duidelijk, het is maar een vage bedoeling. Opbouw geweldig? Heb je gezien hoe ie aan ze masker komt? Te lame.
Hoe hij verder aan zn pak komt wordt totaal niet uitgelegd. Op het ene en andere moment had ie opeens zo'n insane Spidermanpak. Wtf.

Actiescenes verder te cliche, je wist precies al wat er ging gebeuren allemaal. Awkward shit. Meest belabberde scene uit de film:
die shit met die hijskranen. Looool.
Owja, en het einde ook:
Met die beloftes. Komt Peter in de klas, die juf: ''You're too late Peter, again..'' Peter ''Yea, next time I'll be on time, I promise'. Die juf antwoordt vervolgens dat ie geen beloftes moet maken die hij niet waar kan/gaat maken ofzo. Zegt Peter: ''Yeah, but those are the best ones.'' Waarop Emma die voor hem zit lacht. Omdat Peter die belofte had gemaakt bij de pa van Emma, dat hij haar buiten alle superheldenshit moet houden. Doet ie dus niet zo. Vond het gewoon te lame hoe ze dat hadden gedaan.
Maar misschien verwacht ik tegenwoordig gewoon wel teveel van die superherofilms. Ach, wat wil je na 2 fantastische Batman films, en hopelijk de 3e. Beter stoppen ze gewoon Carnage en Venom in deel 2, dat zou te insane bruut worden. Dat dan weer wel.