[XOne] Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 [Deel 3]

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door SHiZ NL, 27 nov 2012.

  1. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hopsakee ...

    Mappack 2 is al gelekt!

    ... oh, en deze wil ik graag met jullie delen. Let wel, het geluid loopt flink voor. Filmpje is niet juist gerenderd;

  2. Calias

    Calias Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat zit dit spel toch weer goed in elkaar :+.
  3. Oujdi

    Oujdi Achievement unlocked

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vandaag een Patch update:

    Feature Improvements

    Party Members now appear on the mini map as purple when colorblind assist is turned on.

    Added hint text tool tips for map voter buttons.

    Multiplayer Issues Addressed

    Resolved a known issue with stats resets caused by a failed save process, indicated by receiving a “Persistent Rank Data has been corrupted” error message. Further information can be found here on the Customer Support site.

    Fixed an issue where players could lose functionality and have a blurry screen after viewing a Gamer Card during the round-ending killcam at the end of the first round of a round-based game.

    Addressed an exploit where players could gain XP privately without matchmaking.

    Addressed an issue where the player's EMP grenade blast would cancel out the effects of an enemy's EMP.

    Players will no longer fly into the air when knife lunging other players on certain types of inclines.

    Addressed multiple exploits where players could clip into and shoot from within certain areas on Downhill.

    Fixed an issue with the Skulls Camo Challenge for the RPG unlocking by using other weapons in conjunction with the RPG.

    Addressed an issue with taking control of an AGR while next to a friendly player causing loss of functionality for firing rockets.

    Resolved an issue where spectating would default to 3rd person even though it had been disabled if the player was previously spectating in 3rd person.

    Resolved an issue with dog spawns in Slums.

    Fixed an issue joining Split Screen bot games in-progress when the host had altered party privacy settings.

    Addressed an issue where players could not link their Twitch account in the Multiplayer Party Lobby Options menu.

    Fixed an issue where the player may not die by the train running over them in Express.

    Players in a Split Screen game can no longer access the MP Pause Menu during the round ending killcam, the final killcam, or after the game has ended.

    Addressed an issue in the Split Screen Pause Menu where the Game Mode below the map was being cut off.

    The System Link/LAN Party server list now sorts the available games by Host name.

    Players can no longer set their Clan Tag in non-Public Match lobbies if they haven't reached the unlock level for the Clan Tag feature.

    Addressed an issue where the Expert Challenge Calling Card was not appearing for the Peacekeeper in the Combat Record after completing all the Peacekeeper challenges.

    Players with Level 1 profiles will now see their XP bonus in the After Action Report after a League Play match.

    Resolved an issue where the damage feedback sound was not occurring for the Combat Axe or cluster bomb from the Hellstorm Missile.

    Addressed an issue where the UAV Scorestreak was not being called in for Multi-Team Hardcore matches.

    Addressed an issue where the mini map for tablet Scorestreaks would not appear on the tablet under certain round transition conditions.

    Resolved an issue with care packages bouncing unusually high.

    Fixed an issue where players could not accept invites from the Xbox 360 Dashboard.

    Addressed an issue where players with the Riot Shield could survive dog attacks while prone with the Riot Shield on their back.

    Rapidly pressing the Swap Weapons button no longer inverts the player model’s left hand with the M8A1 equipped.

    Resolved an issue where the lobby score for the winner of a Gun Game match didn’t match the ending score of the match.

    Addressed an issue during rewind in Theater Mode where the waves in Hydro were jittering while the flood is occurring.

    Fixed an issue in Downhill with the light effects on the gondolas not appearing after a Host Migration or round change.

    Players can no longer get out of the map in Downhill by going prone and getting run over by the gondola in the station.

    Dead bodies no longer float if the player dives to prone into a gondola just before getting hit by it.

    Players can now earn the Thief Challenge if they use Black Hat to steal an enemy care package.

    Resolved an issue where the Equipment statistics for the Smoke Grenade were not accurately reflecting in the Combat Record what was achieved in game.

    Fixed an issue in Mirage where players could fall outside the map by diving to prone through a section of door on the Southeast side of the map.

    Addressed an issue where players could get on top of a tent in Grind.

    Fixed an issue in Grind where the player could see outside of the map.

    Addressed exploits where the Dragonfire could get under the map in Mirage and Hydro.

    Gameplay Balancing

    Reduced the red flash damage indicator when using the Toughness Perk.

    Reduced Guardian damage in Hardcore modes.

    Zombies Issues Addressed

    Addressed an issue where the players could not access the in game store.

    Addressed a long black screen issue while players watch the Intro Zombies movie when loading System Link / LAN Party games.

    Players will no longer be seen clipping into the concrete when sliding from the Green to Orange building in Theater Mode on Die Rise.

    Fixed an issue in Zombies Theater Mode where the Who’s Who swirly vision can be seen for players who are not in the mode when switching from players who are.

    Addressed an issue for Split Screen users on Turned Diner in Theater Mode where the eye glow was missing from zombies when viewed in third person and jumping to start.

    Disappearing fog addressed in Theater Mode when flying through the laboratory in Tranzit.

    Fixed a spawn issue for players in Die Rise that spawn on top of the escape pod after a host migration in a 2+ player game.

    Players will no longer be given momentary control of a character before being put into spectator mode when Hot Joining a Custom Game on Nuketown.

    Addressed an issue where players had in-game functionality during the loading countdown timer on Tranzit if a Host Migration occurred during the first 5 seconds of a game.

    Player names will now appear above players when in spectate mode upon hot joining a custom Grief game mode.

    Fixed an issue where Zombies were not spawning in after a Host Migration in a Bus Depot standard match.

    Addressed issue where Sliquifier would create too many slippery spots.

    Addressed an issue in Turned where Zombie vision would disappear after several host migrations occurred.

    Addressed an issue where the players controller would vibrate for a long duration after the player hot joined a game of Tranzit

    Resolved several instances in Die Rise where players could jump above a barricades and avoid Zombie attacks.

    Resolved several instances in Die Rise where players could hide in objects in the world and avoid Zombie attacks.

    Addressed several locations where players can survive a landing in unplayable space.

    Fixed an issue in Die Rise where Zombies could not path to players depending on Tramplesteam positioning

    Fixed an issue where users could not play the game in offline mode.

    Players will now hear announcer dialogue in the Turned game mode.

    Addressed an issue where players are able to start a game of turned with only one player.

    Resolved several instances where players could avoid Zombie attacks by hiding in objects around Tranzit

    Addressed an issue with taking screenshots in Theater mode

    Addressed issues with the Buildables system

    Addressed issues where players would say the wrong dialogue

    Addressed several issues in Die Rise where Zombies had trouble pathing to players.

    Addressed an issue where players could jump out of the playable space in Die Rise.
    Laatst bewerkt: 19 feb 2013
  4. Stephan123

    Stephan123 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ze moeten eens fixen dat ik kan livestreamen op Twitch of youtube. Ik krijg maar de melding dat ik geen 1.5 mb upload heb terwijl ik 20 MB down en up heb
  5. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ze moeten eens de lag issues fixes =( allemaal nietszeggende fixes dit.
  6. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Resolved an issue with care packages bouncing unusually high.

    Beter, ben al een aantal keer en dan zeker op Carrier me care package verloren omdat hij op bizarre wijze de zee in stuitert :).
  7. HaRrIeHaKkEr

    HaRrIeHaKkEr PSN: Zwaarface

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Iemand zin om te spelen ?

    GT: Bolleeder
  8. Plantenpot

    Plantenpot Unregistered User

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben op zoek naar Nederlands/Belgische mensen voor BO2. Ik heb geen intresse voor een clan of iets dergelijks. Stuur maar een PM als je geïnteresseerd bent.
    Het zou fijn zijn als je wel redelijk het spel kan, in teamverband kan spelen, een werkende headset hebt en toch wel minstens 15 jaar bent.

    Het spelen in een 6-man team is toch een stuk fijner, dan spelen met teammates die er of niks van bakken, of spawn-campen. ;)

    Laatst bewerkt: 21 feb 2013
  9. ExoSkeleton

    ExoSkeleton Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    +11111111111 :thumbs:
  10. Stephan123

    Stephan123 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De een heeft een slechte verbinding, de andere een super snelle, hoe wil je dit verschil gaan fixen? :+
  11. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat is het probleem van de gamers zelf ;) Treyarch moet er gewoon voor zorgen dat het spel zo eerlijk mogelijk te spelen is. Liefst zou ik dedicated servers willen zien, maar dat krijgen we waarschijnlijk nooit in een cod game. Vandaag 4 potjes gespeeld. 6 host migrations en 3 potjes was ik telkens een seconde of twee achter en dat andere potje had ik het voordeel.
  12. Stephan123

    Stephan123 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Call of duty is helaas te groot voor dedicated servers.

    Tapatalk HD
  13. Arno24

    Arno24 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb even een vraagje mijn broer speelt vaak Call Of Duty op de ps3.en hij is zondag jarig nu vraag ik me af of er ook accessoires te koop ziijn waardoor het spelen voor hem nog leuker en mooier word??.Mag tussen de 30a40 euro kosten.Alvast bedankt
  14. iTz FaRiiD x

    iTz FaRiiD x Hoppaaaaa

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hdmi kabel?
  15. Arno24

    Arno24 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die heeft die al is er niks anders te koop? Zijn er geen geweren ofzo?
  16. Flavourlicious

    Flavourlicious Game Developer Moderator Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
  17. Pride

    Pride Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Marktplaats kijken. Staan Dragonfire´s op met afstandsbediening. Denk alleen niet dat je die voor 40 euro kan overnemen. Maar geweren etc zijn er niet. Wellicht dat iemand zijn box weg doet? Die special edition care package zonder iets erin?
  18. sssilly

    sssilly Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    speciale cod controller? met quick fire onder andere?
  19. MDesign

    MDesign graphics

    Leuk Bevonden:
    xbox live kopen voor hem
  20. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Modded controllers met Rapid fire zijn echt voor mongolen en de kansloze van deze wereld. Als je niet kan winnen moet je niet gaan cheaten.

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