Xbox One vs. PS4

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Dusky Demon NL, 26 mei 2013.

  1. CaptnCook

    CaptnCook Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Beide PS4 bundels komen ook naar de Benelux ja.
  2. ICON

    ICON Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    weet iemand ook wanneer je die dan kan bestellen in NL?
  3. CaptnCook

    CaptnCook Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat word de komende dagen bekend.
  4. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter VIP VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
  5. Deepeej

    Deepeej Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    iemand dit al gepost?

    September 27th, 13:23
    MIsterx: Dat MS hate from every corner...I can't beleive..Stupid, stupid MS - they could not recover even with more powerfull box...
    With 1.31 box they are dead allready.

    Misterx: Some media were briefed...could not translate that :) some media have been told some infos to write about?
    Insider: Every body on the blog. Your just going to have to be a little more patient. I understand you have waited for the information to be officially verified by an offical response.

    The delay is in fact based around valve and there steambox
    and Amd. The nda are in place till after lunch window. Every body at Ms and even 3rd party developers have had to sign a 3 month contract agreement. Microsoft have not agreed to licence there api or group hardware effort with valve. And is making sure valve can not use it for there official steambox. This is why valve reveal there os and even talked about steambox around the ms amd design conference. Unfortunately to say this three month window in my eyes is so ms can secure a form of steam os as an app download for xbox 1's app market place. Not sure if it will be streaming or hardware tho.

    The final kits have only just stated arriving to developers with the updated specifications
    And is the course of bugs in live demonstrations. But like Phil said we have redudence built in the hardware.

    And I do apologise for jumping the gun to fast. But when you know and have right in front of you the hardware its a shame that this was not announced. But I think the greed move from amd/nvidia/ and steam the last few days proves a valid point of the industry. They want you hooked on the 500$ upgrade every 6/12 months. And having x1 with top tier gpu specs means that in five years time pc gpu markets will stagnate due to this fact. But these pc guys dont understand factors like fan noise power cost and size. And simple of use.

    Insider: And only 10% of the pc market can afford to have 3x sli or crossfire setups with 4k monitors. And even less for the average consumer can afford a 4k tv set. Most house holds are only moving to 1080p television now.

    And the fact that pc piracy is so staggering high even steam is compromised on a daily basis in regards to software piracy. Its a sad industry when the pc hardware markets try to crush the developers of console hardware. Its even worse when these same hardware designers cant figure out that phones and tablets are the real enemy's of the industry.

    I have heard that there will be a bigger gpu article going up soon from eurogamer . But after the extension on our nda, id believe it to be even more confusing. :mad:

    Insider: should not do this...

    xbox one is the R9 280x

    connect the dots

    it is modified heavily.
    And yes there is a dx core also but its for apps. It can also run the overlays in games up too 4k

    this is what was going to happen. But Amd want to be in every thing. And valve want this tech in there official steambox. This is why media were briefed over the last 24hours. And phil had to cut 30min out of his developer speech at euro expo.

    also there will be some bf4 stuff hitting the net.
    it is pre alpha and they only have 16x16 play match. A lot of effects are not implemented in this build. But I guarantee it will look and run better then ps4.

    And dig .. patient will be hitting the places soon. :)

    Misterx: Wow, what a drama...

    Misterx: How did you,know it is r9 280x? What about guest gpu Did we read it wrong and powerfull gpu already on maic soc and guest is something other? How many flops in total
    for system? Also there is 1 report in comments from MS employee about MS were going to say it is
    3tf next week and 1 that say there no more hardware besides breakdown.

    What means "briefied the press"? Abanbomed or press got some info?
    Insider: The R9 280x is the design.. the cu's are the beefed up ones on the R9 290x tho.
    ask mistercteam what this means gpu has a powergate of 130w alone. The cpu 30w kinect 20w system board southbridge 20w.
    250w there or around. but 40w is padding. Like nvidia boss said how can and xbox with 200w
    powerdraw match 3 x sli or crossfire.

    The reason for the information delay is steambox will have an a8 amd cpu with separate gpu from nvidia x730 up to 760 modified card.
    Xbox would have look lower spec to steambox. 16gig of ddr3 also.

    But in fact x1 in final retail is a lot more powerful then steam box. But not the way steam os scales. The os can run on any hardware configuration. Even x1.

    Patent will hit the internet any day.

    I do not have control over any direction any of these corporations go or what information they put out officially. Same goes for any insider. I ant bill gates or kaz or Gabriel. And I risk everything to help out. Your going to see x1 pull way in front of ps4 over the next few weeks. Thats is what all of you are here for. But x1 ant a 3000$ super computer with 1200w of power or liquid cooled. But a 3.4tf console ant weak by any means. But you can all do the maths on that number. Keep digging you will get your answer... I have told you enough now do your digging and you will see if I lied to you. :)

    Misterx: And what is guest then?
    Insider: The dxcore = app gpu that is why it is labelled as apu / dgpu
    Dxcore = app gpu. Which is actually accelerated processing unit. The gpu = R9 280x modified.

    Misterx: So if Main GPU is here from the beginning why MS wrote it is only 1.31TF?
    Insider: The 1.31 on hotchips was only there because ms did not want to talk about the gpu. Due to there nda with amd.

    The truth is there is no upclock of cpu gpu. The had changed the whole gpu. And the cpu was all ways going to be 1.7ghz. Ms know sony leaked the vgleaks .. but in the end its back fired on sony.. did you notice that at tgs Sony never once brought up how much better there console is then xbox 1.. yeah because sony new about the update. So you wont be hearing officials talking that aspect any more :)
    Insider: The initial plan was 7770 1.31tf + dxcore = apps gpu was all ways online with cloud rendering. 2tf
    (misterx: later they changed to)
    R9 280x heavily modified + same dxcore = app gpu. Cloud rendering at later date. = 3.2tf
    Factor in diminishing returns with stereo drive close to 4tf and also audio dsp + hana 2 and esram extra. X1 can get graphics close to the performance of the R9 290x.

    Misterx: What? They were really going to go with 7770 gpu? Are they nuts? All report were true than?
    Insider: Ms went with 7770 originally because they wanted the console online 24/7 and they were going to use the cloud to enhance gfx. But after the back lash and 180 on used games they sacked Don as his vision was to future. The guest gpu = dxcore. Thats why I said can be used like for gfx but not like crossfire.

    But Ms chargers will see the console stand up to any high end pc for years. Just not a 3x sli or crossfire machine.
    The R9 280x is not something to laugh about. Its a dam fast gpu. the modifications to the cu's had to be done as the TDP is only 130w when scaled to the power gating of the console. That is why the cu's were replaced with the ones from the R9 290x. They are newer design anx will be the cu's Amd use when they move to 22nm R10 next year. :)

    Misterx: originaly it was going to be 7770? how is that possible if you said 1 or 2 years ago it will be a beast with 2 or 3 gpus....
    Insider: When I told you about the 7770 Bonaire part. That was the orginal gpu. 7770 Bonaire = 1.31tf system. Ms were hoping to use cloud and have x1 online so you basically renting extra gpu / cpu from the cloud. That is intill the back lash. Then console design had to change when sony started talking up ps4 architecture. That is why I said things change. The 3 gpu was alpha design. The dev kits even had 2x 7970 in them and an apu also. But they changed that as well. Originally sony was going to have a 6650 gpu with 4gig of gddr5. They also changed.

    Ms changed the Bonaire part to a single gpu heavily modified R9 280x changed the cu's as the 280x cu's after being modified were slow. So they changed them with cu's from the A 290x as they are new cu's in design as misterc what I mean he can explain the difference in cu's. There so much more but I have all ready told you way to much way way to much. You will just have to dig on your own.

    Insider: Host and guest is gpu + dx core for app and overlay of gui. Host and guest can be the memory sub system esram + ddr3 also. 3.2tf is the main gfx performance of x1. But there is also dsp for audio and hana 2 for video. And aa/ and esram extra that is not a bottle neck for the gpu.

    Insider: Ok they as in ms brought the wright to modify the R9 280x gpu. This all happen over the last 6 months. Originally it was going to be a 7770 .. but after the sony came out swinging with worlds most powerfull console and the gddr5. That is why I have been saying things change. You have to go back to the past to see the future. I gave clues about the changes. I even said 1.31tf to 5.13tf . Going back to the past 7970 hence the R9 280x is the future re brand. Also ms had the head room all ready in the console with the size. It ant that big for nothing come on ms pack an i5 In to surface pro. There not stupid. They even have the transistor budget to do this. And having the power supply external was also a big help. But 200w for whole system not 100w like song gaf believe. And its been a nightmare for developers to have to adjust there game code. The big give away to this is why we have seen downgrade and upgrades in graphic's. Dan told you all we only just
    got the hardware and tools to enhance the hardware to make the game look better. 30min of specs talk was cut from the euro expo as well. But iv told you to keep digging. Now you know. I also told you bf4 would look better. And it is pre alpha. :) things change and for the best.

    Misterx: What about exta die space mistercteam discovered?
    Insider: That space is for esram extra + dxcore. It is like a second gpu but nothing like the main gpu. I gave more then enough hints to this anyway. All the information I gave to you will check out with mistercteam every single bit from power to cu's to transisters even the raw tf number.

    Misterx: why did not you tell there will be no guest beasty 20/22 nm GPU and it is allready on maic SOC?
    Insider: Because I hinted at 28nm all alonging. And Nda ..
    and the R9 280x is an extremely powerfull gpu. It destroys the gpu in the ps4.

    Insider: I have given you the technology model and explained the cu's are beefed up ones from the R9 290x
    I have told you the power. And the tf count yes to raw.
    you need to do the digging now.. There is a dirext x core for apps and overlays of the gui. The mantle driver is mono. Stereo is the gcn + driver but as x1 is a hybrid of gcn it is not the same api driver as mono mantel. But dont expect to extract 6+tf its not going to happen. Keep the number crunching at a modest number. And remember R9 280x modified. Not native. :)

    Insider: Ms has modified the gpu. Buy doing so they had to cut back tdp and size.. ask misterc about packing transistor. And by doing so had to cut back the gflops by .450 not sure the excavations on the number 100%. But like I said based on .. not native. And hence why I said cu's have been changed. 7970 is sea island but its rebrad as a volcanic island. But with the modified cu's for gpgpu. It will all make sense when the officials do there p.r job right.

    Remember there is other stuff for audio and video.

    Insider: Only the cu's are beefed up. But its mainly for gpgpu. If you read about mantel it will make sense what mono is and stereo is for the gcn+ part. Host and guest can be memory subsystems also. But we were told that it was in relation to the smaller dx core for app and gui layers.

    Insider: The reason we ant sitting here right now laughing at sonygaf. Is because of valve and there hardware they were going to show. Valve did this to steal the thunder of ms as xbox is the only real competition to steambox. With nintendo and sony have weaker hardware and most pc ports are on steam it sort of changes the dynamics of what xbox is all about.

    Misterx: what is guest dxcore than - a GPU or an APU and that is it for and how much powerfull?
    Insider: Ok

    the dxcore is the applications gpu. It does the over lays and when application are running they use the dxcore. It is small gpu. Its dx11.1 I can not give you the gflops number but I have heard its low.

    The main gpu is a modified R9 280x. It does the graphics. It has been modified and is dx11.2 +

    Ms does not refer to the dxcore as a gpu.

    There is 50 micro process as well plus 15 specialized coprocessor which are audio. Data move engines. Video decoding. And the 32 mb of esram has logic processing ability's. There is esram extra which is for texture tire 2 + rpt textures and cone raytracing.

    The only change is they changed the 7770 gpu to R9 280x modified = 7970 but ms modified the cu's also.

    Its a win win for gamers.

    Misterx: So if Main GPU is 3.2TF then as you said aa/raypath/and other 90% effects
    can be done even not tuching this main GPU on ESRAM&other special chips?
    Insider: Correct. The system is 3.2tf but with all the coprocessor and stereo driver. The machine in theory can reach the same performance as 4tf machine.

    Misterx: It is ok now with your detailed that was a reason why you stoped posting because MS was going to go with 7770 GPU and not 2xGPU beasty monster? and returnet when the got back on track? Still seem like MS were going to stop core AAA with 7770 gpu 2TF system...what they have been thinking about...
    Insider: A lot happen in ms. I stop posting because there was over three project going at onces. The was massive levels of change in hardware and management.

    But all the code names I gave you were hints. And in the end the R9 280 was the best of all them. It is also faster then the mobile 2x gpu we were testing. But there was to much heat and other factors that came into play. So thing changed. But misterc will be happy. And a lot xbox fans. This is what is in side retail its heavily modified but that is why we call xbox custom silicon.

    Insider: They were never going to stop aaa games.. they just did not have the first party studio they have now. And they also have third party as second party working with 1st party.
    Kinect was just a bolt on. Some upper management thought they had the wii remote history repeat. But it did help move 20millon console. And dont be put of by kinect 2.0 its a lot better. Were ms ready for xbox to get past 5 year the big answer no. And thats why aaa suffer some what. But 3rd party was enough to carry the console. That wont happen this gen tho. Ms have a bunch of new development houses. They are listening to fans. Rare have more games coming. The old ms are back and really ready to prove there point. And a lot of Japanese rpg are coming.

    Misterx: ok, thanks for new info it is a little bit shocks as we were wrong from Jan 2013 till now based on old data on some aspects and MS were really was going with VGleacks specs and shitty 7700 gpu..Now they back on track and it is still 4TF and 2-3 times more powerfull than PS4 and it is good after all then...
    Insider: Its not that much difference only the gpu has been beefed up a lot.

    Misterx: It is ok now...i must be honest with everybody and go till the end...anyway you was under NDA, we were shooting 6 mounths based on data from Jan 2013 and understand some new information based on that knowledge. THe result is the same - Xbox One is still 2-3 times more powerfull than PS4 :)
    Insider: I gave clues but now my nda is all most out the window after this amount of information.

    If you go back and read over the last month you will see I said things about dpu which were wrong but I want people to pull that apart. I really hope some body would have brought up apu. But everybody wanted dgpu. But a dgpu would have been not on the main soc. I gave hints about the dxcore= app gpu. The memory subsystems. In the end we all had hoped ms would have officially announced the gpu spec. Also nvidia gave the power tdp the answer everybody wanted. 200w xbox cant compete with a 1000w 3x sli. But they never said xbox was underpowered. I told you about tier prt and vox cone raytracing. That is why I said keep digging. Other insider have not been back to justify there information. I think when people go over the information. I told them to go back to see the future and things change. And its right in front of you. When they go over these specs there going to understand. :)

    Insider: And the only person on the blog with true insider information is parasite .. so will see what he says about this .. I think he will have a smile. And will also know I have gone beyond the scope .. but now you guys must dig you can call me out but everything will add up. ;)
    /end of chat/
  6. mitchdylan

    mitchdylan Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    damn. geen tijd om dit allemaal te lezen. wat is de conclusie?
  7. UpInSmoke0611

    UpInSmoke0611 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tl:dr inderdaad. Snap er ook geen kut van
  8. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Xbox One schijnt 2 a 3x krachtiger te zijn dan de PS4 wegens een paar wijzigingen. Dit zou Sony zelf ook hebben geweten waardoor ze tijdens Gamescom en andere events niet meer hoog van de toren afblazen dat de PS4 de krachtigste console is.

    Allemaal leuk en aardig deze tech-geneuzel, maar who gives a s#¥t?

    Iedere gamer kiest zijn console vanwege de games, loyaliteit, of de weg dat de bedrijf gaat wandelen en niet vanwege een betere adu, gnu, gu, du, flu, ui, iu of whatever.....
  9. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    nog een gerucht mbt tot een massive gpu update in de One

    als dit waar is is de uiteindelijke One een heel ander apparaat dan MS op E3 heeft laten zien maar zo'n chatlogje zegt niet zo heel veel natuurlijk

    het enige wat het enigzins plausibel maakt is het amd/steamos verhaal

    MS wist natuurlijk dat steam OS er aan zat te komen en zou als dit klopt daar al op hebben gereageerd

    maar zonder bronnen zegt dit allemaal niks

    basically zegt deze 'insider' dat de X1 stiekem veel krachtiger is dan ze tot nu toe hebben laten zien maar dat de manier waarop het allemaal naar buiten is gekomen zo raar is gegaan vanwege NDA's met AMD (en hun nieuwe eigen API waarschijnlijk) en doordat ze op SteamOS moesten gaan anticiperen

    hoop erg dat het waar is maar eerst zien en dan pas geloven natuurlijk

    dat is maar deels waar, een duidelijk hardware voordeel heeft de PS4 tot nu toe heeeeeeel veel positieve reacties opgeleverd.

    als dat straks andersom blijkt te zijn zullen er zat mensen weer voor een X1 kiezen

    wat nu de laatste week in ieder geval wel duidelijk is geworden is dat Sony , MS en Valve alle drie heel groot in gaan zetten op streaming in de komende jaren

    en wat hier gesuggereerd word is dat MS ook Valve als duidelijke concurrent ziet. Valve zit immers ook in hun PC space

    of dat voor Sony ook geld..

    geen idee

    eerst maar eens zien of dit verhaal ook op wat betrouwbare site op gaat duiken of dat het bij dit soort vage chatlogs blijft. die insider hint naar een eurogamer artikel wat er aan zit te komen,.. ben benieuwd

    de fuck is dat :confused: waar zijn de sticks!
    Laatst bewerkt: 27 sep 2013
  10. Deepeej

    Deepeej Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    We zullen het binnenkort allemaal zien, maar het zou mooi zijn als de xbox krachtiger wordt dan tot nu toe aangenomen. Tuurlijk koop je een console voor de games, maar hoe meer power hoe beter (ook voor toekomstige games).
  11. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Ben van mening dat het toch eerder sony's standpunten die de console meer deden verkopen dan de hardware voordeel.

    Vergelijkingsmateriaal is er praktisch niet en het zijn allemaal "geruchten" die aangesterkt zijn door het simpele feit dat de structurele opbouw van het developen voor de ps4 meer dan ooit op de PC lijkt, wat gelijktijdig insinueert dat games op een machine die deels betere hardware heeft, ook voor een betere, mooiere experience zal zorgen.

    Ms heeft zichzelf in hun voeten geschoten door al die bullcrap en sindsdien zijn ze aan het vechten voor het reclaimen van marktposities....

    Daar gaat nu een krachtiger xbox one niks aan veranderen, of althans niet wat ze er dan van hopen als het waar is.
  12. reatrix

    reatrix Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Deze bundels zijn wel erg goed. Ik denk dat ik nu wel zoiezo naar een PS4 overstap. Nu moeten deze alleen nog even bevestigd worden en dan maar gaan voor de Ghosts bundel.
  13. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die bundel is er dan juist weer voor de One.

    Vraag me af of die geruchten mbt de One waar zijn, dat ie ineens 2/3x krachtiger is dan de Ps4 is best wel big.
  14. MAD 1976

    MAD 1976 Useless info here...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Beetje raar dat de CoD bundel 5 pond duurder is dan de andere met maar 1 game.....:confused:
  15. Goiz

    Goiz VIP VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waarschijnlijk omdat de halve wereld die kudtgame weer gaat spelen ;)
  16. Tim

    Tim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die packs zijn volgens mij 10 pond goedkoper dan dat je console + game los koopt dus zo een goede aanbieding is het ook weer niet
  17. elviroi

    elviroi Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als de geruchten waar zouden zijn dat de Xbox One plots veel krachtiger is, dan zou het eventueel wel kunnen dat hij net om die reden een latere launch heeft bij ons. Doordat er dingen veranderd zijn heeft de productie vertraging opgelopen en hebben ze minder consoles op de eerst aangekondigde launchdatum en moesten ze gaan knippen in aantal landen.

    Het is natuurlijk maar een theorie.
  18. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter VIP VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
  19. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Volgens mij had ook niemand 60fps verwacht denk ik.
  20. MAD 1976

    MAD 1976 Useless info here...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maakt voor een SP toch niet uit?

    Zoals Guerrilla zegt (ook maar effe hier posten dan);

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