[Multi] Destiny

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 13 feb 2013.


Naar welke nieuwe subclass kijk jij het meeste uit?

  1. Sunbreaker

  2. Nightstalker

  3. Stormcaller

  1. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Of je gaat met 2 man meeliften :+
  2. SleepTrgt

    SleepTrgt Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben nu onderhand lvl 26, als iemand ergens hulp nodig heeft op de xbox one, feel free to add me!
  3. GForce

    GForce Danica Patrick

    Leuk Bevonden:
    4 is ook mogelijk!

    Solo lijkt me moeilijk maar wel haalbaar als je de juiste elemental wapens bij je hebt. Kun je beter met mensen doen die al 24 of hoger zijn.
  4. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jammer dat je die stijl cloaks voor de Hunter van Factions niet bij de Vanguard zijn ofzo. Vind de stijl tof maar moet dan per se die van een Faction dragen. =(
  5. Cookie

    Cookie #TaylorSwift XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Opeens weer eruit geflikkerd voor een random update, dat begint wel redelijk irritant te worden nu...
  6. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

  7. Cookie

    Cookie #TaylorSwift XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Leugens :mad:
  8. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat is er nou weer aangepast :)?
  9. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat is volgens mij die patch die ik laatst plaatste. Want die heb ik nog steeds niet gehad.

    Edit: of dit. "I'm guessing that they patched out getting the Ascendant shards/energy from Dismantling the Queen's rewards. Since I just dismantled some armor and a legendary weapon and got normal resources from it"

    Goed dat ik dan iets gefarmed heb de laatste dagen hehe. Vond het al zo raar dat die zo makkelijk Shards gaf.
  10. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee, want die missies bevatte geen ultra enemies meer. Echt belachelijk, want nu krijg je amper glimmer en zijn sommige bounties ook lastiger te halen.
  11. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zie mijn edit.



    Laatst bewerkt: 25 sep 2014
  12. Mallakai

    Mallakai Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dismantling queens wrath gear no longer provide ascendant materials.. wow ze zijn goed bezig om mij weg te pesten van Destiny... die shit is al zeldzaam..
  13. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gelukkig heb ik wat gefarmed haha.
  14. Mallakai

    Mallakai Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja ik ook redelijk maar jammer dat ze dit er dan weer uit halen..
  15. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik had nog 5 missies staan :{ kut bungie!
    Mallakai vindt dit leuk.
  16. Mallakai

    Mallakai Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laat ze dan ook gelijk naar de strike missies kijken waar je vaak geen ene reet krijgt..
  17. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Of de drop rate in general... waar de neuk haal ik nu ascendant shards vandaan? Bij public events haal je die zooi amper, soms uit een legendary engram en daar blijft het bij.
  18. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Had er vandaag 3. Een uit een public event. Een uit de hoogste strike en nog een van de postmaster.
    Maar dat gebeurd niet elke dag lol.

    In Hotfix 5, we made a few changes to reduce the effectiveness of a humbling number of economy exploits. Check out these Destiny Dev Notes to read a summary of our impressions since launch.

    • Reduced drop rate of engrams following a hard wipe [fixed in]
    Queen's Wrath Event
    • Material rewards for dismantling Queen's Wrath gear will no longer provide ascendant materials, but missions will continue to drop Legendary items
    • The Hive of the holy “Treasure Cave” have realized the futility of their endless assault on Skywatch and have retired to lick their wounds and plan their next attack.
    • Respawn timers for monster caves in Skywatch have been normalized to 40 seconds (increased from 6)
    • Respawn timers for monster caves in Forgotten Shore have been normalized to 40 seconds (increased from 10)
    • Respawn timers for monster caves in Ember Caves have been normalized to 40 seconds (increased from 10)
    • Respawn timers for monster caves in the Shattered Coast have been normalized to 40 seconds (increased from 10)
    • Respawn timers for monster caves in the Barrens have been normalized to 40 seconds (increased from 20)
    The Destiny Dev Notes linked in the Patch Notes say the following:

    On September 9th the Bungie team traded late nights building Destiny for late nights playing Destiny with all of you. We'd looked forward to that day for years, knowing that it would bring millions of fresh eyes into our world and quickly change many of our plans and priorities. We were not disappointed.

    In the last two weeks there have been many surprises, bugs, exploits, world firsts, and a whole lot of fun. It's been an amazing time. We think now is a great time to step back and let you all know how we think the game is holding up and to talk about some changes we are contemplating going forward.

    We will be patching some of these issues as early as today. Others may not be addressed for a month or two. Stay tuned for updates and thank you for all your feedback online.

    He Who Shall Not Be Named
    Long ago during development, the Cryptarch decoded engrams of a given color into gear of that same color. Early in 2014 we added randomness, both for better and worse, to the decrypting process. The result was that end-of-session engram decoding got a lot more exciting and the Cryptarch himself suddenly acquired a personality. Both of these experiences were positive additions to the game.

    But we didn't adequately communicate the potential random outcomes of decryption. Players see what looks like the familiar metaphor of item identification, while the Cryptarch thinks he's opening a grab bag of loot. Rage sharding of blues ensues. Expect to see changes to address this soon.

    Destiny: The Cave
    The social experience of a cave farming run is amazing: the herding to get a team of Guardians all behind the line and firing in the right direction, the rush to grab the loot, the scramble when the panic wave starts, the beckoning glow from inside the cave. The speed at which the community organized around this activity was inspiring and humbling to us.

    But shooting at a black hole for hours on end isn't our dream for how Destiny is played. Our hope is that social engagement in public spaces is only one part of the Destiny experience. Expect changes soon which decrease the efficiency of cave farming and correspondingly increase engram drops from completing activities.

    Reward Celebration
    Growing more powerful by acquiring new upgrades, gear or progression is central to Destiny's player experience. Our goal is to always celebrate when this occurs, both as a reward in and of itself and to communicate to players what is going on.

    During development we sometimes prioritized making a system functional over celebrating its rewards, for example: The Vault of Glass contains highly coveted loot but the actual moment of reward happens without fanfare and can be easily missed. The lowest level of the Daily Heroic gives great XP and Reputation rewards, but neither of these progressions appears on the postgame screen.

    We will slowly be addressing these and other issues going forward.

    Voice Communication
    Our vision for Destiny is that all players, even matchmade players in the Crucible, Strikes, the Tower or public spaces, be able to communicate with one another in a way that promotes positive socialization. Voice communication is the easy answer, but existing voice paradigms, including those in our own Halo games, have not done enough to protect players from abusive griefing from a minority of players.

    Destiny's near-term solution will be to allow players to opt-in to voice communication during matchmade activities. Work on this feature was underway at launch and should be rolled out this year in Strikes and the Crucible.

    Strikes are intended to be a fun, combat-filled romp and stomp with a big boss and cool rewards at the end. Better with cooperation, but doable in a pick up group.

    Since launch we've tracked down an issue which has made Strikes more challenging than originally designed by both increasing damage taken by players and decreasing the damage inflicted by players on the boss. Expect to see this addressed soon, and for Strikes to become a little less grindy as a result (sorry, Raiders - incoming damage is working as intended in the Vault of Glass).

    Our goal when balancing Destiny is to never have one player choice-- for example a choice of class or weapon-- either be so much better than the alternatives that it is the only valid choice or to be so much worse that it would always be a mistake to choose. When we are successful with this kind of balance the result is a wide set of equally compelling player builds, some of which may be preferred by one player or another but none of which is an absolute right or wrong choice.

    Exotic Weapons
    Exotic Weapons are designed to look, feel and sound overpowered, but to not actually break the game. We hope these weapons challenge the way players think about their loadouts and expect their idiosyncrasies to sometimes be a little frustrating. We find ourselves wanting to collect them all and hope players feel the same way.

    Not all our Exotic Weapons currently live up to this promise. In particular those weapons received from completing exotic bounties including Thorn and Bad Juju have disappointed many of us who have gone through the great effort to obtain them because, despite looking and sounding amazing, they feel underpowered. We're here to offer some advice: don't shard those guns. Their time will come.

    Auto Rifles
    The Auto Rifle archetype is designed to appeal to players who like to throw up a wall of bullets and not worry if a few miss their target. It is intended to inflict sustained damage at close to medium range, but to lose effectiveness at longer ranges.

    Today the Auto Rifle is too effective at long range, even beating Scout and Pulse Rifles in some circumstances. Expect stability and/or damage adjustments to the Auto Rifle to address this in the weeks ahead.

    Scout Rifles
    Scout Rifles are for players who like to keep their enemies at medium range and hate to miss. They are intended to be an awkward weapon to use at close range but to be dominant-- as long as you land your shots-- at medium and longer ranges.

    Scouts just aren't hitting hard enough today when compared to other precision weapons. We'll be addressing this soon.

    Shotguns are for those situations where you need to deliver a massive spike of damage, right now, to the thing standing next to you about to do you harm.

    Today shotguns are effective beyond their intended range, especially when upgraded with that intention. Expect changes soon to address shotguns which push the envelope of what it means to be close quarters.

    Thank you for helping us drive these changes. Keep sharing. Keep talking. We’re watching and listening.

  19. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    YEESSS!!!! Bad Juju gaat beter worden :D!

    Noooooo, auto rifles nerf :'-(
    Nooooo, shotgun nerf> prullenbakspul gaat het dan worden
    Woohooo, scout rifle buff
    Meh @ "soon" fuck soon, geef het!
    MentalMarco vindt dit leuk.
  20. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik snap shotguns ook niet helemaal. Die zijn echt alleen goed op 1 meter. Daarna is het al crap. Daarom loopt iedere ook met Fusion Rifles.
    En gaan ze hem nu nog meer nerfen. Apart.

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