Sony Online Entertainment told us that
much of the work being done on the PS4 version of PlanetSide 2 has been with the UI. Though most of the loadout systems had already been finished back in August, they still had work to do on the map and in-game store. Well, if yesterday's Higby Pls livestream is any indication, SOE has made some progress on the map.
Towards the tail-end of the livestream, Higby gave a brief update on the PS4 version of PlanetSide 2, showing off a slew of screenshots of the user interface. Included in his brief update were screenshots of the loadout screen, map, squad list, player interaction menu, and character creation screen.
In the loadout screen, you can now fully load out your weapons and select their attachments. According to Higby, the only thing SOE doesn't have working yet is some of the purchase flow.
In terms of the map, they are still "iterating and finalizing," but it looks like the icons are more "easily discernable and cleaner." You'll notice that your friends or outfit mates are now square boxes and your regular troops show up as circles. This look is also going to get moved over to the PC game too.
And no, Higby's face is not actually part of the user interface. Although, I think it would make a lovely addition, right?
So while I don't have a release date to give you, it's at least encouraging to see progress being made on the user interface considering this has taken up the bulk of dev team's focus.
SOE maintains that PlanetSide 2 will release on PS4 sometime in 2014. Last week, I
predicted that news regarding a release would be shared at PlayStation Experience in December, but I've had no confirmation on this.Klik om te vergroten...