This week at Bungie, we moved a little closer to the next update for Destiny.
If you study the
paths we travel to evolve your playground, a numeric pattern emerges. 1.1.1 is what we call this next batch of content and code. That places it somewhere between the last expansion (1.1) and the next expansion (1.2). As promised
last week, when we forecast some much-anticipated heavy ammo fixes, it’s scheduled to make its way from our servers to your console before the end of February.
Between now and the end of this month, we’re hard at work making sure that these changes won’t wreak cataclysmic havoc on the game – like changing your Guardians into Tower sweeper bots, or worse. That gives us some time to talk about what else you’ll be downloading. The conversation continues today.
Prepare your favorite snack and have a seat. We’d like to talk to you about your arsenal of weapons!
In Sheep’s Clothing
“Not so fast,” you say. “What about that
‘next expansion’ you mentioned?”
Fair enough. Since we’ve started throwing around soft deadlines for game updates, we might as well set your expectations that Destiny Expansion II: The House of Wolves will be released sometime in the second quarter of this year. If you’re not used to people saying things like “Q2” when they’re measuring time, just rip your annual calendar into four equal parts and scrutinize the second piece. Sometime within those three months (April, May, and June), we’ll have a new adventure to embark upon with you.
We’re keeping all other details under wraps for now. There is a special team here that's dedicated to creating some new ways for you to play Destiny. They’re also making the game you know a better reflection of what we’ve learned about you since you’ve started playing. While they do their thing, we'll walk the fine line between making you a part of the process and providing them with a safe place to explore possibilities and do their best work.
The Bungie Blog is your finest source of guaranteed Destiny news. Enjoy the speculation and discussion that makes an Internet community fun, but stay tuned here so we can go on record about what awaits you as “Q2” draws nearer.
And on a long enough timeline, we'll also talk about what we're planning for this Fall.
Keep That Thing Oiled
Can we talk about those weapons now? Because we have a problem:
Your Pulse Rifle really needs some love.
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