Gewoon voor of tijdens de wedstrijd je quick tactics veranderen naar High Pressure
, schijnt erg goed te werken.
En ik heb geen idee hoe je dat auto defending gedoe doet maar ik lees er veel heel veel mensen over klagen op de EA forums
Net weer eentje met een klaagmuur met waaronder iets over auto defending en high pressure:
1. Skill moves still go through your defenders legs.
2. Stamina does not matter to high pressure abusers
3. Horrible mechanics mistakes which result in a goal you had no control of.
4. Passing seemed to be harder. But after a while people adapted and I am seeing lob passes and blind turn passes everywhere now.
5. The defending was already assisted in Fifa 15 , but, now, it is even more OP. Auto Defending makes bad players look world class in this game. Ultra Defensive has never been more useful in any game.
6. Defending stats yet again barely matter. Slide tackle, stand tackle and interceptions everyone can perform. Hell I had bronze players at the beginning of the game intercepting balls like they are Sergio Ramos. Hilarious.
7. Penalties are even worse in this game than they already were in Fifa 15. Like, 2x worse.
8. Referees are worse than in Fifa 15.
9. Crossing on corners is useless. The keepers always boxes them out no matter where you cross.
10. High pressure pressure is worse than it has been in any Fifa ever. Even Fifa 14. Because they nerfed agility so damn much, it is impossible to turn and lose a defender that comes at you like a rocket. EA never listen to the community it seems, high pressure has been a problem since Fifa 10 and instead of fixing it, they made it even worse.
11. Offensive AI horrible. I would expect one year later improvements. Instead, they wait for the ball to come to them and get intercepted, or they always start running too early. But, maybe this could be fixed with a custom tactic. However, you cannot beat high pressure with standard tactics because your strikers and wingers never make the good run.
12. The slogan " play beautiful" meant Counter Attack the whole game? Because, really, this game is anything but played beautiful. Counter attacking is the way to go this year.
Spijtig genoeg ben ik het met bijna alle punten met hem eens.
Toch vind ik het wel een leuk spel en 2 belangrijke minpunten van vorig jaar (Pace all-day en de Dramatische keepers) zijn nu gelukkig zo goed als verdwenen. 
Nu nog even hopen op een beestachtige eerste patch en we hebben weer een topgame!
Laatst bewerkt: 30 sep 2015