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[XOne] Halo 5: Guardians

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Fiasco, 10 jun 2013.

  1. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik had toen wel contact opgenomen met de klantenservice maar die zeiden dat ze een verrot systeem hadden waardoor er wel eens orders in je overzicht verdwenen maar dat ze wel in het systeem stonden.
  2. San

    San Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Done, geregeld. Binnen 2-3 dagen aan de slag met Halo 5 als het goed is. :)
  3. De_GnashR

    De_GnashR New Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Cool ben blij dat het voor jou gelukt is bij mij staat die ook op 2-3 dagen. Hopelijk is het gewoon binnen 2 dagen, ik ga het morgen zeker in de gaten houden op de website en jij ook zeker haha :p
  4. rudeboy

    rudeboy press play on tape

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dikke SP,
    DMR heeft bruut geluid.
    De cutscenes en de armour zijn grapisch geyl

    Sinds CE weer een echt ruimte gevoel. 117 is back en hoe!!

    ook grappig dat 1 van je vrouwlijke teammates een rood/oranje armour aan heeft met looks van samus......

    De sp is dik in orde, no worries, als de mp ook als een tierelier draait dan gaat deze game op gamerankings tegen de 90% scoren (of hoger)

    /Mod Let op met spoilers! Daar wordt NIEMAND blij van.
    Laatst bewerkt door een moderator: 25 okt 2015
  5. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Bedankt voor de spoilers man!
    Alexknl vindt dit leuk.
  6. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Let even op met je spoilers a.u.b...
  7. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, zet dat bericht dan ook even in spoilertags :+
  8. Sen

    Sen Active Member Hoofdredacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik word altijd wel blij van spoilers :p
  9. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb het stuk over het verhaal weggehaald de rest is toch geen spoiler?
  10. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb nu zelf trouwens ook wat meer wapens getest. Needler is pas een heerlijk geluid.

    Wat ik wel jammer vind is dat je niet meer zo'n lol kan hebben met granaten, die zijn niet zo effectief meer als ik bijvoorbeeld ken uit CE.

    Anyway, game is ook lekker losgekomen en de SP doet nu eindelijk wat het moet doen.

    Zin aan dinsdag als ik de internetkabel erin kan proppen en de MP kan testen. :9
  11. Sen

    Sen Active Member Hoofdredacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Neehoor, de rest is OK.
  12. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Na BF4 en Battlefront vind ik sowieso veel gun geluiden niet geweldig in games, maar in Halo 4 en 5 lijken ze inderdaad juist zeer netjes. Wat bedoel je precies met een MP story Tiberius?

    En de granaten zijn dus vergelijkbaar met Halo 4? Hoe vind je het geheel eruit zien?
  13. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    MP story als in de zin dat je nu echt op Blue en Red de focus hebt. Het voelt af en toe een beetje aan, vooral in het begin, alsof ze elkaar bestrijden.

    Rond Halo 3 en 4 had je ook talloze, vaak grappige filmpjes, van Red en Blue, maar vind het een beetje jammer dat ze het ook zo verwerkt hebben in de SP.

    Vandaar mijn uitspraak over een MP verhaal. Ze hadden het beter gewoon een meer officiële naam kunnen geven, dan zit je tijdens het spelen van de SP niet steeds met je hoofd bij de MP.
  14. BasGas NL

    BasGas NL Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    SP is qua gameplay heel vet. Loopt super soepel. Verhaal valt wat tegen, maar ziet er wel heel vet uit met de strakke filmpjes.
    Benieuwd naar de MP, moet wel lekker spelen. Vooral benieuwd naar Warzone.
  15. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
  16. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Alexknl en Willem vinden dit leuk.
  17. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Haha ja goedzo! :D
  18. Koningkaas12

    Koningkaas12 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    "Het tweede deel bracht online multiplayer, maar was verder naar mijn mening geen goede opvolger"

    En hier ben ik gestopt met lezen.
  19. Rivanov

    Rivanov Apple Fanboy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gaming Age 100
    It’s a well-crafted Halo experience with enough new bells and whistles to turn around even the most jaded Halo fan, and feels exactly like what you’d want a next-gen Halo game to be. There’s a hefty amount of content to explore here across the campaign and multiplayer modes, with a large map variety at launch and an enjoyable story to uncover. And it all looks and sounds absolutely gorgeous, with fantastic enemy and map designs on top of the excellent technical groundwork behind it all.

    BestGamerEver 5/5
    In short, Halo 5: Guardians is in my opinion at least, a real return to form for a franchise that felt like it had lost its way ever since Call of Duty took the multiplayer crown on Xbox Live. This is a game that now proudly wears its roots on its sleeve, and plays to its greatest strengths. The multiplayer is fresh and exciting with the new movement options and feels like a true evolution for the series. The campaign is a confident, well told, galaxy spanning adventure with a huge amount of replayability on a scale we’ve never seen.

    Game Over Online 95/100
    Halo 5 is an outstanding game and one of the finest first-person shooters ever made. Its design is versatile, and it’s the best-playing entry in the series so far.

    Polygon 9/10
    Halo 5 feels like it knows its obligations. The campaign's narrative is likely to prove controversial, though its biggest sin may be its familiarity. Otherwise, Halo 5 excels under the pressure, providing one of the most welcoming, competitive, balanced and fun games of the year — and providing my personal favorite Halo multiplayer since the series began.

    Gadgets 360 9/10
    As it stands, Halo 5 is near perfect. With slick gameplay, a fantastic campaign, and seemingly ambitious multiplayer, it gets little wrong. If you own an Xbox One or plan to buy it, this is why you're doing so.

    Wegotthiscovered 4.5/5
    Halo 5: Guardians, is, by all accounts, the total package. The gameplay is immensely satisfying and leaps and bounds ahead of previous entries, which is saying a lot. And while I wasn’t terribly engaged by the plot and felt that the campaign was slightly more underwhelming than some of the series’ other games, I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t have a blast playing it.

    Attack of The Fanboy 4.5/5
    Any worry that Halo might be in the wrong hands with 343 Industries has been wiped out by Halo 5: Guardians. The campaign has some story issues, with Halo 6 promising to really deliver the goods, but the design is impeccable, and will certainly warrant multiple playthroughs.

    Gaming Instinct 8.5/10
    Overall, Halo 5: Guardians is a good Halo game that has the best gameplay in the series, and that is a bold thing to say for a franchise that’s been running for 14 straight years now. However, the technical sacrifices and image quality losses are a little too much this time around. It hurts me to say that Halo 5: Guardians is not a game of the year material because I know many people expected it to be.

    Escapist 4.5/5
    Multiplayer is really where 343 needed to prove themselves and regain some of that goodwill from Halo fans, which is fortunate, because multiplayer is where Halo 5 shines brightest. Forget everything you knew about Halo 4's multiplayer. 343 wisely went back to the drawing board and scrapped nearly everything about Halo 4's widely criticized multiplayer offerings.

    Giant Bomb 4/5
    There will certainly be some players who find that the specific omissions in Halo 5 are extremely disappointing, and you'll see a rough edge or two, but all in all there's a fantastic big-budget shooter in Halo 5 with lots to see and enough multiplayer options to keep you going for quite some time.

    US Gamer 4/5
    As a package, Halo 5: Guardians is a very solid offering. While the campaign mode has its ups and downs – and to be blunt, doesn't take particularly long to complete – it's nevertheless enjoyable, even if it can get a little relentless and repetitive at times. But its highs definitely outweigh its lows, and if you play it on the more challenging levels – and especially if you play it in co-op mode – it's entertaining enough.

    Hardcore Gamer: 4/5
    Halo 5: Guardians is a fine-tuned machine. It has a robust and highly addictive competitive multiplayer component, a large variety of aesthetically pleasing customizations and some of the tightest controls to ever grace a Halo title. Unfortunately, the campaign leaves much to be desired. While it features four player cooperative play through the entirety of the experience, the plot is both poorly structured and awkwardly paced.

    Progress Bar 8/10
    While the story of Halo 5 – Guardians may not be as solid as hardcore fans would like to see, the gameplay covers for it with impressive captivation and usage throughout the entire campaign. For the first standalone Halo title for the Xbox One, it’s certainly a worthy addition to the franchise with a long multiplayer life ahead of itself.

    Rocket Chain Saw 4/5
    Halo 5 Guardians is a fantastic game brimming with content, though some parts feel better than others. The story fails to live up to the franchise’s standards, due to an underdeveloped narrative, samey level design and an unnecessary focus on Locke. Nevertheless, polished gameplay, challenging AI, the superb portal of Blue Team and a mesmerising soundtrack redeem the campaign.

    Press Start Australia 8/10
    Halo 5: Guardians isn’t the perfect chapter in the franchise when it comes to the story, as it’s one that doesn’t always keep its priorities where it should. But even then, it only stumbles rather than fall. When it comes to gameplay and presentation, Guardians is an excellent continuation that not only builds on the strengths of its predecessors, but isn’t afraid to throw in new and balanced features into the mix that renew the tried and tested formula, providing returning fans and newcomers alike some new things to play with.

    Destructoid - 7
    If it weren't for Warzone, Halo 5: Guardians would probably be somewhere on the lower end of the franchise's spectrum for me. It's still a fantastic and well-oiled machine, but the story falls flat, and the shift in gameplay mechanics result in the loss of some elements that made the series so unique in the first place. Still, if you're looking to shoot some dudes online, Guardians is your huckleberry.

    Kotaku - Impressions
    Halo 5 is beautiful, at times a lot of fun, and at times disappointing. It’s also not yet officially released and is dependent on its multiplayer working well on a large scale. So we’re holding off on a review until well after the game’s October 27 launch. For now, some impressions of one of the Xbox One’s big fall exclusives.​
  20. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heh ja, vond ik ook... maar goed onze redacteur heeft zijn eigen uitgesproken mening!

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