PlayStation VR

Discussie in 'PlayStation Hardware' gestart door Kevf, 19 mrt 2014.

  1. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
  2. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  3. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:

    heerlijk wegleesstuk over Morpheus.

    edit: mooi stukje uit het artikel

    Laatst bewerkt: 20 mrt 2014
  4. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  5. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Project CARS gaat Project Morpheus ondersteunen

    Vorige week onthulde Sony Project Morpheus, een virtual reality-bril die de toekomst van het gamen moet gaan veranderen. Sowieso zijn virtual reality-brillen tegenwoordig ‘hot’, want Facebook heeft gister bekendgemaakt de Oculus Rift over te nemen voor twee miljard dollar. De nieuwe game van Slightly Mad Studios gaat ook de virtual reality kant op, want Project CARS gaat Project Morpheus ondersteunen.

    Dit heeft de ontwikkelaar bekendgemaakt op de website van Project CARS. De race-simulatie game krijgt dus ook te maken met virtual reality op de PlayStation 4. De andere platformen waarop de game verschijnt, beschikken op de PC na nog niet over een virtual reality-optie. Onduidelijk is voorlopig nog of de game op de PC dan wel de Oculus Rift ondersteund, want daar is nu met geen woord over gerept. De studio heeft de ondersteuning voor Project Morpheus nog even haarfijn uitgelegd op de website: “Hier bij Slightly Mad Studios streven we er altijd naar om nieuwe race-ervaringen die verder gaan dan de bank, controller en televisie”, aldus de aankondiging. “We zijn trots dat we vandaag aan kunnen kondigen dat Project CARS Project Morpheus gaat ondersteunen.” Slightly Mad Studios geeft daarnaast aan dat virtual reality volgens hun perfect past bij racegames.

    Project Morpheus kan dus al snel op ondersteuning rekenen. Het apparaat, dat nog niet eens een echte naam mee heeft gekregen, is al aardig populair op het internet en dus blijkbaar ook onder de ontwikkelaars. Slightly Mad Studios gaat voor Project CARS, de nieuwe race-simulatie van de ontwikkelaar, dus virtual reality ondersteunen op de PlayStation 4. Uiteindelijk draait het echter niet alleen om de virtual reality, want de game verschijnt ook voor de Xbox One, Wii U, PC en Steam OS. Op dit moment staat Project CARS gepland voor een release in de herfst van dit jaar, maar een officiële datum is nog niet bekendgemaakt door de ontwikkelaar.
  6. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  7. Dr0kz

    Dr0kz Niet?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wacht wel op E3 :+ Heb dat filmpje echt met kromme tenen moeten kijken 8)
  8. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Sony announced that the Project Morpheus virtual reality headset is indeed a real product coming to retail, and we can expect a release in the first half of 2016.

    The prototype showed at GDC 2015 includes a number of impressive advances from the first-generation model showed last year, and we'll soon get a chance to play four brand-new demos that take advantage of the new hardware and features.

    It was also announced that the PlayStation 4 was designed to offer developers the option of outputting at 120 frames-per-second, a major selling point in the now-competitive world of virtual reality hardware."
    Laatst bewerkt: 4 mrt 2015
  9. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ben benieuwd of we ook gelijk met AAA games VR krijgen bij launch. Het lijkt toch echt iets serieus te gaan worden nu dat VR.
  10. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben benieuwd wat we qua graphics kunnen verwachten met die resolutie en framerate. Hopelijk vallen we niet al te veel terug richting PS3 graphics. :+
  11. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
  12. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    The final retail version of the PlayStation VR headset — codenamed Project Morpheus — will plug into a sizable black box before plugging into the PlayStation 4.

    While PlayStation officials have discussed the need for the VR headset's processing box, it wasn't clear what form it would finally take.

    I got a chance to check out the retail version of the headset during a demo of the VirZoom bike earlier this month. I wasn't allowed to take any pictures or ask the VirZoom developers any questions about it, other then to confirm it was the final retail version, not a dev kit. But I was allowed to examine it closely and try it on.

    As we learned earlier this year, the PlayStation VR headset doesn't plug directly into the PlayStation 4. Instead, it plugs into a processing box, which in turn plugs into the PlayStation 4. This allows people to use the TV and PS4 to interact with, or just watch, the person playing their VR game.

    The black box looked a bit smaller than a Wii and is used to process the VR graphics and sort out the second-screen social experience on the television.

    The headset itself felt refined in a way that only a company like Sony can deliver. Everything felt comfortable, futuristic, neatly designed, from the way the headset slipped onto your head and tightened with a dial built into the back of the headband, to the ability to pull the 5.7-inch OLED display away from or against your face while playing.

    It is, to date, the most comfortable VR headset I've tried on, a list which includes both Oculus and Vive. It feels like a device designed to be treated like a game controller or a remote; something that you can pick up and put on with out much fuss.

    Project Morpheus was announced at the 2014 Game Developers Conference and made appearances at a number of other conferences as development on the device continued. This September, Sony changed the name of the device to PlayStation VR and confirmed that it would be coming out in the first half of 2016.

    A number of games were announced for the device during the PlayStation Experience earlier this month.

  13. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja verdomme, dan wil ik wel een 7 meter lange kabel.
  14. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Idd. Super dat ze het met een extra stuk hardware oplossen om voldoende power te genereren, maar ik wil liever geen kabels verlengen. 7m is wat lang, maar 5m zou toch wel erg netjes zijn.
  15. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is er al een prijs bekend? Dat hele VR gebeuren is voor mij wel een mogelijke reden om toch eens een PS4 te overwegen. (Zeker met de huidige prijzen)
  16. NLegendkiller

    NLegendkiller Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Prijs is nog niet bekend gemaakt, doen ze begin volgend jaar ergens. Eerder spraken ze wel over technologie die, qua prijs, te vergelijken is met de PlayStation 4.
  17. MAD 1976

    MAD 1976 Useless info here...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ga ervan uit dat het minimaal 300 zal zijn. Veel meer moet het ook niet gaan kosten, want dan haken er veel af denk ik.
  18. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tekken 7 VR isn't First Person POV Fighting Game

    Speaking to WIRED at Bandai Namco's headquarters in Tokyo, Murray first dispelled fears over the idea of first person VR Tekken. "When we announced that we're going to do something with virtual reality, people were like 'oh, so you're going to be playing in first person and hitting each other? That sounds like crap!'" he says. "There was a hidden command in Tekken 2 [where you could play in first person] that was cool in itself but you wouldn't want to do that for your whole Tekken fix, right? So probably not that. People like Tekken the way that it is as far as the core gameplay."

    "I think people think we're going to incorporate VR into the main game itself, when we don't currently see a way that that would enhance Tekken to a new level better than what it would be right now."

    As for what players can expect, Murray offered that "The only hints we could probably give is that Tekken is ultimately all about the characters. You want to see the cool characters, the cute female characters like Lucky Chloe, and we have all kinds of customisation for them and they have all these cool techniques that are motion captured.... something that would allow people to enjoy the game in that aspect maybe is about all we can say."

    PlayStation VR is the real way to experience Ace Combat 7, says Producer Kono

    The reason we came up with the idea was that we can change screens when we were in the cockpit inside the game. Using the controller, we can only imagine the TV screen in the living room, but...when we played the VR mode, we can remember the actual experience [of being] inside the cockpit, flying freely around the sky."

    However, if virtually reality sounds like nothing but a headache to you, no need to fear. Counter to some recent reports, the game will not be exclusive to VR, and will be playable on the PS4 without a PlayStation VR headset. Kono likens the Ace Combat 7 experience to an ice cream sundae - "Everything like online mode and campaign mode is in the ice cream. PlayStation VR is going to be a topping."

    Kono still maintains that the VR version will be the 'true' Ace Combat experience, but fans who simply can't stomach the tech won't have to do battle with motion sickness to enjoy a series that they love. He is, after all, thankful for all the fans have done for the Ace Combat series. "One brand that lasts almost twenty years is kind of an unbelievable thing," said Kono. "Because Ace Combat is beloved by all the fans, we're very pleased making the announcement of the brand new [Ace Combat] 7. That was possible because the fans supported us for this long period of time."
  19. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Based on the development hardware with game-makers now - which may or may not change on the final retail design - we can confirm that the box measures up at 140x140x35mm. By comparison, the Wii measures 215x157x44mm, almost 2.2x the overall volume. A fair bit smaller then, but significantly larger than the box we saw on the first-gen Morpheus prototype. A small power supply is also included in the development kit - that's a 12v unit rated for three amps. This is not insignificant.

    The external processor sits between the headset and the PS4 and in terms of IO, the rear of the unit features the power input, HDMI input and output (for the 'social screen' functionality) along with a USB port, which also connects to the PlayStation 4. The front of the device features bespoke dual outputs to the PlayStation VR headset. The Polygon report says that the external processor looks a lot like the image tweeted below, from VR Focus. Having seen development hardware first-hand, we can confirm that it is, in fact, entirely identical to what's pictured here on the bottom right.

    Additionally, in the jump to 120Hz, Sony has also implemented asynchronous time-warp, allowing 60fps games to be frame-rate upscaled to the native refresh of the HMD panel. The process also subtly warps the image based on the very latest motion data from the headset. Async time-warp can actually applied to all frames (even on native 120Hz code) and helps reduce potential nausea issues by ensuring that visual response to HMD movement is as fast as it can be. With that in mind, we have to wonder whether this is actually applied by the external processor box - going down this route could reduce latency significantly as opposed to implementing it during rendering.
  20. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Here comes the sun
    Summer Lesson, the cheerful virtual reality flirt-'em-up from the Tekken team, may yet wink at Western audiences, as publisher Bandai Namco has trademarked the title in Europe. The game, which sees you attempting to teach a college student while she twizzles her hair, has been one of the few PlayStation VR titles to draw any real attention, with the trailers unsurprisingly garnering millions of views.
    The gameplay looks pretty simple, with you nodding and shaking your head at the behest of your student's requests. It'll need to be fleshed out a lot if it's going to sell at full-price, but we suppose that there's potential in the idea as a digital download. The big surprise, of course, is that this could come overseas at all – especially considering the somewhat questionable content. It'll be interesting to see the, er, response to this one.
    Kevf vindt dit leuk.

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