[Multi] [Algemeen] Nieuwtjes, geruchten en discussie

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 28 feb 2013.

  1. McSparkle

    McSparkle Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maddmonkey vindt dit leuk.
  2. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    BATMAN – The Telltale Series will be making its worldwide debut as a digital download with its first episode in August on consoles, PC/Mac, and iOS or Android based devices. The series will be available to purchase at retailers starting September 13th in North America as a special Season Pass Disc, which will include the first of five episodes in the season, and will grant access to the subsequent four episodes as they become available for download via online updates. The series will then be available to purchase at retailers across Europe on September 16th.


    When exactly in August will the game premiere digitally? Stay tuned for next week, when the world premiere trailer debuts alongside the digital release date!

    For those heading to San Diego Comic Con next week, we have an extra surprise. On the night of Saturday, July 23rd, you can be among the VERY FIRST to experience the premiere episode of BATMAN - The Telltale Series at a special crowd play event on the big screen ahead of public launch! Join Troy Baker (voice of Bruce Wayne) and host Greg Miller (Kinda Funny) along with some of the Telltale team for an evening full of fun, excitement, and perhaps even some giveaways as the crowd will be encouraged to shout and direct the choices on-screen.
  3. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Humanity is on the verge of extinction. You are the last hope, tasked with finding a safe haven for a colony. But now you are stranded on a deserted alien planet and every other member of your crew is dead. The fate of humanity rests in your hands: you must survive… Plants grow and rot, weather changes from scorching heat to chilling storms, the wind and humidity are unforgiving…

    Nu uit op XBO in game preview voor 15,-
  4. Olijke Poffer

    Olijke Poffer PC VR fan.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Cool. Deze lijkt mij wel wat. Ik kende deze niet.
  5. McSparkle

    McSparkle Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Nieuwe Sonic in de oude stijl. Nice! :)
  6. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Spiritueel vervolg Burnout 3 in ontwikkeling

    Ontwikkelaar Three Fields Entertainment werkt aan een spiritueel vervolg op Burnout 3: Takedown. Dit maakte Alex Ward, creative director, via Twitter bekend.

    Three Fields Entertainment werd in 2014 opgericht door Alex Ward en Fion Sperry, de oprichters van Criterion Software, en bestaat voor een groot deel uit medewerkers van de Burnout-ontwikkelaar.

    Voorheen gaf Ward al aan dat de nieuwe racegame heel erg snel gaat worden en dat Ted Stryker, de voice-over uit Burnout 3, zijn stem verleend aan de titel. Ook werd de game bestempeld als ‘Shiny Red Something’, een verwijzing naar de originele werktitel van Burnout: ‘Shiny Red Car.’

    Een naam of releasedatum is nog onbekend.
    Daz, [2k], Tyrant en 3 anderen vinden dit leuk.
  7. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Well-Known Member XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoooly shittt! No waaay! Eindelijk! Dit. Is. Awesome! Burnout 3: Takedown was zo fucking episch, zoveel uren, dag en nacht helemaal los gegaan! Yihaaah!!!1!
  8. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik speel ook Dangerous Golf van diezelfde studio en dat is ook erg leuk beetje zelfde idee als in burnout die ongelukken veroorzaken.
    AnubisNefer vindt dit leuk.
  9. Tyrant

    Tyrant Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ga vnv weer gelijk Burnout spelen _O_
    AnubisNefer vindt dit leuk.
  10. Lethal AK47

    Lethal AK47 Well-Known Member XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ooit nog 3e of 2e gestaan in de online rankings! _O_
    Er was alleen altijd zo'n Nederlander (dielange666 volgens mij) die echt helemaal geen leven had toen en op 1 bleef staan! 8)
  11. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Xbox Live Gold Free Play Days - Rainbow Six Siege

    We’re excited to announce that all Xbox Live Gold members can enjoy the critically acclaimed Rainbow Six Siege for free this entire upcoming weekend with Xbox Live Gold’s Free Play Days. Beginning 9 AM PT Thursday, July 28 and running through 11:59 PM PT Sunday, July 31, Gold members in Xbox One markets can experience the most exciting and strategic tactical shooter available. Intense close quarters confrontations, high lethality, tactics, team play, and explosive action are at the center of the experience. The game will also be on sale all week, so if you decide to purchase the game, you will be able to start again right where you left off.
    Maddmonkey vindt dit leuk.
  12. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Deceived by the forces of evil into prematurely bringing about the end of the world, War – the first Horseman of the Apocalypse – stands accused of breaking the sacred law by inciting a war between Heaven and Hell. In the slaughter that ensued, the demonic forces defeated the heavenly hosts and laid claim to the Earth.
    Brought before the sacred Charred Council, War is indicted for his crimes and stripped of his powers. Dishonored and facing his own death, War is given the opportunity to return to Earth to search for the truth and punish those responsible.
    Hunted by a vengeful group of Angels, War must take on the forces of Hell, forge uneasy alliances with the very demons he hunts, and journey across the ravaged remains of the Earth on his quest for vengeance and vindication.


    Apocalyptic Power – Unleash the wrath of War, combining brutal attacks and supernatural abilities to decimate all who stand in your way
    Extreme Arsenal – Wield a devastating arsenal of angelic, demonic and Earthly Weapons; and blaze a trail of destruction atop Ruin, War’s fiery phantom steed
    Epic Quest – Battle across the wastelands and demon-infested dungeons of the decimated Earth in your quest for vengeance and redemption
    Character Progression – Uncover powerful ancient relics, upgrade your weapons, unlock new abilities, and customize your gameplay style
    Battle Heaven and Hell – Battle against all who stand in your way - from war-weary angelic forces to Hell’s hideous demon hordes
    Warmastered Edition Features:
    PS4, Xbox One and Wii U versions of Darksiders (Wrath of War)
    Native 1080p rendering resolution
    Doubled all the texture resolutions
    Rendering improvements and rework
    Better shadow rendering quality
    Post processing effects
    60 FPS in moment to moment gameplay (PS4, Xbox One, PC, 30 for WiiU)
    Laatst bewerkt: 28 jul 2016
  13. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Wel een hele toffe game en zeker de moeite waard, ben benieuwd naar de prijs.
  14. Olijke Poffer

    Olijke Poffer PC VR fan.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Meer uitleg over wat Prey nu eigenlijk voor game is,

    [2k] en Maddmonkey vinden dit leuk.
  15. [2k]

    [2k] XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Originele Prey was cool.
    Toen was het een tijd wachten op het vervolg, waarbij ze toffe features uit het eerste deel weg lieten. Uiteindelijk gecanceld.
    Heel verast om nu toch weer Prey te zien. Zijn weliswaar enkel mooie renderfilmpjes die niet echt representatief voor uiteindelijke in-game beelden zijn, maar geeft weer hoop. Toch wat wat duisters, met hopelijk weer die organische shit ertussen en liefst ook het gekloot met zwaartekracht. 8)
    Olijke Poffer vindt dit leuk.
  16. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Geruchten over een nieuwe Splinter Cell

    Regarding other games, I haven't been involved with Steep or Wildlands, but I was surprised Splinter Cell didn't appear at E3. I know Ironside is back. He was in the studio, I said Hi to him and his daughter. He was shooting a movie with Amy Jo Johnson, and I know someone who worked on that set and Ironside confirmed to him he was doing the new Splinter Cell. I know Toronto has the mocap studio for it.I'm hoping to hear or see something unofficial, if not official, this year, but its been hard to get anything beyond "It's Happening".
  17. MAD 1976

    MAD 1976 Useless info here...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tja, dat zeggen ze ook van Beyond good & evil 2.......al jaaaaaaaaaaren. :+
  18. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Van de Lords of Fallen dev.

  19. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ziet er wel leuk uit, al viel LoF erg tegen.
  20. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

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