[Multi] Titanfall 2

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Hybrid, 11 apr 2016.

  1. MightyMikeDX

    MightyMikeDX MightyMikeDX

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je bedoeld toch gewoon dat je je sensitivity van 1 naar 5 bijv. kan gooien? Dat kan namelijk.
  2. DiaLogical

    DiaLogical 3 red lights

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Had zaterdag ook enorme lag. gisteren helemaal niet meer. zag op hun twitter dat ze ook wat server issues hadden verholpen inmiddels
  3. Stingray

    Stingray NcA Clan Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Was er na zaterdag al klaar mee eigenlijk..

    Ben zelf wel een conquest fan... maar voordat je in deze mode een titan bij elkaar hebt aan punten is de match alweer voorbij of je moet echt als een COD camper de game gaan spelen wat dus totaal mijn ding niet is. Natuurlijk het is nog een hele vroege versie... maar rond die tijd zijn er toch wel weer andere titels die meer mijn aandacht hebben dan deze titel.
    Servantes vindt dit leuk.
  4. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    After wrapping up our first weekend of the MP Tech Test, I wanted to sit and talk about what we did, what we learned, and how this helps us for launch.

    The goal for the Tech Test is to stress our server infrastructure to make sure it'll scale and handle common events that are seen during a game launch. Despite our best attempts at writing massive simulations, there are gaps and assumptions that will come out when you have real players. We are very focused on having a smooth launch on October 28th and only a real Tech Test could answer these questions.

    We are doing these two weekends of the Tech Test because we knew we would hit problems that we'd never seen before. While a massive number of people were hard at work getting wins this weekend, we were busy finding and fixing at least a dozen separate issues. Those are all problems that we won't have to find and fix at launch. Many issues that we identified and fixed were things that users never noticed, which was one of our goals.

    Given the way game certification works and the timelines involved, the Tech Test was from a June snapshot of our game, and some of the feedback and issues fans noticed this weekend have been fixed in our game for weeks or months now. In addition, the full game has a lot more Tactical abilities, weapons, unlocks, customization, Titans, and maps than the Tech Test build does, and that slimmed-down view of the game for a Tech Test can be its own challenge for balancing and learning curve reasons. More on that later - the designers are going next with their own blog update - this is focused on the engineering goal of the Tech Test.

    Let me go through a few critical systems that we tested this past weekend:

    First - Dedicated Servers

    For Titanfall 2, we are running on a new server infrastructure with a company called Multiplay, who is responsible for running our fleet of dedicated servers to host games. And we run a LOT of servers - many thousands of servers all over the world. We also run them dynamically, so we boot them up before people need them, and shut them down when they aren't needed anymore. We learned a lot this weekend about how fast players will join matches, and we’re using that knowledge to verify that we can spin up servers really quickly so players aren't left waiting.

    We made sure to have a lot of datacenters for Titanfall 2, to give us the ability to scale very rapidly as well as to move games to another datacenter if we hit issues. We actually tested datacenters going offline completely and we learned how quickly we could move 100% of users from one datacenter into another datacenter. We weathered network attacks as well using this same system. After having done it a few times, it gives us a process to follow so that we can move players around even faster in the future. And for launch, we'll have even more datacenters available!

    We collected useful information about how long it takes each datacenter to spin up new servers - some datacenters are faster than others, and since we are spinning up servers in advance of players needing them, speed is important.

    Second - "Stryder"

    Aside from servers, we also have our own "Stryder" collection of backend services.

    As players saw, our new matchmaker is FAST. We learned that we could reliably make up to about 24,000 matches every 2 seconds, which thankfully allows us to handle player counts that no game sees. We did see some problems with matches not being full on startup, so we both improved our Join In Progress path, and we dug deeper to find the root cause of the non-full match starts. Our matchmaker had a trial by fire this weekend, and we're really happy with the results.

    Networks were a big unknown for us - we didn't know how people would use them, or which parts they would use most. We had over 200,000 networks created by Sunday night, and we saw thousands of users in chatrooms creating parties and going into matches. We were amazed by the creativity and fun that gamers brought to the game through their own Networks.

    We had some times where we were fixing issues with the brand new Invite Network functionality, and we could actually see the impact of those in the player counts in real-time! We saw a huge amount of players who ONLY joined games using the Invite Network popup in lobbies. With the Network Invites, Happy Hour, clan tags, and Inbox functionality, it seems like people really embraced our new Networks system. This was a huge success for us, and they were something that was hardest to verify before this weekend. Networks were created for real humans to use, and no simulation can prove that it would be successful like real people can.

    Thank You!

    You guys and gals played so much of the game this weekend, and you gave us so much data and feedback. It's invaluable as we go towards the home stretch of getting the game ready for October 28. Thank you for all of your hours played, feedback on our forums and on social networks, and disgustingly great skill displayed in matches against us. We are all trying to deliver the best, most fun game we can, and the Tech Test is a huge opportunity to learn from you.

    We got a ton of feedback from players this weekend. I want to thank some really great people who told us about technical issues they spotted, which helped us find issues and verify when they were fixed. We also received a lot of useful feedback not only on technical issues but also game design & balance. While the content available in the tech test constitutes only a slim portion of the full Titanfall 2 experience (so many more maps, modes, weapons, tacticals and Titans to come, plus an entire single player campaign!), we take that feedback very seriously. Our multiplayer team is interested in going into detail about their decision making process and design goals for Titanfall 2, to provide more context on why things are how they are and addressing feedback. Stay tuned for that update soon.

    Thanks everyone for all of your effort, patience, and feedback. It means a lot to us.

    Weekend Two – August 26 to August 28:

    We're going to do some fun things for weekend two of the Tech Test. With the learnings from weekend one, our next goal is to really spike the number of players playing online at the same time. We're going to try to do an event this weekend to try to get everyone online at once, which will be hugely valuable to the engineers here at Respawn as we continue to prove that we are prepared for a big launch this fall. Stay tuned to the Titanfall social channels for more details on this event. Until then, we have a list of things to look at before the Tech Test kicks off again on Friday morning at 9am PDT / 4PM GMT. We're very excited to see you back online again in just a few days!


    Jon “Slothy” Shiring
    Lead Engineer
    Titanfall 2
    Bidle en B Tender vinden dit leuk.
  5. Arno S.

    Arno S. I never asked 4 this

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Beta niet gespeeld maar ook niks gemist hoor ik. Jammer, leek me leuk.
  6. Schil1

    Schil1 GT : Schil1

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Aankomend weekend heb je nog kans want dan is er weer een test
  7. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is de komende test wél voor pc? Of is die nog niet gepland.
  8. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nope. Komt ook niet.
    Wel nieuwe maps en wapens met de volgende test.
  9. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Van de dev. Zegt wel genoeg. Vooral over die lanes. Dat was juist het beste aan TF1. Nu is het 3 lanes zoals COD achtige shooter..

    After the original game, we sat down and looked at it objectively. We got a lot of feedback from the outside, from fans, from research saying, "Hey, there's not enough. There's not enough content. We want more content." Internally, we played the game and came out of the play session thinking, "That was super exhausting. That was super chaotic." Why is that? We struggled with trying to answer what it was.
    What it came down to was, it was difficult for players to have a predictably unpredictable kind of experience. It was difficult for players to say, "If I die here in this game mode, how do I get better?" Do I zig? Do I zag? What should I have done differently? It was hard for Titanfall players to answer that through their experience. So we went back to the drawing board so we could fix this.

    We started by addressing the fact that you move so fast. You can't shoot out of the air so easily. So we slowed things down just a touch. Then also thinking more in terms of having players more proactive decisions, so instead of reacting to everything, they're thinking more like, "This match and this mode, this map, etc." They go, what things in the loadout menu will best help me fulfill that purpose. There's a much greater sense of purpose for players, so now they are thinking in terms of planning ahead, in terms of "I want to do this. This is my goal, this is my identity of how I am as a player." There's a huge difference, because all the different modes now kind of necessitate the player proactively thinking about what they want to do.

    One of the big efforts there was trying to think of the degree of verticality, the sort of "swiss cheese" effect. But now we have a 3D "swiss cheese" effect. So we started thinking more in terms of simplifying the concept and using what the designers call a "window pane" effect, where we think in terms of lanes. Defined paths become the norm: the left, the middle, the right. There's a greater simplification of the player's understanding of the environment, so that the environment becomes more predictable and becomes less about just drawing lines across the map from any point to any point where it just becomes a mess. We're trying to make sure the level is designed in a way that gets these trendy routes and feels more fundamental.

  10. B Tender

    B Tender Robot Unicorn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Was het unieke van TF1 niet dat er geen lanes waren, maar dat we onze objectives allemaal konden benaderen hoe we dat zelf wilden? Er stonde genoeg gebouwen e.d. om je eigen creativiteit te gebruiken, in plaats van alleen de voorgekouwde route te kunnen nemen: Door het gebouw, links langs het gebouw op, via rechts, of gewoon over het gebouw!

    'Lanes' is niet persé slecht, maar het was juist waar TF1 NIET om draaide en wat het zo leuk maakte!

    Counterstrike, de_dust2 heb je geloof ik maar vier echte smaakjes qua route. Niets mis mee, maar gewoon niks voor TF..
  11. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat zeg ik toch ook? Dat was zo goed aan TF1. Daardoor was er ook weinig campen omdat mensen niet wisten waar iedereen vandaan kon komen.
    B Tender vindt dit leuk.
  12. B Tender

    B Tender Robot Unicorn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    We zijn het met elkaar eens :)
    Hybrid vindt dit leuk.
  13. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Over this past weekend, we’ve heard a lot of passionate feedback from Titanfall fans. Even though the Tech Test build is a couple months old, we learned some valuable things based on your feedback. Some of these changes have already been addressed and will be updated for weekend two of the tech test, with other changes making it into the final game.

    Pilot Mobility

    Many players are wondering why we changed the mobility from Titanfall 1. We identified two major issues we wanted to solve in Titanfall 2. The first is that a lack of player predictability would often cause players to be shot from the back or sides. While flanking is an important part of gameplay death often felt random instead of skillful. The second issue is that close range firefights were overly chaotic due to erratic player movement. So, changes to pilot mobility stemmed from a desire to improve our gunplay, and not a desire to slow down movement.

    We’ll be tuning air speed and wall-running speed to be faster.

    While investigating this point, we discovered some unintended side effects that were causing players to lose momentum while wallrunning.

    Players should once again accumulate and retain more speed when chaining wallruns.

    Additionally, we’re testing scaling back some of the dampening factors that were limiting bunny-hopping as we don’t want these restrictions to impact normal traversal.

    Titan Meter

    We made some changes in Titanfall 2 with the goal of rewarding players for playing game mode objectives. However, we observed the problem that players can try to play the objective but fail, resulting in slower than intended Titan acquisition. We still want objectives to be the fastest way to get a Titan, but the goal of every player being guaranteed a Titan per match hasn’t changed.

    Pilots will once again acquire a small passive amount of Titan meter every few seconds.

    Map Design

    Some of our Tech Test players have asked if the relatively flat and open design of Homestead is indicative of a new direction for Titanfall, and the answer is no. When designing maps, we strive to make them unique experiences. For example, Homestead changes things up by creating islands of Pilot gameplay where long-range weapons can be effective. This upcoming weekend a new map, Forwardbase Kodai, will be available for play. There is a wide variety of maps for the final game.

    We’ll be showcasing more maps over the next couple weeks on our website, including more traditional Titanfall maps.

    Thanks again very much for participating in the first weekend of the Tech Test. We’re looking forward to hearing from more of you this weekend, as these tests are amazingly helpful in ensuring we have a successful launch. As you can see, your feedback is already being heard and impacting the final game, and we’ll be posting the updates for weekend two in our forums later this week: https://forums.titanfall.com/en-us/c...s/game-updates. I also encourage you to read Jon “Slothy” Shiring’s blog on feedback we’ve received from the tech test in regards to server stability, you can check it out here http://www.titanfall.com/en_us/news/...est-successes/.
    Arno S. en Rampage vinden dit leuk.
  14. Arno S.

    Arno S. I never asked 4 this

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mooi dat ze naar de kritiek luisteren maar of ze de game nog drastisch veranderen betwijfel ik.
  15. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat moet er drastisch veranderd worden dan?

    2 knelpunten pakken ze aan. De Titan Timer en de movement-speed. Vergis je niet he? Je speelt een Alpha versie van een game. Enige wat mij nu nog ekt overhaalt is de Attrition modus.
  16. Arno S.

    Arno S. I never asked 4 this

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat en bots.
  17. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Here are the patch notes for the second weekend of Tech Test. Please make sure you install the update to the Tech Test so that you can experience these updates yourself.

    • Amped Weapons Boost now unlocks at 80% of the earn meter instead of 50%.
    • Charge Rifles now have damage falloff at cross map distances.
    • Slightly increased cloak visibility for other Pilots.

    We think the abundance of Amped Weapons is a large contributor to lower time to kill. We’re still adjusting individual weapon balance for ship.

    • Increased max wall-running speed.
    • Increased base wall-running speed and air speed.
    • Increased acceleration while jumping off walls.
    • Titans dashes recharge 2 seconds faster.

    Training is unaffected by these changes, ensuring Gauntlet records will remain valid.

    • Pilots now earn a small amount of Titan meter every 5 seconds.

    This value may be undertuned until we can take a pass at how much meter you earn from objectives.

    • Score Limit lowered to 5000 from 6000 to increase the amount of games won by score instead of time.
    • Banking phases now last 45 seconds instead of a minute.

    • Fixed some issues with the outer deadzone on PlayStation controllers.

    We wanted to note and apologize for “Invite Friends” still being broken in this build. We needed to get the patch to certification quickly to ensure gameplay changes could make it in for this weekend, so we couldn’t get to this in time.

    Lastly we will be offering players the chance to receive this callsign for launch when you play the Amped Happy Hour event this Saturday. All you need to do is play between the hours of 9-10am PT/5-6pm GMT or 4-5pm PT Saturday/12-1am GMT Sunday and you’ll get this exclusive callsign when Titanfall 2 releases on October 28.
    Arno S. vindt dit leuk.
  18. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die nieuwe map is nog kutter.
    Verder is het een tikje beter. Veel meer Titans nu en de movement voelt een beetje sneller aan. Maar nog steeds geen schim van TF1 helaas.
  19. Mallakai

    Mallakai Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Blij dat ik de game niet haal, TF1 was wel okay voor een weekje, maar dit is echt helemaal niets.
    Geen multiplayer games voor mij dit jaar.
  20. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Leugens. ;-)

    Battlefield 1 D. Met z'n allen. Ik hoorde dat de Gjallarhorn er ook in zit.
    Mallakai vindt dit leuk.

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