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Nintendo Switch

Discussie in 'Nintendo Hardware' gestart door Hybrid, 20 okt 2016.

  1. CrazY

    CrazY Nimma City

    Leuk Bevonden:
    bulletproof010 vindt dit leuk.
  2. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik kijk nog weleens TV maar ik kom inmiddels ook tijdens de reclameblokken gewoon Switch commercials tegen.

    De Switch staat ook al in de Media Markt folder & is op bol.com al uitverkocht, dus wie weet is er toch enige hype.

    Al is Skylanders natuurlijk op elke console te verkrijgen.

    O'ja en nog fijn nieuws van de MM:

  3. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    bulletproof010 vindt dit leuk.
  4. thanks

    thanks Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Aaah te laat voor de pre order. Ik wou hem voor mij vrouw halen. Iemand een tip waar ik em alsnog eerder kan halen?
  5. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Bart Smit online. Goede vriend van mij heeft gisteren een Switch besteld en vandaag bericht gekregen dat hij morgenmiddag bezorgd zal worden. :)
  6. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    The Nintendo Switch is an experimental game console from a company with a storied history of making experimental game consoles. Whether it will go down as one of Nintendo’s successes or failures remains to be seen.

    Big picture: I fundamentally like using the Switch. It accomplishes its central goal admirably, and has already gotten me thinking about it differently than my other game consoles. It also has a number of irritating flaws and hidden costs, and there are so many things about it that Nintendo still hasn’t explained.

    Any new gaming hardware is defined by the games it can play, and here the Switch bucks convention. It has a single sensational launch game, albeit one that can also be played on the Wii U you might already own. The rest of its launch lineup is nowhere near as compelling, but the fact remains that playing this Zelda on the Switch has been one of the finest gaming experiences I’ve had in years. I suspect that, Wii U version or no, Breath of the Wild will entice a lot of people to buy a Switch. I couldn’t fault them for doing so.

    My recommendation is still to wait. Of course, if you’re excited as hell about the Switch and know that you want one, go for it. But if you’re on the fence, I say hold off. Wait and see if Nintendo addresses some of the hardware issues people have reported. Bide your time and let them release more games. In six months we’ll know a lot more about how this unusual new console works, and there’ll be a lot more things to play on it. Nintendo has made another bold gamble, and only time will tell if it’ll pay off.

    • USGamer
      At its basic level, stripped of all marketing talk, the Switch is a portable system with a television play solution. It's not the first portable console to offer TV-play, but it is the first to have an elegant solution, one that's offered with every system Nintendo sells. As a portable, the Switch excels.

      I still don't know if the Nintendo Switch is a system for everyone. I don't know if this is Nintendo's next big thing, or if it'll sell like the Wii U and Vita did. Despite that, this is a well-engineered portable console with the ability to play on your television at home.
    • Eurogamer / DigitalFoundry
      However, as a launch product, the £280/$300 price-point is a big ask compared to the competition, especially bearing in mind a launch title line-up based primarily on Wii U ports. There are also many extra costs too - a larger SD card is essential, the Pro controller is recommended for home use, and an external powerbank is worthwhile on the go. For now, what we have is a strong foundation to build on; it's pricy and not without fault, but we can't wait to see where Nintendo take the concept.
    • Vooks
      So while the Nintendo Switch is the slickest system Nintendo has ever built, it might be hard to explain to family and friends on first view. But it’s an onion, peeling back layer after layer. I’m feeling a lot more positive about the future of the Switch than I was after that first presentation – not just because it seems Nintendo are necessarily doing a better job this time around (more transparency please!) but because the system and the software can speak for themselves.

      I can’t wait to see what the Switch experience looks like in a year, if it’s not already a must have now. It will be by then. For now, I have my dream Nintendo console.
    • CNET
      THE GOOD / The Nintendo Switch is a versatile hybrid game console that easily pivots between a big-screen TV and on-the-go portable. Its modular Joy-Con controllers are inventive. The entire hardware feels substantial and refined. Breath of the Wild is one of the best Nintendo launch games of all time.

      THE BAD / Besides Zelda, there are only a handful of games and no Virtual Console. Online features are currently a mystery. Screen feels small during tabletop sessions. Joy-Con layout is cramped and crowded, and the left one can have connection issues when wireless.

      THE BOTTOM LINE / The Nintendo Switch is a solid piece of hardware that delivers an impressive gameplay experience in a small chassis. But a shallow roster of launch games beyond Zelda and a dearth of other features leaves the Switch feeling more like a blank slate of unfulfilled potential on day one.
    • WSJ - Requires logging in
      The Switch is the most polished, sturdy and grown-up hardware Nintendo has ever produced. Older Nintendo gear feels plasticky and toylike by comparison. That doesn’t mean this new hardware is technically superior to other game systems, though. In terms of processing power, it doesn’t measure up to the latest PlayStation and Xbox consoles, which offer high dynamic range, or HDR, gaming, 4K video streaming and far better graphics. But the difference is that Sony and Microsoft aren’t looking beyond the living room—they want to keep gamers in their seats with their hair blown back.
    • IGN
      As a handheld, the Switch is a powerful piece of hardware with a gorgeous screen, but it's too large and power hungry to feel like you can really take it anywhere. As a console, it’s underpowered, unreliable, and lacking basic features and conveniences that all of its competitors offer. It’s nicely built and cleverly designed to be used in a variety of ways, but the bottom line is that the Switch doesn’t do any one of the many things it can do without some sort of significant compromise. Our testing will continue for the next few days as we try out the online features and other functions enabled by the day-one patch, but if I had to score it now I’d give it a 6.7.
    • International Business Times
      Nintendo dares. No other hardware manufacturer takes the kind of risks Nintendo so often does. Whether or not it ultimately pays off is no reason to ridicule a philosophy that may not have served the company well in recent history, but which did make them a household name. The audacious idea that came to be Nintendo Switch has paid off. It's Nintendo's most impressively well-designed home console ever; a tight, light package brimming with ideas and built to support all manners of play.

      The mark of a console is how well it supports a wide variety of games, and Switch does that through its hardware and, it seems, through the efforts Nintendo has made to make it easier than ever for third parties to develop software for a Nintendo console. Nintendo Switch is primed to eclipse the disappointing sales of Wii U, and though we don't know yet if this will be the case, it certainly deserves to.
    • Den of Geek
      But as it stands, as a piece of hardware, we must say we’re impressed with the Switch so far. That flimsy cartridge hatch aside, the system feels like a proper step forward from the Wii U - more solid, more versatile and, while we do miss Nintendo's quaint menu music, more sophisticated in terms of design.

      Best of all, the Switch doesn’t feel like a compromise in any of its configurations. It feels natural and intuitive to use as a handheld or a home console, while the ability to use the Joy-Con as separate controllers for the screen, rested on a table via its kickstand, suggests all kinds of multiplayer possibilities in such games as Mario Kart and Splatoon. It's this latter touch that is quintessentially Nintendo - a quirky idea still lurking behind the trendy exterior. Based on the decidedly weird mini-games we've glimpsed in 1-2-Switch - milking cows and the like - we're looking forward to seeing how else the versatile Joy-Con can be used by imaginative developers.
    • Apptrigger
      As it is now, the Nintendo Switch is a wonderful machine if you want to play Breath of the Wild. If you trust that the level of quality of what's available now will hold true going forward, braving the storm and picking one up now to bask in Link's adventure immediately may not be an awful decision. But if you're apprehensive about the future or were burnt by the Wii U, you're not missing out on anything by waiting. As fascinated as I am about what's here, the missing pieces of the Switch's puzzle haven't quite fallen into place for me yet, though I have hope Nintendo can put it all together by the end of 2017.
    • Engadget
      My big takeaway from the Switch: Nintendo has figured out how to innovate once again. It's clearly different from other consoles, and it does plenty of new things that gamers might appreciate. But the system's battery life, outdoor screen performance and unknown networking capabilities have me worried. Nintendo has wowed us again, but it still has a long way to go to prove that the Switch isn't another Wii U.
    • WIRED
      From what I’ve seen, I have high hopes: The user interface currently installed on the device is clean, fast, responsive, well-designed. You can tap the Power button to send the unit into sleep mode immediately during gameplay, and pick up your game of Zelda right where you left off. It seems like it’s a thousand times better than Wii U’s slow, clunky interface. You just can’t do anything with it yet besides start and stop a game of Zelda.

      And right now, that’s about all one can say about Switch: It has a new Zelda, you can definitely play it in handheld mode, and you might be able to play it in TV mode if you’re lucky. Switch has the potential to be all things to all people: TV console, next-gen Game Boy, wacky motion controls, traditional hardcore game machine, even multiplayer-in-a-box. But today, with just hours to go before launch, Switch is lacking some basic functionality.
    • God is a Geek
      Let me be clear about what I mean there: as I write this, the hardware will be available to buy in just a few short days, and yet I am sat here with a Switch that has no access to the eShop, or any online features at all. Right now, I’m still waiting on the “day one” update, which make evaluating what it can actually do, pretty tricky. What this means is that I can’t, in good conscience, score this new console as I’d like to, and will have to revisit this review to finalise it when that update hits. Bizarre, but right now, this is a console that plays games, and that’s about it.
    • Attack of the Fanboy
      The Nintendo Switch is one of Nintendo’s strongest launches in both in terms of the hardware and software. The system is extremely well designed for its dual use as a home and handheld console. The Joy-Con require some getting used to, mostly due to their small size, but they server their many purposes well. The proposed launch year lineup is exceptional, with Zelda headlining the launch as an immediate killer app. Nintendo also learned from their Wii U mistakes in other ways, giving the system a definite theme and setting expectations for what this console is and how it works. It has limited uses right now, so multitaskers should likely wait. If you’re a Nintendo fan then you should already have your preorder in though, and video game players in general should be taking a very close look at the Nintendo Switch.
    • TheSixthAxis
      The Nintendo Switch is a fantastic piece of hardware and one of the best consoles that the Nintendo has ever created. We’ll have to wait and see what comes of the device, whether it’s adopted by third parties and consumers, but in terms of what the console can do, how flexible it is and the power it offers as it straddles the divide between portable and home console gaming, it’s in a world of its own.
  7. thanks

    thanks Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Thanks alleen kan em daar dus niet meer bestellen :mad:
  8. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Das minder man. Bizar dat het gewoon allemaal zo moelijk te krijgen is.
  9. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Review Eurogamer:

    There's no denying this is still a compelling piece of technology. Putting aside the controller sync issues and an unconvincing stand, there's a lot to celebrate. The Joy-Cons adapt brilliantly to any situation, and the tablet is ruggedly built in most other regards, with a smart finish, delivering games at a quality beyond anything we've seen on a handheld. It's a cliché, but the value of any hardware rests on great software, and it's Nintendo that will be the one to watch going forward. As the years roll on, we can fully expect the Switch's potential will be better tapped into, and fine-tuned to impressive results

    However, as a launch product, the £280/$300 price-point is a big ask compared to the competition, especially bearing in mind a launch title line-up based primarily on Wii U ports. There are also many extra costs too - a larger SD card is essential, the Pro controller is recommended for home use, and an external powerbank is worthwhile on the go. For now, what we have is a strong foundation to build on; it's pricy and not without fault, but we can't wait to see where Nintendo take the concept.

  10. Cyrax

    Cyrax Weldoener van beroep

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee, ik voel het niet! Eerst wel, maar het is het gewoon niet. Dan zit je HZD te spelen en dan hoor je dat de nieuwe Zelda performance issues heeft en moeite heeft om de grote wereld in 3D te showen. Tja, dan vraag ik me toch wat dingen af. Komt het omdat Zelda oorspronkelijk voor de WiiU gemaakt is, of omdat de console gewoon te zwak is. Ik denk het eerste, maar ik twijfel toch.
  11. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laten we eerst de recensies maar eens afwachten ;) kijk wat kleine issues tsja, dan heeft inmiddels bijna elke game wel (niet dat dit goed is) maar zolang het maar niet gamebreaking is of je uit de ervaring haalt.

    Al met al een nieuwe console is eigenlijk altijd leuk, dat moment dat je de console uit de doos haalt, het aansluiten en het voor het eerst opstarten, het heeft altijd wel iets magisch.

    Voor mij komt er gelukkig wel genoeg content, met Zelda ben ik sowieso wel een maandje zoet. Bomberman & 1-2 switch er nog bij gehaald voor de party / multiplayer ervaring en de komende maanden komen er nog genoeg games om ervoor te zorgen dat de Switch niet stof zal happen.

    Grafisch is het misschien niet dé console maar het is wel een console waar je overal kan gamen, iets wat toch wel aantrekkelijk is en waarschijnlijk een stuk functioneler is zodra je er gebruik van gaat maken.

    Edit: Verzendbevestiging gekregen van de MediaMarkt ik kan m'n Switch morgen in huis verwachten :D
    Laatst bewerkt: 2 mrt 2017
  12. captain vimes

    captain vimes upholding the law

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zowaar nubinderdaad regelmatig tv spots voorbij zien komen! Hebben ze in ieder geval wat geleerd van de wii u launch! Dit wordt voor mij toch de eerste Nintendo console die ik niet zal halen op de launch dag. Magere line up in combinatie met horizon zero dawn en (nog steeds) overwatch heb ik er geen 300+ euro voor over. Maar mezelf kennende, Mario is instabuy ;)
    Maddmonkey vindt dit leuk.
  13. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Let's go!
  14. Beltoni

    Beltoni GT: Beltoon

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fijn om te horen dat je de tv spot regelmatig voorbij hebt zien komen. Doe ik toch iets goed :D
  15. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nu ik ze naast elkaar heb liggen zie ik dat de Switch zonder joycons en het doosje van Zelda echt exact even groot zijn!

    Grappig detail, vandaar dat ze dit formaat voor de game doosjes hebben gekozen.
  16. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Of gewoon even wachten (maandje?) tot de kinderziektes uit de console zijn gehaald zodat je kan genieten zonder de problemen :)
  17. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:

    We kunnen los :)
    WinterBase vindt dit leuk.
  18. NLegendkiller

    NLegendkiller Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vanmiddag de Switch + Pro Controller + Zelda binnen gehad. Uurtje of vier gespeeld nu en vind het een heerlijke game. Het traditionele Zelda gevoel is bewaard gebleven en tegelijkertijd hebben ze het fris aan laten voelen.
  19. vanDulken

    vanDulken Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Niet exact, heb geprobeerd het zeldadoosje in de switch doos op de plek van het scherm te stoppen en dat pastte net niet
  20. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Pro Controller heb ik ook trouwens. Dat ding ligt echt heerlijk in de hand. _O_

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