[Multi] Player Unknown's Battlegrounds

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Dyonko, 9 jun 2017.

  1. Jimmy J.

    Jimmy J. Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee. Maar ik wil PUBG wel halen.
  2. Martijnn

    Martijnn Disco disco, good good!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Speel de game nu ook op pc. De eerste paar matches vond ik er niks aan maar begin nu de smaak te pakken, je moet gewoon even wennen aan deze game.
  3. Chrizzle

    Chrizzle Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Surprise motherfucker
    CrazY en bulletproof010 vinden dit leuk.
  4. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Haha niceee.
    Had je nog geen tijd gehad om je shield potion te gebruiken? Ik gebruik ze zsm altijd.

    Maar helaas nog steeds geen fortnite topic.. =(
    dan drop ik hier ook ff wat. :p

    Die scoped assault rifle is echt me favo wapen!
    -Triple down!!! :+

    Haha en hier lachte ik me gisteren helemaal kapot.. wat the fuck was die laatste dude aan t doen, lekker blijven reviven! :lol:
    CrazY vindt dit leuk.
  5. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  6. Martijnn

    Martijnn Disco disco, good good!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat een fantastische game, zeker in co-op met een maatje.
  7. Mallakai

    Mallakai Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    12-12 komt hij naar de Xbox
    Servantes vindt dit leuk.
  8. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Xbox One X will support HDR at launch. 4K to come with final release.
    Just announced on the Paris games week stream!

    Here is the PR they just released.

    Xbox fans, we know you’ve been waiting and we’re so excited to finally be able to say it – PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is coming to Xbox One as a console launch exclusive through the Xbox Game Preview program on December 12, 2017!

    We shared this news at Paris Games Week today, where Brendan Greene – aka PlayerUnknown – and I opened the Xbox booth with Aaron Greenberg, General Manager of Xbox Games Marketing.

    Beginning December 12, Xbox fans will be able to play PUBG while it’s still in early access through the Xbox Game Preview program. We’re approaching development on Xbox One with the same community-driven focus that we’ve taken with the game on PC. As a result, the ultimate battle royale experience that fans play on Xbox One will be slightly different than what players know today on PC.

    In addition to announcing Xbox’s XGP launch date on December 12, we also shared the exciting news that we’re on track to launch 1.0 for the PC version in late December. This has been an amazing year for us and launching both 1.0 on PC and on Xbox through Xbox Game Preview are huge milestones for the team. I’m incredibly proud of how far we’ve come in such a short time, but I’m even more excited to say that we’re just getting started.

    Both versions are being developed at the same time, but they both have their own separate roadmaps. Various Xbox One features and functionality will change and come online over time just like they have on PC, with our goal being to have both versions align to each other as soon as possible. Feedback as you know has been critical to the game’s success, so beginning December 12 we want to hear from Xbox fans on what they think aboutPUBG and how we can make the best version of the game possible.


    In celebration of PUBG’s upcoming launch on Xbox One, we’ve collaborated closely with the team at Xbox to create three special, limited-edition cosmetic packs – the PUBG Warrior Pack, the PUBG Accessory Pack and the PUBG Tracksuit Pack. These packs are exclusive to Xbox fans as standalone offers available for a limited time and as there are no plans to feature any in-game purchases in the Xbox Game Preview version, are the only items that can be purchased during the preview period’re super excited to be able to bring these to Xbox One fans who have been eagerly awaiting the game as a special thank you for your patience and passion for PUBG. We’ll be sharing more details on timing and pricing in the weeks ahead.

    If you are attending Paris Games Week, be sure to come by the Xbox booth and check out “The Wall.” We’ve set up a massive 50-person gameplay experience where players can come battle it out in a series of live matches that will be nothing short of epic. Having everybody in a match together all in one room is really special and is going to be a lot of fun.

    Thank you to the entire PUBG community for providing feedback and making our game such a success already. We’re working hard with our partners at Microsoft to bring PUBG as a console launch exclusive on Xbox One through the Xbox Game Preview program, and we can’t wait to meet you on the island on December 12!
    ColdzeroNL, bulletproof010 en X-Junk vinden dit leuk.
  9. deadly seconz

    deadly seconz kaas is geel

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heel vet, speel hem al een maand of 5 op PC, maar heb ook vrienden op de xbox die hierop staan te trappelen!
  10. Olijke Poffer

    Olijke Poffer PC VR fan.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik lees er meer leuke verhalen over inderdaad... :)
  11. deadly seconz

    deadly seconz kaas is geel

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Haha dat is een understatement.

    Die sales ook, heel dit Battle Royale gebeuren is echt een goudmijntje. en PUBG is de eerste die het zo goed doet (alhoewel er echt nog wel veel te verbeteren valt, mja het is nog Early Access!)
    Olijke Poffer vindt dit leuk.
  12. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fortnite battle royal doet t ook aardig goed hoor en volgens mij was die van H1z1 of hoe die game ook heet ook aardig populair.

    Ik kan iig niet wachen om pubg op mn xbox te spelen al zal ik het bouwen wel gaan missen daar, wat je in fortnite wel kan.

    Zijn de first person servers met pubG release op xbox er gelijk? Of hebben we eerst alleen third person servers??
    Laatst bewerkt: 1 nov 2017
  13. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sonny, AntraXxX en Servantes vinden dit leuk.
  14. Graveheart

    Graveheart Groovy XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
  15. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Blijft geweldig deze filmpjes. Dit is een compilatie van de eerste 20:

  16. Reckuuza


    Leuk Bevonden:
  17. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Definitely on Xbox One X, 60FPS. On Xbox One, we’re not sure. We may have to limit it at 30FPS, maybe, but the last time I saw it, it was running at about 30 to 40. We’re still constantly improving it so, you know, the aim is to get to 60. That’s why we’re doing Game Preview, because I think the great thing about console is it’s a locked hardware system, so we can do really specific tweaks that tune it for those systems.

    I have great faith that we’ll get there. The great thing about Battlegrounds is that it’s not…unlike the more high paced shooters, frame rate isn’t that important. Yes, it is important, but it’s not as important for us as it is in a twitch shooter. So we’re aiming for 60; not sure if we’ll get there, but that is our aim.
    The article also mentions 4k textures being on PC and X, but he said they still have to make them.
  18. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zullen zien.
  19. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  20. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Daar komt die quote vandaan he. ;)
    Ik wacht wel even af. Genoeg devs zeggen 60fps maar dan is het alsnog met grote drops etc.
    Servantes vindt dit leuk.

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