[PS5] Sea of Thieves

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Hybrid, 15 jun 2015.

  1. Beltoni

    Beltoni GT: Beltoon

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wanneer morgen we weer?
  2. B Tender

    B Tender Robot Unicorn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik verwacht... dit weekend :) Met een grote beta.
    Laatst bewerkt: 8 mrt 2018
    RO3Li vindt dit leuk.
  3. B Tender

    B Tender Robot Unicorn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De laatse beta is schijnbaar voor iedereen toegankelijk:
    BRON: https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthiev...e_final_beta_is_now_free_as_in_available_for/
    RO3Li vindt dit leuk.
  4. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je kan geen missies doen ofzo in deze game he?
  5. Beltoni

    Beltoni GT: Beltoon

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Piraten hebben geen missies, alleen schatkaarten en rum. Heel veel rum.
    Zifnap en B Tender vinden dit leuk.
  6. RO3Li


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Uiteraard ook andere boten laten zinken en schatten stelen van andere boten!
    Zifnap en B Tender vinden dit leuk.
  7. B Tender

    B Tender Robot Unicorn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En rum stelen.

    Goede ontwikkeling :)
    Zifnap en Beltoni vinden dit leuk.
  8. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja ok maar naast die dingen is er dus niet veel te doen ik had laatst die stress test gespeeld maar is dus niet mij type game:+
  9. B Tender

    B Tender Robot Unicorn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Stresstest ≠ demo (laat staan de volledige game :p )

    Al kan ik ook wel een beetje begrijpen hoe je ertegenaan kijkt. Denk dat bij deze game meer dan bij sommige andere games de lol die je eruit haalt afhangt van de speler (en zijn crew) zelf. Denk dat het je niet allemaal op een presenteerblaadje wordt aangereikt hier en je een beetje op zoek moet naar 'avontuur' om er het meeste uit te halen.

    Kan je ding zijn, kan niet je ding zijn :)
  10. B Tender

    B Tender Robot Unicorn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Reddit zegt dat de open beta live is gegaan :)

  11. Romanista

    Romanista Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat is dit een geweldig spelletje! Ik vermaak me uitstekend met de beta. Erg benieuwd naar de volledige versie!
    B Tender vindt dit leuk.
  12. Rivanov

    Rivanov Apple Fanboy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vanavond eigenlijk pas voor de eerste keer 'fatsoenlijk' de game gespeeld, ondanks dat ik al heel lang toegang heb als Insider.
    Geweldig spel! En ziet er ook nog eens fantastisch uit in 4K HDR.
  13. Romanista

    Romanista Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vanmorgen, uurtje voor het eindigen van de beta, even solo gespeeld om dat te ervaren. Kwam in een zieke storm terecht, kompas draaide alle kanten op en mn sloep begon ook water te maken. Zeil omhoog en timmeren als een gek, ik zou wel zien waar het schip strandt. In je eentje lijkt het dan wel erg veel op hard werken..Uiteindelijk ging de storm liggen en was ik helemaal gedesorienteerd en volledig uit koers geraakt met mn eenmanssloep. Ik kon mijn missie niet afmaken ivm het eindigen van de beta, dus de resterende minuten maar mn kop eraf gezopen op die boot :+
    Zifnap, Rossi46, Korkss en 1 andere persoon vinden dit leuk.
  14. AgentSmith

    AgentSmith Guest

    Heb de game blind besteld bij bol en de beta’s niet gespeeld. Ik wil graag de game in team-verband spelen, ik kan voornamelijk in de avonduren. Zoek wat serieuzere gamers, ben zelf 30+

    Als je me toevoegd svp een klein berichtje erbij dat het om Sea of Thieves gaat.

    Gamertag: AgentSmithNL
    RO3Li vindt dit leuk.
  15. B Tender

    B Tender Robot Unicorn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Toegevoegd . :)
    Beltoni en AgentSmith vinden dit leuk.
  16. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  17. B Tender

    B Tender Robot Unicorn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sea of thieves Achievements :)

    Superleuke omschrijvingen!
    Achievements. A single word that lights up the eyes of many a gamer. No game is complete without them, and here at Rare we've certainly had a lot of fun designing the achievements in Sea of Thieves.

    We've gone for a-vast list of 60 achievements. It has everything ranging from human cannonballs to Kraken encounters – if you can think of it, you can bet we've covered it! Creating achievements is a huge cross-team effort, and as we're sure you'll agree the artwork below, and the full album on our Facebook page, is stunning! We felt therefore that we should go the extra mile and set up each of these achievements so that when you unlock them, you can set them as a nice Xbox wallpaper too.

    Thanks to some community feedback, we also took on board that the majority of you wanted achievements written in riddles – so we've done exactly that! For those who aren't partial to the odd riddle, we've set up a discussion page on the Forums where those that have been deciphered can be reviewed, or you can always visit your favourite local Xbox achievement site for the lowdown in the coming days.

    Of course the following represents the initial launch set of achievements in Sea of Thieves, and over time we will look to add more – not least the achievement designed by our very talented community member Macatwork as part of the Design an Achievement contest.

    So without further ado, put the kettle on and we hope you enjoy reading through the list of launch achievements for Sea of Thieves, and have as much fun unlocking them as we did making them.

    See you on March 20th, not long now!

    Ted "Red Rage" Timmins
    PC Design Lead/Achievement Connoisseur


    Now Bring Me That Horizon [10G]
    "With the capstan raised and the sails unfurled, 'Now bring me that horizon!' a pirate yelled."

    Full Billow [5G]
    "When the wind grabs the sails a pirate will hoot, 'Full billow mateys, we are full speed en route!'"

    Handbrake Turn [10G]
    "When you find yourself needing a new direction, turn hard and weigh anchor to plot a correction."

    I Wanna Be a Pirate! [10G]
    "Cashing in rewards is always a pleasure, made even better when a number's the measure."

    Shopping for a Promotion [5G]
    "Even a pirate wants job recognition, so buy a Promotion to show your position."

    I'll Drink to That [5G]
    "Nothing says being social, like crews drunk down the local."

    What Shall We Do With a Drunken Sailor? [10G]
    "A tankard or two may make you blue, have a few more and you will surely spew."

    #BeMorePirate [5G]
    "A new peg leg, an eyepatch, a hat and a hook, maketh the pirate to complete the look."

    Aye of Reach [5G]
    "Head to the Weaponsmith to extend your Reach, please excuse the pun, it was a figure of speech."

    Blundarrrrbuss [5G]
    "Visit the Weaponsmith to empty your coffer, we hear there's some buckshot on special offer."

    Colourful Sails [5G]
    "Many people claim pirates had black sails, visit the Shipwright and she'll prove they're folk tales."

    You Fight Like a Merchant [10G]
    "Block an attack as you scream 'parlay!', then strike them down to ruin their day."

    How Appropriate! You Fight Like a Chicken [10G]
    "When an attack is blocked then fret you may, as being counter-struck will ruin your day."

    But You Have Heard of Me? [10G]
    "Halfway to Mastery is an important occasion, mark it with a Promotion to display jubilation."

    Self-Entitled [10G]
    "Pirate Titles are earned in many ways, and owning ten will leave enemies agaze."

    In Good Company [5G]
    "A Trading Company item is great to behold, but upgrade it five times for a beauty untold."

    Did Everyone See That? [10G]
    "Meeting a rival pirate stood on their ship, will become legend if you send them in for a dip."

    Ignoring the Rules of Engagement [15G]
    "To shoot from behind is a cowardly act, unless it's with a blunderbuss as matter of fact."

    Kraken Good Job [15G]
    "A number of tentacles appeared from the ocean, you quelled the beast without showing emotion."

    Perfect Dark [15G]
    "A lady once sailed through a storm at night, turned off her lights did she to show off her might."

    Friends Not Foe [10G]
    "A pirate salute proves you follow the Code, then upon you a new friend was gratefully bestowed."

    A Titanic Ensemble [10G]
    "A pirate once said that when you are sinking, playing some music is more helpful than drinking."

    Bone-Cronch [10G]
    "Patiently wait for a skeleton to 'cronch', then blow it away to ruin its 'lonch'."

    Dead Pirates DO Tell Tales [10G]
    "The Ferry of the Damned opened its gates, and a tale you did tell through the circle of eights."

    Hold My Grog! [50G]
    "To fire oneself and nail a deck landing, requires a good aim and much understanding."

    I Don't See Your Ship [20G]
    "One thing all pirates do share in common, is the first memory of watching a ship sink to the bottom."

    Laden With Treasure [20G]
    "If you are of chests aplenty, this achievement unlocks at twenty."

    On a Whole New Adventure [10G]
    "To be a good crewmate is thinking of others, so vote on a voyage from your sisters or brothers."

    Tactical Chunder [20G]
    "There is an old saying that to win a sword fight, a tactical chunder will ruin their sight."

    When You're a Professional Pirate [20G]
    "Being Commended is a pirate's delight, times it by ten and we'll celebrate all night."

    You Can Always Trust the Untrustworthy [30G]
    "To plunder one's captain is a good ploy, but take it to port to experience the joy!"

    Become Pirate Legend [50G]
    "Your dedication to piracy shall never be questioned, once you earn the hideout of Pirate Legend."


    Speaking of legends, we felt that achievements were a great way for us to immortalise some of our favourite moments from during development, so here they are and perhaps there will be more to come…

    Legends – "Cronch" [5G]
    "The month of June had a legend told, of a Griffin who 'cronched' a banana and was a sight to behold."
    The tale behind the Legend:

    Legends – "The Greatest Race in History" [20G]
    "Sometimes hostility is not the answer, try racing a ship to see who's the faster."
    The tale behind the Legend:

    Legends – "This is Unacceptable!" [25G]
    "Give a chest away or have it stolen, once it's cashed in your story is woven."
    The tale behind the Legend:

    Legends – "The Skullduggers" [5G]
    "A legend was told of a five-piece band, who played shanties together and best witnessed first-hand."
    The tale behind the Legend:


    As you may already know, Sea of Thieves is comprised of three Trading Companies at launch, and each of them have their own dedicated achievements!

    It's a Pirate's Life for Me [5G]
    "Into a Golden voyage a dagger was struck, but when voyage was completed you proved your luck."

    Master Gold Hoarder [20G]
    "The Hoarding of Promotions is one to embellish, to reach the top is a memory to cherish."

    Taking Orders [5G]
    "From the Captain's table you searched for a hoard, and upon completion you earned the reward."

    Master of the Order [20G]
    "First scale the heights in the Order of Souls, then to Master the Order is one of the final roles."

    I Am Not Obsessed With Treasure [5G]
    "A vote for the Alliance was one well placed, completing the voyage will give you a taste."

    Master Merchant [20G]
    "Becoming a Master Merchant is no doubt vital, so celebrate your reputation with a new-found title."


    Within the world of Sea of Thieves, certain deeds earn what is known as a Commendation. These range in difficulty requirement from Grade 1 through to Grade 5, and upon unlocking the fifth and final grade of Commendation in each set a matching Pirate Title is awarded. We felt therefore it was only right that given how clearly this is an achievement, that it is remembered as such!

    Seeker of Lost Maps [10G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for purchasing 250 X Marks the Spot voyages!"

    Golden Voyager [20G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for 500 Gold Hoarder voyages completed!"

    Sailor of the Gold Horizon [20G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for sailing 1,000 nautical miles on Gold Hoarder voyages!"

    Hoarder of Barnacled Gold [15G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for 1,000 Shipwrecked Chests sold!"

    Keeper of a Glittering Hoard [30G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for 150,000 gold earned from Gold Hoarder voyages!"

    Hoarder of the Captain's Gold [50G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for 1,000 Captain's Chests sold!"

    Merchant Adventurer [10G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for purchasing 250 Merchant Alliance contracts!"

    Merchant Voyager [20G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for 500 Merchant Alliance voyages completed!"

    Sailor of the Merchant Alliance [20G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for sailing 1,000 nautical miles on Merchant Alliance voyages!"

    Black Powder Merchant [15G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for 1,000 Gunpowder Kegs delivered on time!"

    Merchant Forager [50G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for 1,000 Banana Crates delivered on time!"

    Gilded Merchant [30G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for 150,000 gold earned from Merchant Alliance voyages!"

    Seeker of Lost Souls [10G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for purchasing 250 Cursed Captain Bounty contracts!"

    Voyager of Lost Souls [20G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for 500 Order of Souls voyages completed!"

    Sailor of the Whispering Bones [20G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for sailing 1,000 nautical miles on Order of Souls voyages!"

    Hunter of Cursed Captains [15G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for 1000 Skeleton Captains defeated!"

    Mercenary of the Ancient Order [30G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for 150,000 gold earned from Order of Souls voyages!"

    Master Hunter of Villainous Skulls [50G]
    "Awarded the Commendation for 1,000 Villainous Skulls sold!"
    RO3Li vindt dit leuk.
  18. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Preload is live
    RO3Li vindt dit leuk.
  19. RO3Li


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nice! vanavond maar eens aanzetten.
  20. B Tender

    B Tender Robot Unicorn

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben nog in afwachting van m'n cdkeys-downloadcode. :)

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