NBA Inside Drive 2004 vs ESPN NBA Basketball vs. NBA Live 2004

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Sonic 87, 25 aug 2003.

  1. Sonic 87

    Sonic 87 Punk Rock

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jajaja jongens, tis alweer zover...
    De herfst breekt aan, "ja...boeie???" ..
    Idd, daar gaat het dus niet om, maar waar et wel om gaat is dat de NBA dan begint, en dat de gamende NBA freaks op zoek gaan naar de nieuwste NBA Franchise voor het nieuwe seizoen...

    Helaas is Nederland niet echt een Basketball land, maar hier op het forum zitten wel een aantal NBA freaks, Karelax, Dialogical en Teiz bijvoorbeeld....

    De vraag is natuurlijk...voor welke van de 3 moeten we gaan?

    NBA Inside Drive 2004 ?

    Microsoft wilt zich duidelijk gaan bemoeien met de strijd om de Best NBA title, die voorheen tussen EA's NBA Live en Sega's NBA 2K ging...
    Deze game is live enabled, en Microsoft heeft zelfs een exclusief label geintroduceerd voor haar live enabled sportsgames..
    Dat wordt dus wat..
    De screens zijn zelf ook erg cool, en de facts ook..
    Voor de screens moet je op gamespot kijken en voor de officiële fact sheet op of ...

    ESPN NBA Basketball ?

    Voorheen NBA 2K...
    Sega was duidelijk de winnaar van vorig jaar, NBA 2K3 was een hit, een topper...
    Dit jaar ook XBL Enabled :)

    NBA Live 2004 ?

    EA doet elk jaar weer enthousiast over haar nieuwe titel en heeft elke keer weer een interessante naam voor een nieuw iets dat in de game zit...dit keer 10-Man Freestyle ....
    Meer info over de 10-Man Freestyle vind je op

    ÉÉN groot nadeel bij NBA Live 2004?
    XBL Disabled, net als alle andere EA Games..


    Anyway, het is bijna zover, NBA Inside Drive 2004 komt uit in October, NBA Live 2004 ook, en ESPN NBA Basketball's release date is unknown..

    Als ik vandaag een beslissing moest nemen, zou ik voor NBA Inside Drive 2004 gaan ...

    Waar ga jij voor ?? *)
    Laatst bewerkt: 25 aug 2003
  2. Demolition-Man

    Demolition-Man X360 / PS4 / Vita

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik denk NBA Inside Drive... maar dat ben ik.. ik heb NBA Live 2003 ook gehad en NBA 2k3 ook.. maar Inside Drive heeft de makkelijkste gameplay en het beste arcade gevoel, wat voor mij belangrijk is bij een NBA game...
  3. Sidereal

    Sidereal Guest

    ik heb geen live, dus daar hoef ik niet op te letten..verder heb ik nog geen idee eigenlijk..wordt er sowieso wel eentje..maar welke?

    ik zie het wel tegen de tijd dat ze er zijn..
  4. Veggie

    Veggie Guest

    NBA Street 2 ... dat is DE SHIT !

  5. MasterSE

    MasterSE Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nba Inside Drive 2004!

    Ik ga denk ik Nba Inside Drive 2004 halen, ik hoop dat de gameplay wat verbeterd is. Espn Nba Basketball wordt zeker een TOPPER die ga ik ook zeker aanschaffen :9
  6. Baltimore Raven

    Baltimore Raven PRO-BOWLER

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ga toch ook voor NBA Inside Drive 2004, de screens zien er heel goed uit, de Live competitie via XSN, het feit dat ik vorig jaar de 2003 editie heb overgeslagen en nu nog de 2002 speel waar een paar schoonheidsfoutjes inzitten maar over de gehele lijn wel een degelijke b-ball game is, EA heeft afgedaan met z'n nba reeks voor mij, op de screens hebben de spelers meer mee van speelgoedfiguurtjes dan de zeer knappe grfx van espn en nbaid.

    Sega's 2k3 heb ik nog nooit gespeeld and for that mather zelfs nog geen enkele sega sports titel, behalve eens nfl 2k3 getest en ik was er niet voor gewonnen, presentatie is wel fantastisch maar het kiezen van de plays vond ik dan iets te ingewikkeld maar dat komt waarschijnlijk omdat ik Madden en Fever teveel in de vingers heb.

    Ik ga dit jaar zeker al de sportgames van MS op de kop tikken, spijtig dat ze nog geen voetbal op de markt hebben dan zijn ze volgens mij klaar voor world domnation op de xbox ivm sporttitels :D hopelijk volgend jaar een FIFA Hatrick 2005 8) , kind moet een naam hebben nietwaar?

    Zijn der ook mensen die twijfelen tussen de aanschaf van de NFL titels terwijl we toch bezig zijn met Amerikaanse sporten?
  7. Royal

    Royal Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    inside drive 2004 gaat het worden voor mij :)
  8. Sonic 87

    Sonic 87 Punk Rock

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, maar NBA Inside Drive 2004 wordt de eerste serieuze game van Microsoft, met serieus bedoel ik als kanshebber voor de beste NBA game....Dit wordt een verbetering tov 2003 :D

    NBA Inside Drive 2003 is overigens pure simulation..:)
  9. DiaLogical

    DiaLogical 3 red lights

    Leuk Bevonden:
    NBA Live 2004 valt af (geen live) en verder ben ik nooit echt een fan van de NBA Live serie geweest

    strijd gaat dus tussen ESPN en ID...moeilijk, moeilijk
    zoals sonic al aangaf zal ID een grote makeover krijgen waardoor hij zeker moet kunnen concurreren met ESPN...en dan is er natuurlijk XSN sports
    ESPN zal denk ik meer een update worden, maar als ze de paar kleine schoonheidsfoutjes eruit halen wordt het sowieso een topgame

    XSN Sports zal waarschijnlijk het grote verschil tussen de games worden

    heeft/krijgt ID trouwens een ille franchise mode of niet?
  10. Sonic 87

    Sonic 87 Punk Rock

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Men was erg tevreden met de verbetering van de franchise in ID 2003...Dus 2004 zal zeker nog een betere hebben ;)
  11. DiaLogical

    DiaLogical 3 red lights

    Leuk Bevonden:
    en hoe is de franchise van ID vergeleken met die van NBA 2k3
  12. Don Juan

    Don Juan Do The Moonwalk

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Voor mij wordt het inside drive 2004. Heb 2002 en 2003 ook. En vind deze wel oke. Ea hoef ik niet ben geen fan van hun basketbal reeks. Basketbal van sega ken ik niet dus ik blijf gewoon bij inside.

    @ Baltimore Raven: Ik ga denk ik gewoon madden 2004 halen. Heb 2003 ook en vind het echt een masterlijke game.
  13. Sonic 87

    Sonic 87 Punk Rock

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat weet ik niet..
    Maar in de reviews wordt veel verteld over de dynasty mode (franchise)..heb zelf niet gelezen..
    Maar in de conclusie stond veel goeds over dit, kijk op

    ( @ Don Juan/Raven :

    Zelfs Gamespot is erg enthousiast over Madden 2004 op de Xbox..Het spel krijgt een 9.1 en een soort van ribbon...

    Madden NFL 2004 covers nearly every facet of professional football, but what makes this year's entry in the series so special is the fact that it ties all its components together seamlessly. )
    Laatst bewerkt: 29 aug 2003
  14. Frank

    Frank Gelegenheidsposter

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ga denk ik voor NBA Inside Drive 2004 als ik nog een bball game zou kopen...

    Ik heb nu 2k3 maar dat viel mij (niet echt veel) maar toch ietswat tegen.
    Soms frusterende gameplay. Online zat het ook niet helemaal lekker in elkaar. De beloofde rosterupdates kwamen niet uit in europa (de laatste komt uit oktober 2002 terwijl in Amerika er nog één was in april dit jaar :confused: ) Je kon alleen maar tegen europeanen spelen. Settings die je constant moest aanpassen bij het starten van de Live games.

    Daarom ben ik wel benieuwd hoe ID2004 dit gaat oplosssen. Maken ze roster updates voor deze game? Komen er genoeg medegamers? enz.
    XSN belooft al een hoop :cool:
  15. jasnba

    jasnba Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik ga NBA ins dr 2004 haluh, kan niet w88 op espn nba..die zal wel weer in februari komen ozo ....en beter gaan ze het nu goed doen met roster updates en pal v.s. ntsc!!
  16. DiaLogical

    DiaLogical 3 red lights

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ESPN NBA Chalk Talk: Vol. 1
    Dribbling, dunking, and defending in style.

    September 22, 2003 - When it comes to hoops, one series sports the highest hops. Change the name, change the game, whatever, ESPN NBA Basketball, AKA NBA 2K4, continues the tradition of excellence with more innovations than Iverson's got tats.
    The game features an all new animation system, more detailed player models to the point where every single player in the NBA (that's over 500 cats) carries with him a unique head, and new context sensitive animations so you will never again have to witness the crime that was the one-foot jump shot.

    Real-time cloth animations showcase shorts that move when you move. Players no longer strut the court with fat legs as even their ankles have been thinned down, and player arms have been shortened to limit all the Kevin McHale look-alikes.

    But forget the look. ESPN NBA Basketball has always been about gameplay, and this year is no different. From IsoMotion moves on both offense and defense, to the lead pass, ESPN brings its game to the court for real, and if you even try to fake the funk on the nasty dunk, as the great poet Shaq once said, you will be going home with the L.

    That's why we decided to bring you ESPN NBA Chalk Talk. A new series of features that will highlight the hotness that is ESPN NBA Basketball.

    The first of these sessions showcase the new gameplay elements, including the much talked about IsoMotion system.

    So get out your playbooks, click on the movies, and take notes. Class is in session.


    The Answer
    Taking Charge

    Last year, EA Sports introduced Freestyle control into the fold. What the mode did was take dribbling and offensive control to the next level. This year, ESPN Videogames counters Freestyle with their own move set called IsoMotion controls. The difference maker to developer Visual Concepts is the fact that IsoMotion works for both offense and defense. It's a one-on-one guessing game where quick fingers, timing, and player attributes combine to mean the difference between leaving a defender with a broken ankle and getting called for the charge. Here's how it works: The player with the ball dribbles down the court and is fronted by a defender. The offensive player goes into IsoMotion control and presses the appropriate button for a juke. As the offensive player jukes, the defender then presses the IsoMotion button to counter. Time it right and you'll hop in front of the oncoming ball handler and take the charge. Where this gets complex, however, is when the ball handler sees the defender hop in front to take the charge. The player with the ball can in turn, cancel the first move, make a hesitation dribble, then step back and dribble drive in the other direction. It's all a game of position. The player in the best position makes the play, whether it's on defense with a charge, or on offense with a move to blow by the defender, and it's that player in the best position who's going to win the battle.


    One of the complaints about last year's game was the fact that you couldn't throw manual alley-oops. Sure, alley-oops happened, but it was just a contextual animation when you passed the ball at the right time. This year, the oop game has all changed as you can now throw alley-oops at will by simultaneously pressing the shoot and pass buttons while at the same time pressing the analog stick in the appropriate direction toward the hoop. Forget being told when you can or can't oop-it-up. If you want to get your LeBron-on, here's your chance.


    Threading the Needle
    The most fun position to play in a basketball video game has always been the point. Playing the 1-spot enables you to quickly bust moves past defenders, feed spot-up jumpers from the three-point-line, and lob the alley-oop high over the defense. Well, if you liked playing the point before, then you'll love the point in ESPN NBA Basketball. Visual Concepts has added a new control to the pass game called the Lead Pass. By double tapping the pass button as a player cuts toward the hoop, you'll see your point guard flip the ball behind his back and in between defenders. Players like Kidd will skip a no-look to a slashing Richard Jefferson, while the Nash-Nowitzki connection will thrive like never before in Dallas.


    No More Jumpers

    One of the most frustrating aspects about the VC basketball games has been the one-foot jump shot. If you've ever played a game in the series, you know what I'm talking about. You're hitting turbo, no defenders in sight, and as you approach the basket, there you have it, instead of dunking, Kobe decides to take a jump shot from right next to the basket...and miss! Forget that. It's enough to make a man pull out all his hair and go Tolbert. This year, gone are the shortest of short jumpers in favor of reverses, flips, and one-handed runners, not to mention the good old slam dunk. One of the best fixes in the game. It only took four years.
  17. DiaL

    DiaL XBW Senior

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ga bijna zeker voor ESPN NBA.
    Ik vond nba 2k3 echt een zalig realistische b-ballgame. (Vond hem beter dan de nba live 2003 & inside drive)
  18. Sonic 87

    Sonic 87 Punk Rock

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Preview (

    Sega Sports and Visual Concepts' NBA 2K series has made a name for itself with what many consider to be the most accurate reproduction of the sport of basketball on the market. However, since it left the now-defunct Dreamcast and started appearing on other consoles, the series seems to have been somewhat in decline, even though it has continued to produce quality games each year. This year's game, ESPN NBA Basketball, is poised to change all that and to give the series a hefty boost of forward momentum. Several new, key features are set to make their debut this year, including an all-new dribbling and defensive control system called IsoMotion control and a brand-new single-player mode titled 24/7, which lets you create your own personal baller and train him against the best the NBA has to offer. We've spent some time getting a feel for everything ESPN NBA Basketball will offer, and thus far, we're extremely impressed.

    The gameplay system featured in last year's NBA 2K3 is largely intact in ESPN NBA Basketball. However, one major upgrade has been implemented: the new IsoMotion control system. Similar in concept to NBA Live's freestyle controls, IsoMotion will give you infinitely more control over your dribbling and defensive moves by letting you move your player to duck and dodge defenders when on offense and to match up to the ball handler when on defense. IsoMotion is effectively a test of reflexes, as the key to beating your opponent is largely based on timing. When on offense, you have to note the proximity of your defender, because if he manages to stand his ground in front of you, you'll take a charging penalty. To counter this, you can cancel your initial direction with a hesitation move, and then juke to the other side, leaving your defender with some nearly broken ankles.

    The passing game has been upgraded as well. ESPN NBA Basketball features a new lead passing system that lets you throw a behind-the-back pass in front of a teammate heading toward the net by double-tapping the pass button. This is an especially key feature when playing the point, since it gives you a much easier method of getting the ball to players with an open lane. Also, this year's game actually lets you control alley-oops. By pressing the shoot and pass buttons together, along with the analog stick in the direction of the basket, you can perform an alley-oop if you've got an open teammate.

    But the new game doesn't just add control and gameplay features. ESPN NBA Basketball also adds new play modes, including the all-new 24/7 mode. 24/7 gives you the ability to design your own player and put him on the road against some of the best ballers ever to hit the court. You'll begin by creating your player similar to the way you would in a standard create-a-player mode--naming him and giving him your desired appearance--and there are plenty of options to choose from, ranging from neck, arm, and forearm tattoos, to what type of socks you'd like him to wear. Once he's created, you're presented with a map of the United States, complete with a number of marked locations. You'll start at your home location, where you can view your player's current attributes, items, and other acquired goodies, though when you first start out, you won't have much.

    In order to progress in 24/7, you'll have to challenge other players in different types of competitions; but before you can compete, you'll need to train. 24/7 mode has a training camp that lets you improve a number of different aspects of your game, including shooting, defense, passing, and offensive and defensive awareness, and it will give you a chance to become more familiar with the IsoMotion control system. In each section of the training court, you must refine one specific aspect of your game with a unique challenge. For example, if you opt to work on your close shots, you'll be placed one-on-one against an NBA player, and your goal is to make at least one dunk or layup. Each time you make one, you'll boost your player's dunk/layup attribute by one point. Training isn't required to bring your custom player into a game, but if you really want to ball with the best, you'll definitely need to upgrade your game.

    Once you do start competing in ESPN NBA Basketball, you have plenty of different options. Although some locations are initially locked, you can find available competitions in places like Seattle, Pennsylvania, and Maine. However, which competitions are available depends entirely on when you play. 24/7 mode is tied in to the internal clock of your Xbox or PS2, and as such, depending on the hour of the day, you'll find different competitions with different players. So, at 7:00 in the morning in Seattle, you may find yourself in a tournament against five different players, but if you come back at 1:00 in the afternoon, you might find a one-on-one game where you have to win without having any shots blocked.

    When you win a competition, you'll be awarded the cell phone numbers of the players you've defeated so that you can partner up with them later on in team games. Additionally, your player's ranking will also improve. Once your ranking reaches a certain level, you can take on fictional boss characters, and defeating them improves your status significantly. You can also unlock new items for your player, including a wide variety of appearance attributes, which can include anything from vintage uniforms to the kind of bizarre stuff that longtime Sega fans should be able to immediately appreciate. All in all, the 24/7 mode seems extremely deep, and with the added bonus of being able to take your created baller online in competition against other players, it's shaping up to be one of the most intriguing developments to hit a simulation basketball game in quite a while.

    Aside from 24/7, ESPN NBA Basketball has the full range of standard game modes, including quick game, season, playoffs, tournament, practice, street mode--which can be played in full-court or half-court games, with one to five players on each side, or just as a game of 21--and the ever-popular franchise mode. This year's franchise mode has all of last year's features, and it also includes a few new additions, such as the ability to hire and fire not only your head coach, but also your assistant coach, rookie scout, and trainer. The game will also support online play for both the PlayStation 2 and Xbox and will feature all the benefits of its NFL and NHL counterparts, including downloadable content, voice chat, and online leagues and tournaments on the PS2.

    ESPN NBA Basketball's graphics are also coming together very well and should be a huge improvement over NBA 2K3's graphics. For starters, every single player in the game has a uniquely designed face, meaning that all 500-plus NBA players will look like they're supposed to. Additionally, the game has many little touches, like skin texturing and even the animation of the players' jerseys and shorts, which help make the players look extremely realistic. Similar to ESPN NFL Football and ESPN NHL Hockey, ESPN NBA Basketball features the menus, stat overlays, and every other aspect of ESPN presentation, and this seems to give you the feel of a real-life broadcast. In many ways, in fact, NBA Basketball is actually looking like the slickest of Sega's three sports games this year in terms of overall visual presentation. The Xbox version is predictably better looking than the PlayStation 2 version of the game, but the PS2 version's graphics still show a significant improvement over the graphics in last year's game.

    In terms of the game's sound, the biggest upgrade is easily to the game's commentary. Bill Fitzgerald provides the play-by-play, and ESPN's own Tom Tolbert gives the color, and though the pairing seems a bit stiff when compared with the superb commentary found in NFL and NHL, the commentary is still great. Additionally, NBA Shootaround and NBA Friday host Kevin Frazier will give you the pregame info, explaining how the two teams match up, which adds to the already robust ESPN presentation. Everything else in the game is sounding great as well, from the most subtle squeak of a sneaker on the court, to the nice range of hip-hop-flavored tracks available on the soundtrack.

    From what we've seen, ESPN NBA Basketball has all the potential in the world to bring Visual Concepts' NBA franchise back to the top. The new 24/7 mode seems very promising, and the new IsoMotion control system adds a great deal of depth to what some consider to be the best basketball gameplay around. Add in the highly polished presentation and significantly improved graphics, and the end result could really be something spectacular. ESPN NBA Basketball is scheduled to hit stores on October 21 for both the Xbox and the PlayStation 2.

    screens zien er wel leuk uit..

    Maar ik denk nog steeds dat ik voor Inside Drive 2004 ga, dit is wel voordelig van het later uitkomen van games in Europa, wij kunnen de Amerikaanse reacties en reviews afw8en voordat we een keuze maken...



    Voor mij zijn de rosters net zo belangrijk als de GFX...
    Laatst bewerkt: 5 okt 2003
  19. jasnba

    jasnba Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    eind van de maand komen nba jam en nba 2k4(espnm 2k4) uit tog?? ... die gaan jullie vast alle 2 ook kopen ...trailer gezien van nba jam ,....weer van die maffe dunks als op de snes ..way back....wreed man.....wat hopen jullie dat er verbeterd is in nba2k4... persoonlijk hoop ik dat we nu tegen amerikanen kunnen spelen(nix leuker dan zo'n stommuh bluf yankee ass te kickuh))...en hoop ook dat ze nu de rooster updates bijhouden...we zijn vet genaait in deel 2k3..maar 1 update wtf...
    maar goed ik kan niet w88 op die games!!!


  20. Sonic 87

    Sonic 87 Punk Rock

    Leuk Bevonden:
    NBA 2K3 was online zo droog omdat de game een maand of 8 na de release in de US pas kwam omdat ze toch maar besloten ons te laten genieten van het online gebeuren...

    Gewoon ff snel gepoort, de code ff veranderd, naar PAL...
    Dus de standaard roster update, en tegen PAL gamers liven...

    ESPN NBA Basketball (aka nba 2k4), wordt anders omdat de game niet in April 2004 uitkomt ,maar gewoon een maandje na de US release, en NBA Inside Drive 2004 loert ook, een game die wordt uigebracht door Microsoft, dus dan weet je dat ie via Live wel dope wordt, xsn label etc...dus moet, ik zeg maar voor het gemak nba 2k4, er gewoon wat tegenover stellen...

    Liven tegen de hele wereld moet gewoon kunnen, want dat kan wel met NBA ID 2004...
    GFX zijn verbeterd, modes zijn dope, etc.
    Check maar boven bij die preview van gamespot....

    Maar op dit moment ga ik voor NBA ID 2004, alles ziet er gewoon goed uit, screens, modes, gameplay, live function, alles....

    Maja, we zullen het gauw genoeg weten....

    Over NBA Jam 2004 heb ik weinig te zeggen, alleen dat ik em standaard koop natuurlijk :D..

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