[Multi] [Algemeen] Nieuwtjes, geruchten en discussie

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 28 feb 2013.

  1. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Live services voor WB games

    Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (WBIE) is currently involved in a variety of new projects featuring their well-known franchises with a "heavy focus on live service". This applies to both casual games and core games on all platforms (console, digital and mobile). This info is tucked away in a recent internship listing on the WBIE career page. Currently in development titles at WBIE are:

    LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (Q2 2021)
    Back 4 Blood (June 2021)
    Gotham Kinghts (2021) Hogwarts Legacy (2022)
    Suicide Squad: KTJC (2022)

    Other WBIE studios that have no announced games:

    NetherRealm (Mortal Kombat)
    Monolith Productions (Shadow of War)
    WB Games Boston and SF (mobile)
    Playdemic (LEGO Mobile)

    I previously reported on TT Games working on a "major IP based LEGO game in Unreal Engine".
  2. Reckuuza


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Lol WB gaat wel echt full service he?
  3. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tyrant vindt dit leuk.
  4. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    THQ Nordic today announced that Biomutant will be out for PC, PlayStation®4, and Xbox One on May 25th, 2021.

    More information on the game will be released in the next weeks and months.

    Collector's Editions available for pre-order:
    The Atomic Edition is unique at it’s very core, and contains the following components:
    • High Detail Diorama - 60cm/23" long, 25cm/10" width, 30cm/12" height
    • Game Biomutant
    • Steelbook
    • T-Shirt in L/XL
    • Oversized Mousepad 80cm/31" x 35cm/14"
    • The artwork on Fabric A1 size
    • Soundtrack
    • Premium Box
    The Biomutant Atomic Edition will be available at selected retailers for an SRP of € 399.99 | $ 399.99 | £ 349.99.

    View the mockup here: http://n.thq.com/9BSB30plnDz
    Pre-order here: https://biomutant.com/

    Biomutant Collector's Edition
    Mutate your living room! The Biomutant Collector's Edition will be available for an SRP of € 109.99 | $ 109.99 | £ 99.99 for PC and € 119.99 | $ 119.99 | £ 109.99 for consoles. The genetic code of this edition has the following sequence:
    • Game Biomutant
    • Game hero figurine
    • The artwork on Fabric A1 size
    • Soundtrack
    • Premium Box

    About Biomutant

    BIOMUTANT® is an open-world, post-apocalyptic Kung-Fu fable RPG, with unique martial art styled combat system allowing you to mix melee, shooting, and mutant ability action.

    The martial arts style combat system allows you maximum freedom of movement and agility while mixing shooting, melee and powers from your mutations. Learning new Wung-Fu combat forms through progression and learning from masters you’ll meet, will constantly add to your choices and make sure combat never gets old.

    You will be able to re-code your genetic structure to change the way you look and play. This will of course affect your attributes and in addition to this, exposure to bio-contamination in the world will lead to mutations like the Turtleform and Mucus Bubble, while exposure to radioactivity found in bunkers from the old world will affect your mind and unlock psi-mutations like telekinesis, levitation and more.

    You are totally free when crafting weapons. Mix and match parts to create your own unique 1H or 2H slash and crush weapons. Revolvers, rifles and shotguns and add modifications like cork-screws and battery-powered chainsaw modules to bio-contaminated sludge vials adding to your combat arsenal. There are even characters you’ll meet that’ll craft cool stuff for you and let you modify your Automaton - the scrap-toy sidekick!

    You are totally free when equipping your character. Not only when it comes to choosing weapons you created, but what type of gear you wear. Equip a gas-mask and an oxygen tank for exploring the Dead Zones, thermos-resistant clothes for venturing into cryonic areas or protective gear for taking on bio-contaminated creatures, the choice is up to you.

    You are free to explore the world and what lies beneath its surface, by foot, Mekton, Googlide and Gullblimp or area unique mounts. Explore the dying wildland, the tunnels and bunker networks of the underworld, and find your way up the mountains or out in the archipelago. There are lots of discoveries to be made, mysteries to unravel, creatures to confront and weird characters to meet in this vibrant and colorful world.

    Your actions play a major part in the unfolding of a story where End is coming to the New World. A plague is ruining the land and the Tree-of-Life is bleeding death from its roots. The Tribes stand divided, in need of someone strong enough to unite them or bring them all down...
    You are guided through the world by a Storyteller that narrates every step of your journey, but it’s your actions and choices that’ll decide how your story of survival ends.
  5. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    De openwereld-mmo The Day Before is zojuist aangekondigd.
    De game wordt uitgegeven door MyTona en ontwikkeld door Fntastic, ook bekend van Radiant One en The Wild Eight.

    The Day Before draait om overleven in een post-apocalyptisch Amerika dat wordt geteisterd door vleesetende geïnfecteerden en overlevenden die elkaar doden voor voedsel en wapens. Spelers moeten samenwerken - of het tegen elkaar opnemen - om te overleven. Het onderzoeken van verlaten huizen, wolkenkrabbers en wagens is daar een belangrijk onderdeel van.
    lwn vindt dit leuk.
  6. Burt Macklin

    Burt Macklin Formerly Known As

    Leuk Bevonden:
    PSN Games Februari.

    Control: Ultimate Edition (PS4/5)
    Destruction AllStars (PS5)
    Concrete Genie (PS4)
    Laatst bewerkt: 27 jan 2021
    lwn, Cyndris, Yi-Long en 1 andere persoon vinden dit leuk.
  7. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zo, prima maand!
  8. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nieuwe studio van EA werkt aan volgende Skate

    Vandaag maakt Electronic Arts de oprichting van een nieuwe studio in Vancouver bekend: Full Circle. De studio, met teamleden uit de hele wereld focust zich op het ontwikkelen van de volgende versie van Skate.

    Onder leiding van Daniel McCulloch, die als voormalig hoofd van Xbox Live bij Microsoft een sterke historie heeft in het samenbrengen van spelers met games, komt het team samen om ervaringen te creëren en de Skate-franchise naar een hoger niveau te tillen.

    "De fans keken uit naar een terugkeer van Skate en wij willen dat ze betrokken zijn bij het proces vanaf de ontwikkeling tot de lancering van de game en verder. We willen dat ze het gevoel hebben deel uit te maken van Full Circle'', zei Daniel McCulloch, directeur van Full Circle. "Het gaat ons om plezier hebben en het maken geweldige games die mensen willen spelen met hun vrienden. En, we zoeken meer ontwikkelaars om ons te helpen met het bouwen van meeslepende werelden die spelers kunnen verkennen."

    Het creatieve leiderschapsteam, dat bestaat uit Deran Chung en Cuz Parry, is terug. Beiden zijn een integraal onderdeel geweest van de creatie van de franchise en de ontwikkeling van de drie originele games. Ze zijn enthousiast om hun passie en kennis van de skate-cultuur mee te kunnen brengen om de volgende evolutie van de franchise te helpen leiden. Het ontwikkelingsteam zoekt ook naar talent om verder door te groeien. Momenteel zijn er posities open voor artists, ontwerpers en ingenieurs en er zullen nog meer posities volgen gedurende het komende jaar.
    Tyrant, Burt Macklin en Daz vinden dit leuk.
  9. Daz

    Daz Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nicee, Control is typisch een game die ik graag een keer wil spelen maar toch maar niet koop. Blij mee!
    Reckuuza, Zifnap en Jorrie vinden dit leuk.
  10. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    AMD CEO Lisa Su has indicated that supply shortages for gaming consoles, desktop CPUs, and GPUs will continue until the second half of 2021, with the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and Series S most affected.

    The news was included in AMD's full-year financial earnings (via Tom's Hardware), which showed the company surpassing its past earning records with a strong Q4. This was in part thanks to the launch of a slew of AMD-powered products, including both current generation consoles, AMD's Zen 3-powered Ryzen CPUs, and RX 6000 series graphics cards.


    Laatst bewerkt: 27 jan 2021
  11. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  12. Yi-Long

    Yi-Long ...the little dragon

    Leuk Bevonden:
  13. Tim

    Tim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Eerste game ooit van een first party Sony studio die op de Xbox uit komt?
  14. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Burt Macklin, Yellow 13 en Daz vinden dit leuk.
  15. Nol

    Nol Pulp Fiction

    Leuk Bevonden:
  16. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Dus toch een single player RPG. Van de makers van de Black Desert MMO. Bidden dat dit goed wordt. :D

    EDIT: uitgebreidere trailer. Zie laatste drietal minuten voor nieuw materiaal. Framerate in het eerste gedeelte is wel een paar keer lijp laag.
    Laatst bewerkt: 2 feb 2021
  17. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Alexknl vindt dit leuk.
  18. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zifnap vindt dit leuk.
  19. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Ziet er amazing uit!
    Zifnap en Burt Macklin vinden dit leuk.
  20. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:


    isoft and Lucasfilm Games have announced a collaboration on a new Star Wars game. Development on the project will be led by Massive Entertainment whose expertise and talent will be used to create a story-driven, open-world experience within the Star Wars galaxy that will also utilize the studio’s cutting-edge technology and advancements, including the Snowdrop engine.

    “The vast Star Wars lore is an incredible source of inspiration for our teams,” said Yves Guillemot, co-founder and CEO of Ubisoft. “This is the beginning of a long-term collaboration with Disney and Lucasfilm Games, and we are pleased to be working hand-in-hand to build upon the incredible legacy of Lucasfilm to create a game that we know Star Wars fans will love.”

    Ubisoft News spoke with David Polfeldt, managing director at Massive Entertainment, and Julian Gerighty, creative director, about the project, what it means to be working with Lucasfilm Games on a new Star Wars game, and of course, the game itself.

    This is a pretty exciting announcement! How does it feel to be part of such an adventure?

    David Polfeldt: It makes me so proud of our teams to be here today and confirm that we are working on a new Star Wars game! We are extremely excited to be in a position to add new adventures to one of the richest and most fascinating sagas of our age.

    Curiosity has always been an important part of who we are and what we do here at Massive. We are driven by dreaming big and taking daring challenges that match our ambition, and during the past two decades this attitude has taken us to places no one thought we could reach.

    With that said, some ideas tickle the imagination more than others. Ever since I was a child, I’ve had this dream of becoming a part of the creative adventures that blew my young mind. Here we are, after 20 years of hard work, hiring the most amazing talent and believing in our ability to take our industry further. Having the opportunity to build upon this incredible legacy of Star Wars feels extremely exciting and rewarding for all of us.

    [UN] [News] Ubisoft and Lucasfilm Games Announce New Story-Driven Star Wars Game - David Polfeldt Managing Director web David Polfeldt, Managing Director

    Julian Gerighty: You have probably heard this before, but if you had told 10-year-old me that one day I would be working on a video game experience set in the same science fiction galaxy of their favorite movie, 10-year-old-me would never have believed you.

    A New Hope was the first movie I saw at the cinema, the first VHS that I wore out, the first action figures that I craved. The characters, the planets, the ships, and the timeless stories became so familiar and loved that I have no doubt that they have become part of who I am.

    So, being able to work with some of the best people in the industry to craft an original and unforgettable Star Wars experience? Sign. Me. Up.

    So, what can you tell us about the game so far?

    JG: Right now, we are in the beginning of our new journey, so we are still working out many of the details. But, what we can tell you is that this will be a story-driven open-world game.

    For me, personally, this will be a departure from the world of The Division, and both I and the team at Massive are very excited to start crafting this new experience. We truly look forward to create something totally different from what we have done in the past, while upping the bar for the industry.

    We can’t wait to share with fans news and glimpses of the game in action, and all the official news will be available on official sites and Ubisoft News.

    How do you intend to make it unique? What kind of experience will it bring to the Star Wars galaxy?

    JG: This is a galaxy that we at Massive love, and we want to invite players on a journey they never experienced before in this beloved lore. First, we want to make it a unique game in the saga with a captivating story and set of characters that players can relate to and connect with. We want to take what is familiar and resonant about Star Wars and tell the stories of new characters who have their own motivations and stakes. We have a passion for Star Wars and shared vision with Lucasfilm Games on the kind of original story we want to bring to fans, which makes this a very exciting part of the project.

    Second, and that’s one of the reasons we were entrusted with this game, is to make the most of the technology to bring innovation to the gameplay and world building. Our talented developers and our tech expertise, especially with our in-house game engine Snowdrop, enable us to push the envelope in various aspects of game development.

    [UN] [News] Ubisoft and Lucasfilm Games Announce New Story-Driven Star Wars Game - MSV E3 Speaker Julian Gerighty PNG Julian Gerighty, Creative Director

    With such a large-scale project in preparation, how is the studio going to handle the other games Massive is working on?

    DP: We have been preparing the studio for a long time to handle all our projects with equal attention and love. Since all our teams work on the Snowdrop engine, all projects benefit from each other's progress and successes. And obviously, with such an amazing collection of triple-A projects under one roof, we are continuously recruiting, and we’re currently looking for experienced developers from all over the world to join us on our future adventures. You can check out our open positions on our career site here!

    Speaking of recruitments, anything you’d like to share with talents interested in joining?

    DP: Massive is the home to an international and diverse workforce, and we strive to have a friendly, open-minded culture where we dare to challenge ourselves – and each other – to continuously become better at everything we do. We believe in tight-knit teams, and we rely on our craftsmanship and courage to fulfill our big dreams. As a studio, we are particularly focused on the craft of making games, and the fact that we have our own engine, Snowdrop, allows us to push boundaries and explore ideas independently and quickly.

    With our current portfolio of brands, we offer a unique chance for talented individuals to become a part of some of the most exciting and legendary game projects one could dream of.

    Who do you see as the audience for this game?

    JG: We want to bring both lifelong and new fans on an immersive and outstanding journey that will stick with them for years. We want to leverage Massive’s talent for creating incredible worlds and refined gameplay to deliver an unforgettable game, especially for players looking to experience an amazing story-driven journey.

    Can you tell us a bit more about your collaboration with Lucasfilm Games?

    JG: I must say that one of the most exciting things about this project so far is our close collaboration with Lucasfilm Games. We share a dedication to the highest quality in all aspects of game production and they share precious insights that help ensure the level of authenticity fans can expect.

    We are 100% aligned on the same goal – delivering an incredible, groundbreaking Star Wars experience.

    You mentioned the Snowdrop engine. How’s that going to influence the development of the game?

    DP: Snowdrop allows us to explore cutting-edge of technology, and hence stay at the forefront of innovation. Our amazing rendering will visually bring Star Wars to life in a way that no game has ever done before.

    As a game-agnostic engine, Snowdrop has always been developed as a future-forward piece of tech, with the focus to empower our developers. The beauty of our engine is the control and flexibility given to our creators to innovate the best games possible for the players. Snowdrop is extremely agile and has the power to bring a variety of games to our players. With the launch of next generation consoles, Snowdrop’s engineers are pushing the engine even further so that we can really make the most of the opportunities the new hardware provides.

    With two major franchises (Star Wars, Avatar) being developed by Massive Entertainment, what makes Ubisoft uniquely suited for developing games based on major IPs?

    DP: We are always looking to collaborate with fellow creators to bring players memorable experiences and immerse them in incredible worlds, as shown by the amazing collaborations we have with Lightstorm, Lucasfilm, and Disney. Together, we are focused on projects that push the boundaries of open-worlds and player immersion to the limit, and that direction suits the rich universes of Avatar and Star Wars extremely well.

    Having successfully brought so many original IPs to life, with one of the most diverse portfolios in the industry, I think Ubisoft has built both the experience and a unique creative capacity. That definitely makes it the ideal place, and partner, to develop any types of projects.

    For more news and future updates on Ubisoft’s new Star Wars title, be sure to check back in to Ubisoft News.

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