[Multi] Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Servantes, 22 okt 2021.

  1. McSparkle

    McSparkle Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik wilde de game laatst eens opnieuw spelen, maar het was gewoon te oud.

    Nu speelt het eigenlijk prima en heb ik er best lol mee. Maar het is dat het te spelen is via Gamepass. Had gelijk een refund gevraagd als ik ervoor betaald had.
  2. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dit zou niet eens op GP mogen staan. Betaal je in zeker zin ook voor, ongeacht dat het goedkoper is.
  3. Tyrant

    Tyrant Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik denk dat de hamvraag hier is, had je je ook kunnen vermaken met de 'oude' remasters van paar jaar geleden (die waren 5 euro per stuk!)
    Wat dat vind ik bizar: die hebben ze offline gehaald en nu gewoon kwalitatief mindere ports voor 4x zoveel geld. Vind ik gewoon bietje aso

    Cyndris en Garrett vinden dit leuk.
  4. Reson

    Reson Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tijdens de lockdowns voor het eerst de GTA4 uitbreidingen gespeeld maar daar kon ik niet meer van genieten door de veroudering.

    Ik heb nu 2 uurtjes San Andreas gespeeld en ondanks het gebrek aan liefde wat erin gestopt is kan ik mij hier wel goed mee vermaken. Tuurlijk moet Rockstar zich dood schamen hier geld voor te vragen maar ik ben er wel blij mee. Helaas zit Vice City niet in de gamepass.
    McSparkle vindt dit leuk.
  5. dinjooo

    dinjooo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja? Of moeten mensen zich dood schamen dat ze er geld voor neerleggen? Al die remasters tegenwoordig. En de gamers zijn degenen die het in stand houden.
  6. Kimi NL

    Kimi NL It's the first page of the second chapter!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laten we eerlijk zijn. Geen enkele remaster haalt het niet bij de herinnering / nostalgie.

    Zelfde als elke Reboot van een legendarische film door Hollywood.
  7. RemcoM

    RemcoM Ash and molten glass like Eyjafjallajökull

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mooi dat het wel fijn speelt maar wat een rotzooi. Kut port van de mobiele port die al gammel was, slechte AI upscaling die nauwlijks gechecked lijkt te zijn (vooral tekst) en dan die lelijke models, fog weg, bugs, oude bugs ook niet gefixed etc etc.

    Wacht wel een tijdje tot modders alles gefixt hebben.
  8. McSparkle

    McSparkle Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tony Hawk 1+2 laat zien dat het wel degelijk kan.
    Kimi NL en RemcoM vinden dit leuk.
  9. Cyndris

    Cyndris Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wilde ook al Final Fantasy 7 zeggen maar dat zijn beide remakes dus misschien net echt een eerlijke vergelijking.
  10. Chrizzle

    Chrizzle Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Idd. Paar jaar geleden de MW remaster gehaald. Campaign was leuk, paar potjes MP en daarna hield ik het weer voor gezien.
  11. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mass Effect Legendary Edition echt wel. Puur genoten weer.
    RemcoM vindt dit leuk.
  12. Reckuuza


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Omdat troep
    bruh fable anniversary edition was fking legendary

    of soul silver

    of alpha sapphire

    of majora's mask 3d&ocarina of time 3d
    RemcoM vindt dit leuk.
  13. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fable niet vanwege de dramatische framerate die nog erger is dan het origineel.
  14. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Vermakelijk is het materiaal wel. Een case studio hoe je niet een remaster moet afleveren.
  15. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hi everyone,

    We want to provide an update regarding the unexpected technical issues that came to light as part of the launch of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition.

    Firstly, we want to sincerely apologize to everyone who has encountered issues playing these games.

    The Grand Theft Auto series — and the games that make up this iconic trilogy — are as special to us as we know they are to fans around the world. The updated versions of these classic games did not launch in a state that meets our own standards of quality, or the standards our fans have come to expect.

    We have ongoing plans to address the technical issues and to improve each game going forward. With each planned update, the games will reach the level of quality that they deserve to be.

    A new Title Update is on the way in the coming days for all versions of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition that will address a number of issues. We will update everyone as soon as it is live.

    In the meantime, it pains us to mention that we are hearing reports of members of the development teams being harassed on social media. We would kindly ask our community to please maintain a respectful and civil discourse around this release as we work through these issues.

    While one of the goals of the Definitive Editions was to allow players to enjoy these games on modern platforms for many years to come, we also understand that some of you would still like to have the previous classic versions available for purchase.

    We will be adding the classic PC versions of Grand Theft Auto III, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas back to the Rockstar Store shortly as a bundle. Additionally, everyone who has purchased Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition for PC from the Rockstar Store through June 30, 2022, will receive these classic versions in their Rockstar Games Launcher library at no additional cost. We will update everyone as soon as these are back in the Rockstar Store.

    Once again, we'd like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding while we work through these updates to ensure these games meet everyone's justifiably high standards.

    Rockstar Games
    RemcoM vindt dit leuk.
  16. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Unexpected :lol:
    MAD 1976, Yellow 13 en RemcoM vinden dit leuk.
  17. McSparkle

    McSparkle Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    De nieuwe GTA gaan we nooit meer zien ook. Wat een bedrijf.
    Yellow 13 vindt dit leuk.
  18. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Update op de Xbox van San Andreas is 5.51GB.

    General – All Platforms

    • Fixed multiple localization issues
    • Fixed multiple instances of missing or misaligned collision
    • Fixed multiple instances of holes in the map
    • Fixed multiple instances of incorrect or misplaced textures
    • Fixed multiple instances of the camera clipping through objects
    • Fixed multiple instances of incorrect subtitles being displayed
    • Fixed multiple instances of incorrect help text being displayed
    • Fixed multiple instances of misplaced objects
    • Fixed multiple instances of issues with character models in cutscenes
    • Fixed multiple instances of audio lines being skipped, delayed, or repeated
    Grand Theft Auto III – The Definitive Edition

    • Fixed issues with blurry camera cuts and transitions during Grand Theft Aero cutscene
    • Fixed an issue where Pay 'N' Spray doors were closed preventing the player from being able to enter
    • Fixed an issue where game stalls and props pop into the Gone Fishing cutscene
    • Fixed an issue where the player would fail the mission The Thieves with a message "A thief's dead" after the cutscene plays
    • Fixed an issue with failing the mission Last Requests due to Asuka falling out of the boat
    • Fixed an issue with a missing GPS route when driving Curly Bob in a Taxi during the mission Cutting The Grass
    • Fixed an issue where the damage meter is not displaying correctly in the mission Escort Service
    • Fixed an issue with a hole in the map that allowed players to access Staunton Island early
    • Fixed an issue with Claude floating in the cutscene for the mission Big 'n' Veiny
    • Fixed an issue where character models were not animating during the cutscene for the mission Luigi's Girls
    • Fixed an issue where character models were not animation during the cutscene for the mission Give me Liberty
    • Fixed an issue where the player can boost their running speed by quickly swapping through weapons
    • Fixed an issue where the game would crash when entering a vehicle after completing Triad War (Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One)
    • Fixed an issue where the achievement "Disposing of the Evidence" does not unlock after completing the Dead Skunk in the Trunk Mission (Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One)
    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City – The Definitive Edition

    • Fixed an issue where players were unable to rotate the camera up or down while driving at high speeds
    • Fixed an issue with Firetruck lights flashing inconsistent colors
    • Fixed an issue with GPS route display during the mission Autocide
    • Fixed an issue where Pay 'N' Spray doors were closed preventing the player from being able to enter
    • Fixed an issue with multiple GPS routes appearing during the missions Gun Runner and Psycho Killer
    • Fixed an issue with the Hit Rate UI not displaying correctly during the mission Gun Runner
    • Fixed an issue with peds incorrectly appearing in the cutscene for the mission The Chase
    • Fixed an issue with Tommy Vercetti's character model going into a T-Pose during the cutscene for In the Beginning
    • Fixed an issue with changes to language settings not being retained after a reboot (Nintendo Switch)
    • Fixed an issue where the game would crash when switching from TV mode to table mode during the loading screen
    • Fixed an issue where the prompt "Error: Out of video memory trying to allocate a texture! Make sure your video card has the minimum required memory, try lowering the resolution" appears while exploring the North Point Mall (Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One)
    • Fixed an issue with the camera popping during the cutscene for the mission All Hands on Deck (Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One)
    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas – The Definitive Edtion

    • Fixed an issue with rain visual effects
    • Fixed an issue with the camera spinning around quickly when finishing or failing Blood Bowl
    • Fixed an issue where the camera is incorrectly positioned when returning to gameplay after finding Sweet in the mission Reuniting the Families
    • Fixed an issue where a bridge in Flint County is invisible
    • Fixed an issue where players can equip weapons while swimming which can cause issues with the weapons clipping through the character's body
    • Fixed an issue where incorrect help text was displayed for swimming
    • Fixed an issue where the results screen was appearing at the start of Bike School – Jump and Stoppie
    • Fixed an issue with grey pedestrians appearing around the Willowfield and Playa del Seville area
    • Fixed an issue with a pedestrian looking partially translucent in the Just Business cutscene
    • Fixed an issue with the legal text not being displayed correctly
    • Fixed an issue with Enforcer lights not flashing
    • Fixed an issue with players not being able to kill Paul and Maccer before triggering the cutscene for the mission Don Peyote
    • Fixed an issue where the mid-mission cutscene would start then fade to black before restarting again during the mission Sayonara Salvatore
    • Fixed an issue where the game would restart from the beginning when selecting to retry from the last checkpoint on the Mission High Stakes, Low Rider
    • Fixed an issue with an invincible enemy during the mission Los Desperados
    • Fixed an issue with incorrect inverted controls when swimming underwater when setting them to either on or off
    • Fixed an issue with the aiming sensitivity for the Pistol Ammu-Nation Challenge
    • Fixed an issue where progress is blocked due to Sweet being killed prematurely during the mission The Green Sabre
    • Fixed an issue where the help text does not disappear which ends up blocking the muscle stat from showing it increasing at any Gym
    • Fixed an issue with the incorrect time being displayed when collecting rings during the BMX or NRG-500 Challenges
    • Fixed an issue with the camera warping during the In the Beginning cutscene
    • Fixed an issue where some character models were not animating during some cutscenes
    • Fixed an issue with the player getting stuck behind the Cluckin' Bell counter (Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One)
    • Fixed an issue where Police Officers can be seen floating before a police car spawns during the Reuniting the Families cutscene (Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One)
    • Fixed an issue with pedestrian weapon accuracy (Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One)

  19. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zoveel fixes in een update die zo kort na release uitkomt geeft al aan hoe 'unexpected' de issues waren.
    Matrix vindt dit leuk.
  20. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Straks wordt dit weer een "unexpected" succes. Mensen hun portemonnee weer klaar?

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