[Multi] Call of Duty: Vanguard

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Alexknl, 16 aug 2021.

  1. Tim

    Tim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Cold War is volgens mij momenteel ook 150gig ofzo dus valt idd nog mee. Blijft gaar dat je op de PS4/5 extra ruimte nodig blijft hebben om updates te kunnen installeren
  2. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Prepare yourself: From October 28 onwards, Call of Duty begins a huge year to look forward to. Here's your timeline for the next 35 days:

    – October 28 (Console) and November 2 (PC): Call of Duty: Vanguard Pre-Loading Begins – Pre-order now to get your game ready to play immediately at launch, in addition to numerous bonuses across Vanguard, Black Ops Cold War, and Warzone.

    – November 5: Call of Duty: Vanguard LaunchExpect epic experiences on all fronts with Campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies. Additionally, RICOCHET Anti-Cheat begins its implementation with server-side initiatives.

    – November 5 to December 2: Preseason in Vanguard – Access to Free Vanguard Tiers on the Black Ops Cold War Season Six Battle Pass System continues. Then on November 17, prepare to ship off to a fan-favorite map.

    – November 18: Operation: Flashback Begins in Warzone – An encore limited-time mode for Verdansk, celebrating its past 18 months of hosting over 100 million players strong in Warzone. Ready for your last dance in Verdansk?

    – November 24: Uncover the "Secrets of the Pacific" – Get intel on Caldera and its new points of interest through this event's Warzone and Vanguard Multiplayer challenges.

    – November 30 and December 1: Last Hours of Verdansk. – Bombs away – see what happens to Verdansk before Warzone goes dark to prepare for Caldera and Season One.

    – December 2: Season One Begins – Vanguard players get new Multiplayer maps, 24 hours of exclusive access to Call of Duty®: Warzone™ Pacific and more to kick off Season One. All players can enjoy a new Battle Pass system and two free functional weapons. Plus: RICOCHET Anti-Cheat's driver begins its rollout in Warzone
  3. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  4. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Our goal coming out of the Vanguard Beta was to give players a faster and smoother gameplay experience at launch. To achieve that, we've reduced weapon swap/pickup animation speeds and are bringing in new movement perks. We've also added the "Ninja" perk which allows you to have silent footsteps at all times.

    Big changes have been made to our audio mix across the board, such as increasing footstep sounds, reducing the announcer frequency, and much more. We've improved the performance of Vanguard across all platforms and fixed glitches resulting in pixelation, lighting issues, and graphical corruption that some players experienced in Beta. We've also squashed some pesky bugs that caused spawn issues in Patrol mode.

    • Distortion effects were removed from muzzle flash and we reduced smoke emitted when firing a weapon
    • Completed a pass on muzzle flash placement/coverage when aiming down sights
    • VFX Environment ambient placement for better sightlines
    • Removed the droplets of water that get all up in your face when it rains
    • Various bugs have been fixed including a bug where certain optics would stop enemy and friendly HUD icons from displaying while ADS
    • We've fixed cases of nametags appearing through Destruction
    • Lens flare reduced across all maps (we nerfed the sun)
    • We will continue to refine VFX, Lighting, and UI into launch and monitor player feedback surrounding the various topics of visibility.
    • Audio received a complete mixing and content overhaul to address community feedback from the Public Beta, including more audible footsteps, player and non-player weapons, and map environment content
    • Footsteps are silent when players ADS, Crouch Walk, or have a Perk / Field Upgrade equipped which silences movement
    • Fixed a bug that caused shots after the first shot to be too quiet
    • Operator quips occur less frequently
    • Asked Butcher to chill out. VO lines are less frequent

    • Grenades and incendiaries no longer slow movement speed of players
    • A cap has been placed on max suppression effects
    • Changes have been made to animation times including weapon swap speeds and throwing of equipment (ie: Gammon bombs can be thrown more quickly)
    • Sprint out times have been sped up and re-balanced
    • Dev Tip: Dauntless, a perk that players didn't have access to in Beta, makes players immune to movement reducing effects


      Gold camo grinders, Prestige warriors, or leaders of the (currently frozen) Regiment system, listen up:

      Vanguard Multiplayer and Zombies – as well as Warzone, following Season One – is here to reward you for personal progress. The best of the best can expect to be decked out in Gold — and then some — from their Operator to their fully loaded 10-attachment weapon.

      For those who play the game day in, day out, this is a taste of the experience you can gain from the challenges that Sledgehammer Games put together:

      – The Ranking E(XP)erience — 55 Enlisted Ranks to unlock all Loadout items. Seasonal Prestige system to return.

      – Weapon Progression — Weapon XP unlocks attachments and Camo Challenges. Use attachments across all modes and unlock two sets of striking cosmetic camouflage rewards: one through Zombies and another through Multiplayer or Warzone.

      – New Operator XP, Leveling, and Rewards — All 12 Operators at launch and others to come — can be leveled up to unlock new Skins, including special Gold attire, Weapon XP for specific weapons, and more. Use their Favorite Weapon to earn bonus Weapon and Operator XP.


      Headlining that batch of free content is Shipment, the classic frenetic Multiplayer experience re-fitted for Vanguard, currently scheduled for a November 17 arrival. Newcomers and veterans alike can ready up for a fresh take on the map that's entertained Call of Duty fans for over a decade, providing all Vanguard players a chaotic playground for destruction.
  5. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  6. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hieronder zijn de systeemeisen te vinden.

    Minimaal: Windows 10 64-bit (laatste update)
    Aanbevolen/competitief/Ultra 4K: Windows 10 64-bit (laatste update) of Windows 11 64-bit (laatste update)

    Minimaal: Intel Core i3-4340 of AMD FX-6300
    Aanbevolen: Intel Core i5-2500K of AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
    Competitief: Intel Core i7-8700K of AMD Ryzen 7 1800X
    Ultra 4K: Intel Core i9-9900K of AMD Ryzen 9 3900X

    Minimaal: 8 GB
    Aanbevolen: 12 GB
    Competitief/Ultra 4K: 16 GB

    Beschikbare opslagruime:
    Minimaal: 36 GB op lancering (voor multiplayer en Zombies)
    Aanbevolen/Competitief/Ultra 4K: 61 GB op lancering

    Hi-Rez assets cache:
    Minimaal/Aanbevolen/Competitief: Tot 32 GB
    Ultra 4K: Tot 64 GB
    (Deze optie kan in de settings van de game uitgezet worden)

    Minimaal: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 of AMD Radeon RX 470
    Aanbevolen: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 of AMD Radeon RX 580
    Competitief: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070/RTX 3060 Ti ofAMD Radeon RX 5700XT
    Ultra 4K: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 of AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT

    Minimaal: 2 GB
    Aanbevolen: 4 GB
    Competitief: 8 GB
    Ultra 4K: 10 GB

    Aanbevolen drivers voor NVIDIA/AMD:
    NVIDIA: 472.12
    AMD: 21.9.1

    Zifnap vindt dit leuk.
  7. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wordt weer een groot spektakel zo te zien.
  8. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  9. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  10. Jimmy J.

    Jimmy J. Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  11. Tyrant

    Tyrant Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hebben mensen deze game? Is t wat.
  12. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Moet jij niet trekker rijden?
    Yellow 13 en Tyrant vinden dit leuk.
  13. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vind hem echt top. Speelt lekker, veel guns en maps beschikbaar. Beter dan Cold War.
    Servantes vindt dit leuk.
  14. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  15. Yi-Long

    Yi-Long ...the little dragon

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb je weer een Activision account nodig om te kunnen spelen?
  16. Jimmy J.

    Jimmy J. Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sowieso, anders zou je ook niet kunnen syncen tussen meerdere platforms.
  17. Yi-Long

    Yi-Long ...the little dragon

    Leuk Bevonden:
    … maar ik wil helemaal niet syncen tussen andere platforms. Ik wil gewoon online gaan op 1 systeem en that’s it.
  18. Jimmy J.

    Jimmy J. Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maar je bent niet alleen op de wereld en genoeg mensen die wél van die handige functionaliteit gebruik maken.
  19. Garrett

    Garrett Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoe zit het hiermee?
  20. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat is er niet meer.
    Op de Xbox heb ik een base game 38.7gb een campaign van 25,9gb
    en 5x content pack van 10mb per stuk.
    Kwa modes is het wel weer wat anders gedaan je heb pacings die je kan selecteren maar je kan ook niets instellen en zoekt die zelf gewoon potjes.

    Here are the three types of Combat Pacing:

    Tactical: This is the traditional gameplay most veteran players will expect. The Tactical option always has a maximum of 12 players per lobby, creating the traditional six-vs-six gameplay.

    Assault: Assault introduces more players into lobbies and ranges between 14 to 36 players per match, depending on the map. This is an excellent option for players who want slightly more excitement than Tactical games.

    Blitz: This is the most chaotic setting available within the Combat Pacing options. The Blitz filter introduces matches with 16 to 46 players depending on the map size, which is significantly larger than traditional Call of Duty gameplay. But it offers a nice change of pace.

    Players can also set their filter settings in Quick Play to “All,” providing a random experience featuring matches from each type. There are even options to toggle Hardcore mode for a harder experience.


    Laatst bewerkt: 7 dec 2021

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