[Halo] lukt niet echt meer...

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door kees pannekoek, 11 jun 2002.

  1. kees pannekoek

    kees pannekoek Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Halo lukt niet echt meer...

    Ik ben in level 2 van Halo & heb alle Aliens afgeschoten die ik kon vinden. Nu rij ik al een paar avonden rond in dat level zonder iemand tegen te komen... Hoe kom ik verder in dit level? Volgens mij ben ik overal al geweest??!!:mad: =( 8)
  2. Foxz

    Foxz 343 Guilty Spark

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als je de jeep hebt moet je wegrijden van dat grote gebouw waar je alle convenants hebt neergemaaid. Dan kom je als het goed is bij een soort grot, ga daarin en je bent al een stuk verder:). Ik hoop trouwens dat je niet serieus een paar avonden hieraan hebt besteedt:p.
  3. BFalcon

    BFalcon Cupra power

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tip; luister ook goed naar cortana! dat helpt je een heel erg stuk verder!!
  4. BounceMeister

    BounceMeister Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Level 2, dan ben je dus net op Halo gecrashed.

    "You wake up and find you're the only one who survived the landing. Grab all the stuff and run left across the bridge immediately. The bad guys are coming. Head straight and you'll find two buildings plus some guys. Stay with them and protect them as a few drop ships come down. Soon a warthog will be dropped for you and if you're lucky you'll get one or two guys to jump into it with you. Don't run them over!

    Head forward down into the mouth of the cave. You go around little corridors, and at one point you have to rev up speed to jump over a chasm. Then you get to the light bridge - a huge unjumpable chasm. Drive your warthog over to the right. There's a passageway you have to walk up to get to the light bridge controls. Activate them, then go back down to the warthog and drive across."

    In die tunnels moet je dus vaart maken om ergens overheen te springen.

    Het hele verhaal in een walkthrough
  5. Martijn

    Martijn I have returned!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je moet in de level naar drie lokaties met marines. Dit kun je in willekeurige volgorde doen. Wel leuk, ander filmpje bij iedere lokatie. Gewoon luisteren naar Cortana en het moet goedkomen.
  6. kees pannekoek

    kees pannekoek Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb Cortana dus al een paar avonden niet meer gehoord...

    Serieus: er is niets meer te vinden in dit hele level. Ik ben ook weer teruggekomen bij die brug waar je eerst via een passageway op de knop moet drukken om er overheen te kunnen. Hoe kom in GVD in het volgende level??!!!
  7. jacco

    jacco Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    nou pannekoek je moet gewoon goed zoeken naar die grot!!!
  8. BounceMeister

    BounceMeister Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb je dan al de walkthrough gelezen?? Daar staat precies in wat je moet doen...
  9. huub

    huub * Gl@diatorZ *

    Leuk Bevonden:
    als je een beetje gamer bent, kun je halo gewoon wel uitspelen.............kheb er zelf 4 dagen over gedaan........vind ik wel verrekte kort als ik eerlijk mag zijn...........8)
  10. err0r

    err0r Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    I agree, veeeeel te kort.
  11. kees pannekoek

    kees pannekoek Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik speel Halo nu zo'n 4 dagen, waarvan 3 zonder Aliens om af te knallen, value for money zou je bijna zeggen. Moet ik ergens heen om te worden opgehaald of zo? Hoe kom ik aan een walktrough??
  12. Martijn

    Martijn I have returned!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Anders start je de level opnieuw, en luister dan wel naar wat Cortana allemaal te zeggen heeft :)
  13. BounceMeister

    BounceMeister Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En dat jij dan de ultieme gamer bent, zegt nog niet dat iemand anders het niet moeilijk mag vinden.

    In ieder geval goed luisteren naar Cortana en zoek effe een walkthrough op als je er echt niet meer uitkomt, daat staat alles stap voor stap in. Of gewoon heel veel oefenen zodat je net zo extreem goed bent als huub, dan speel je alles in 4 dagen uit.
  14. tjt9sch

    tjt9sch Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    bij deze een walkthrough voor level 2.
    Als je dit volgt dan wordt je aan het handje door de level heen geholpen.

    Success ;) ;)

    Your objectives are:

    >>Evade the Covenant patrols searching for you
    >>Head for higher ground
    >>Search for other lifeboats

    As soon as you leave your lifeboat, take a left and make your way over to the
    canyon. Cross the bridge and turn right. Travel along the wall, using the rocks
    as cover from the Covenant forces. Continue up the slope, staying as close to
    the left wall as possible. You will soon meet up with a small group of Covenant
    forces. Go ahead and take them out, and continue forward up the slope. Near the
    top, the path narrows and the slope will begin to drop. Use the rocks to jump
    down and continue around the path that winds to the left. You should see a
    Covenant dropship unloading more enemies. Dodge the fire from the ship as it
    leaves, then head down. You will see a structure, along with several Marines!
    Help them fight off the Covenants. Go up to the structure and head to the top.
    Walk around the edge and you will find two First Aid kits, some grenades, and
    ammo for your weapons. The Marines are happy to see you, and you receive a new
    set of objectives:

    >>Stay with the survivors
    >>Protect the human survivors
    >>Wait for an evac dropship to arrive

    Then more Covenant dropships arrive. Help the Marines destroy every last one of
    the enemies. After the first batch of enemies are destroyed, additional
    Covenant dropships will unload. Happy day! Continue with your mayhem.
    Eventually, some of the enemies will make their way up to the structure you are
    on. You may also have to leave the structure to reach a few of the hiding
    Covenants, just use your Motion Tracker and look for the red spots. Finally,
    after much fighting, an evac dropship arrives nearby. You learn of three
    additional groups of human survivors. The evac ships drops off a Warthog for
    you to use! How nice. Simply use the Navigation Point to find it.
    Unfortunately, the controls for this cool vehicle are somewhat demanding. You
    now have additional mission objectives.

    >>Search for three additional groups of human survivors
    >>Protect the human survivors
    >>Wait for an evac dropship

    When you are ready, jump in the driver's side of the Warthog. You already have
    a gunman. Drive around for a minute to get a good feel for the vehicle. Cortana
    will mention something about the location of the survivors. Then another
    Navigation point will appear. Follow the Navigation Point down the rocky path
    and around to the right. You will see an entrance to a cave. Go in and follow
    the paths. There is a jump ahead, so be sure to keep up the speed. Hopefully
    you did not get your gunman killed up to this point, as he will be quite useful
    up ahead. Continue through the cave. Eventually you will make it to an large,
    futuristic looking area. This place is crawling with Covenant forces. There are
    various ways to go about eliminating the Covenants. The easiest (and funnest)
    way is to simply run over the covenants with your Warthog. Just try to vary
    your path so you do not receive much damage. A little more difficult way (for
    those of you who insist on gunning your way through) is to go to either the
    left or right side, park the Warthog, and get out. Help your gunman destroy the
    wave of enemies by taking out anything he misses. Or you can simply drive
    around the area and let him do all of the shooting, but you will take more
    damage that way. If the gunman is dead, get in the back and use the big guns
    yourself. The center path leads to the other side, but the bridge is down. Go
    to the right side of the room and find the ramp. Prepare yourself with a really
    powerful weapon, preferably the Needler. There are two Elites at the top of the
    ramp, and they are extremely dangerous! You could also use a Plasmatic Grenade,
    but if the Elites charge you, Kaboom! I suggest backtracking immediately if you
    chuck a grenade their way. Walk up and around the ramp to the top and, after
    destroying the Elites, hit the switch and watch the bridge appear. Now go back
    down, get in your Warthog, and drive across bridge. Continue through the
    tunnel. Soon you will reach the exit.
    It seems that a larger number of crew members made it off of the ship. First
    make you way up the hill. At the top, you will see a river on the left side.
    Notice that there are also enemies over to the left. While they are not
    important at the moment, you can take them out now and save trouble later. The
    good thing is that they can't cross the deep ravine to attack you. Simply
    strafe to dodge their fire. After you have killed the enemies you can see, get
    back in the Warthog.

    (NOTE: The following detailed section of the [5.2] Walkthrough takes you in a
    counter-clockwise direction for rescuing the three groups of Marines. You can
    actually go in any order you wish. If you are having a hard time going this
    way, try taking a different route when you make it to this point.)

    Make your way forwards, and to the right. You should see two blue lights
    marking the entrance to a new path. Go through there, and follow the skinny
    pathway until you reach an opening. Several Marines are detected up ahead
    hiding in the rocks. To the right is another crashed lifeboat. Head over too it
    and you will find a First Aid kit, some ammo, and an S2 AM Sniper Rifle. Drive
    around the rocks and help the Marines fight the Covenant forces. After the
    initial wave of enemies is destroyed, a few Covenant dropships will come by and
    drop off additional enemies. This wave will be significantly harder. Try to
    take cover between the rocks. Use the gunner for support but not if there are
    too many Covenants. You want to keep your gunner alive and be alert of the
    Warthog's position at all times. After that batch of enemies has been
    destroyed, you will signal for a rescue ship to come to the area. The pilot
    says there seems to be two more groups of survivors. One near a cliff edge, the
    other at the head of the river. There is nothing more to do in the area you are

    >>Search for the two remaining groups of human survivors
    >>Protect the human survivors
    >>Wait for an evac dropship

    Remember the path you took to enter this area? The one with two lights? That
    path is on the left side of the area if you are exiting. Instead, take the path
    on the right side. To reach this path, go along the cave wall on the extreme
    right side of the area. You will see a narrow path leading up and around to the
    right. You will see a different set of blue lights, so continue through there.
    When you make it back out, you will be back in the field next to the river. If
    you look off to the left, you can see the first set of blue lights. Now you
    know where you are! Go to the right just a bit, and cross the river. You will
    see yet another set of blue lights. Follow this path and you will soon come to
    a major cliff. Below you can see a structure that is shooting a blue beam into
    the air. There are also several enemies below. Carefully drive down the cliff,
    and you will learn of a group of Marines hiding in the hills just above you and
    to the right. Join them, and they will help you fight off the group of
    Covenants. Stop next to some Marines while in your Warthog and some will get in
    the Warthog to assist you. After the fight, another evac dropship will come in
    to pick up the Marines. Find the crashed lifeboat nearby for a First Aid kit,
    grenades, and ammo as usual. When you are ready get back into your Warthog.
    Hopefully you still have some people in it. It is no big deal if you do not,
    but it is much easier if you do.

    >>Search for the last group of human survivors
    >>Protect the human survivors
    >>Wait for an evac dropship

    There is a path to the right of the area, opposite the cliff that you entered
    from. This path is near the crashed lifeboat. If you can't find the path,
    follow the right side the wall where the Marines were hiding in this area. Once
    on the path, continue as it winds around. As soon as you make your way through
    the new path, a group of Covenants are waiting. You learn the Covenant forces
    have discovered the crash site of the Pillar of Autumn and secured it. You need
    to hurry and find the final lifeboat. Simply turn right after exiting the path,
    cross the river, and go up between the blue lights. After following this path,
    you will see another structure. As you approach, you see more enemies. Take
    them out. A good method is to park next to the cliff and take them out by hand.
    If you still have a Sniper Rifle, use its zoom function to snipe out the
    Covenants from a long distance. As you make your way closer to the structure,
    more enemies come out of hiding. One of the structure on the right has some
    areas to explore inside. Enter and follow the path in the building. Take out
    the enemies as you see them. You will find a group of Marines in the lower
    parts of the building. You automatically signal for the last evac dropship.
    Exit the building, and eliminate any remaining enemies. The evac dropship will
    not come until they are all destroyed. Cortana found Captain Keyes! He is being
    held on a Covenant ship. Make your way to the evac dropship. A Navigation Point
    appears to guide you. Jump aboard and move out!
    Laatst bewerkt: 13 jun 2002
  15. kees pannekoek

    kees pannekoek Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik geloof dat ik het begin te begrijpen: moet ergens een gebouw in een wat gasten afknallen, ben er niet zo zeker van dat ik dat nog niet gedaan heb. Vanavond dus maar proberen.
    hoe kom ik aan zo'n waltrough?:confused:
  16. tjt9sch

    tjt9sch Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    je gaat naar www.google.com

    en je geeft als zoekcriteria

    walkthrough halo

    Het is niet al te moeilijk om een walkthrough te vinden :mad:
    Laatst bewerkt: 13 jun 2002
  17. Godlike

    Godlike Banned ;)

    Leuk Bevonden:
    je doet je naam wel erg veel eer aan ]:-
  18. SijmeZ

    SijmeZ Family Guy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    BounceMeister gaf al een link naar een walktrough, zijn echt bijna overal te vinden. maar goed, ik had halo ook binnen 4 dagen uitgespeeld, heb het net nog een keer uitgespeeld op co-op (trouwens, best wel vet :9, jammer dat je niet kan saven maar goed) en ben nu bezig met normal (begin altijd op easy, lekker makkelijk :p). kheb nog ff met co-op laatste level op legendary gespeeld (voor het ietsjes vernieuwde filmpie), maar das wel teringmoeilijk.
  19. huub

    huub * Gl@diatorZ *

    Leuk Bevonden:
    kzeg ook nie dat iemand het niet moeilijk mag vinden, kzeg dat het gwoon nie moeilijk is!
  20. Panzerhaubitze

    Panzerhaubitze De botte bijl

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die pannekoek zit de boel te flessen man!!!

    Als je al 5 x een link naar een walkthrough heb gegeven en hij vraagt nog hoe hij aan een walkthrough komt, dan = er iets goed mis!!!!!!!!!

    Ik wist dat er domme mensen bestonden maar dit slaat alles!!!!

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