geforce 5700 ultra bench test. very good??????? letsbee want 5700 ultra!! geforce 5700 nu : 150$, 425/550MHz 128Bit TSOP DDR geforce 5700 ultra : 199$, 475/900MHz 128Bit G-DDR2 geforce 5950 ultra : 400$, 475/950MHz 256bit DDR radeon 9600 xt : 199$, 500/600MHz 128bit BGA DDR geforce 5700 nu geforce 5700 ultra geforce 5700 ultra gpu core g-ddr 2 memory(2.2 ns) nv 36 core. fc-bga type
Nice, thanks for the info, letsbee I am thinking about a new videocard and you helped me, so thank you very much! Greets, Max
Dont see any Radeon 9800 XT of Pro in the benchmarks results, because the radeon 9800 XT is still the fastets card on the market.
hmm i better start saving some money for that radeon 9800 XT and again letsbee helps someone out because i'll get a new video card soon and now i know which ones are the best thnx!