Scheid namen met een komma.
I regards to the MotoGP leaderboard Dropping is better than Climbing:)
Good job. I saw your score last night while playing. I on the other hand have climed from 645 to 829. I have been playing Midnight Club II non...
Hello Friends. The Premier MGP 2 Racing league holds races that cater to those of you in the European time zones. Go here to sign up and...
It is better than my Dutch!
Thank you, You have a great site here The translator makes little sense sometimes but It works for the most part coupled with words in your...
I have a 1:31:?? on Mugello Rio is by far my worst Track Brno is one of my best im ranked like 300 something.
Was the great cyclist Eddie Merckx From Holland? Indy is a much smaller $$ sport than NASCAR $$$$$$
Thats right you guys have Assen!!!! Ever Been to see a race. I wish America had MotoGP races. It probably will not happen because most...
I am ranked 645 I havent played in 2 days because of Midnight Club II is on LIVE.
[IMG] This one is cool
I have to agree. One of my favorite things to do is play with gamers across the world I am amazed at all of you. Your english is great....
Yes, it is much easier said than done. I figure I must be the new grounds keeper for these courses as much as I am in the grass and the...
What design did you use for your bike?
No not really. I am a big fan of the game. Sonic Circle posted in my team forum It made me curious to see what your ideas...
hey frankX go submit your design to I could do it for you if you like
altavista always ends up coming out as garbled crap. I tried hier is een grote plaats met vele grote emblemen het Engels is plaats That is my first try at dutch*)
I just saying thanks. I will try to be more on topic in the future.
Our languages must be closely related because I can catch the meaning of most sentances. Thank you for the warm welcome yesterday!!!!!
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