[360][arcade] tips, tricks en hints

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door mutantemile, 15 feb 2006.

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  1. mutantemile

    mutantemile The Pub's Barman

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hier kan je dus al je hints, vragen e.d. over de arcade spellen kwijt.

    marble blast ultra easter eggs
    As a note, you do NOT need to finish the level to confirm that you have gotten
    the egg. Once you have gotten the egg, you can exit the level and you'll see
    that you have gotten the egg when you look on the level select screen.
    --------------------------------Beginner Levels----------------------------

    1. Level 1: Learning to Roll
    From the beginning of the level, go up the ramp, and follow it to the steps,
    then follow those all the way up. At the end of the steps (it says "be
    careful not to fall off the ledge"), turn left and you'll see a ledge right
    at the top of the steps. You should see the egg at the far end. Jump blast up
    the ledge and then jump to the next one, then use the beam on the right side
    to make it to the egg ledge, and jump up the ledge to get the egg.

    2. Level 3: Gem Collection
    Go forward, make a right after the first gem, and go forward up the ramp in
    front of you towards the time travel powerups. Go up two more slants (you'll
    be going in a circle) and at the end of the last slant make a right, and go
    straight until you hit the wall. Jump blast onto the top of that wall and
    you'll see a gyrocopter sitting there. Grab it, then you can do this part
    one of two ways. Turn around and face the large pillars that you've been
    circling around and:
    1. Activate the gyrocopter and jump towards the pillar, and bounce into
    it to gain some extra height, then use that extra bounce to land on
    the top of the pillar where you'll find another gyrocopter.
    2. Go towards the pillar on the left side, activate the gyrocopter and
    jump up to the lowest pillar, then once you land jump blast up to the
    tallest pillar where you'll find another gyrocopter.
    Both ways are easy, try #1 first. Once you get on the top turn left and
    you'll see a pillar on the far left with the easter egg on it. Activate the
    gyrocopter and jump towards it and you'll land right on it, or just pick it
    up as you swoop by.

    3. Level 9: First Flight
    Get the gyrocopter and land on the second ledge down (it has the checkpoint
    on it). Grab the gyrocopter in front of the checkpoint, then face towards the
    exit, and then turn left. See the glass in front of you? Well, the egg's
    below the floor where the glass is. Activate the gyrocopter and go
    directional forward-right and fall off the edge, then as soon as you fall off
    the edge hold directional forward-left and you'll land in a little
    compartment below and the egg will be on your left. Use the blast if you need
    a little extra height.

    4. Level 17: Ramp Matrix
    Go forward down the ramp and make a left, then go down that ramp and get the
    super bounce. Go down the rest of the ledges and go to the exit (make sure
    you don't have all the gems). Stand on the exit, literally, and then do a
    super jump blast to get the egg that's hanging above the exit. To do the
    super jump blast, jump up and then press the blast button and the super jump
    button at the same time and you'll skyrocket up (using regular controls:
    LT, RB+RT).

    5. Level 20: Upward Spiral
    This is a fun one. Go through the entire level up to where you pick up the
    second super jump powerup. Get the powerup, but don't use it yet. Locate the
    direction where the exit is. Wait for another super jump powerup to spawn,
    and when it does, roll towards it and once you touch it use the super jump
    powerup and you'll jump twice as high as a regular super jump. While you are
    super super jumping head towards the exit, and on top of the exit (the level
    above the exit) the easter egg will be right in front of it. Be careful
    though, as if you jump too far you'll end the level but if you jump to close
    you'll just fall down onto the level under it. It will take a few tries to
    get this egg.

    ------------------------------Intermediate Levels--------------------------

    6. Level 21: Mountaintop Retreat
    Go through the level till you hit the checkpoint. When you touch the
    checkpoint keep the camera where it is, and go backwards down the ramp and
    park yourself on the outside corner on the left. Turn the camera 90 degrees
    right, and move the marble one marble length to the left. Fall off the ledge
    and hold forward a split second after you fall off, and you'll land on the
    egg (it's just out of bounds, so you'll see out of bounds, and then you'll
    get the egg).

    7. Level 22: Urban Jungle
    Go forward, go straight at the checkpoint intersection, follow the path
    around going straight at the next intersection, and at the bottom of the two
    ramps make a left and you'll see the super jump powerup. Grab it but don't
    use it. Wait for it to respawn and when it does use it to super super jump
    onto the top of the pillar in front of you, where you'll find a gyrocopter
    (use the blast if you need some extra height). Turn around and jump blast
    back to where the super jump ability is. You're goal is to get on top of the
    pillar that's on the inside corner where the super jump powerup is. Activate
    the gyrocopter and then immediately grab the super jump powerup and super
    jump blast with the gyrocopter to get to the top of the pillar where you'll
    find the egg.

    8. Level 32: Obstacle Course
    Go through the level to where the first checkpoint is. Turn right and go down
    the two ramps, and then you'll see the trap doors across the gap. Jump onto
    the one in the middle and fall through it to get the egg.

    9. Level 33: Fork in the Road
    Go straight and up the ramp, make the left, and keep going straight till you
    reach the part of the level with holes in the ground, then go past that part
    and up the ramps with the time travel powerups. At the top you'll find the
    gyrocopter. Now, jump off the ledge to the right and when you land, look
    under the "U" shaped curve and you'll see the easter egg under the curve. To
    get it, activate the gyrocopter and head straight towards it, then when you
    are near it use the blast to gain the extra height to grab the egg.

    10. Level 35: Black Diamond
    Here's an annoying one. Go through the level staying towards the right side.
    After the first checkpoint, keep staying towards the right side, and after
    you go up the slope and past the dip you'll find yourself on a long,
    straight, smooth path sloping down for a long time. Use that to gain speed
    and just keep going straight once the path levels out. Hit the edge of the
    end of the first dip and you'll skyrocket up. The egg is literally in the
    middle of the air just floating there. When you are flying through the air,
    if you don't use the blast you'll be just below the egg, so when you can
    see the egg use your blast and you'll hit it. If you're too high then blast
    a little later, if you're too low then blast a little sooner.

    11. Level 38: Whirl
    Go all the way to the exit but don't go in it. Turn around and jump blast on
    top off the loop that you last came up, then continue forward in the center
    of it and you'll find the egg.

    12. Level 39: Hop Skip and a Jump
    Go through the level till you find the gyrocopter, then look up at the
    pillar on your right; the egg is right behind it. Activate the gyrocopter
    and jump blast a little bit to the left of it and you'll see the egg right
    in front of you. If it's too high above you when you reach it then you hit
    the blast too late, and if it's too low below you then you hit the blast too
    --------------------------------Advanced Levels--------------------------

    13. Level 43: Ordeal
    Go through the level up to the first checkpoint. Go forward and turn left,
    hitting the first gravity modifier, then turn left and go to the edge of the
    ledge. Look down over the ledge and you'll see two more ledges below you.
    Jump down to the bottom one and head to the right edge. Look down it and
    you'll see the egg. Just drop down and you'll get it.

    14. Level 44: Daedalus
    From the start, follow the path to the left, going straight at the 3-way
    intersection, and you'll find a gyrocopter. Go through the level to the exit
    (again don't get all of the gems) and directly under the exit is the egg. To
    get it just activate the gyrocopter and glide off of the ledge and use the
    blast to gain the height you need to get the egg. If you want to do it a
    different way, then when you are on the final moving platform that takes you
    to the exit activate the gyrocopter and jump directly towards the bottom of
    the exit for the egg.

    15. Level 48: Scaffold
    Head all the way to the exit, but don't go in it (of course). Facing the
    exit, look under the left ledge close to the exit and you'll see the egg.
    Position yourself directly above the egg on the edge of the ledge and then
    roll off of it, holding forward as soon as you fall, and use the blast to
    get a little extra boost to get the egg.

    16. Level 51: Battlements
    Go into the tower where the exit is. Turn left and jump blast onto the top
    of the corner piece to your left, and then jump on to the pillar where the
    fan is. When you are on the pillar, face the exit, and go to the corner on
    the left side. You should be able to see the bottom of the egg under the
    exit. Build up the blast and then jump towards the egg and blast near it to
    get the height to get the egg.

    17. Level 52: Three Fold Maze
    From the start, turn completely around and go towards the ramp with the
    gravity modifiers on it. Hit the one on the left, and when you get off the
    ramp turn right and go down the ramp in front of you. Follow the path
    around, passing the first gem, and when you see the next gravity modifiers,
    grab the one on the right. Turn right and follow the path, but right before
    the ramp look to your left and you'll find a gyrocopter. Grab it and turn
    around, and keep going straight in the same direction after you've passed
    the ramp on your left, and you'll see a platform over the edge where a gem
    is. Drop down and touch the checkpoint where the gem is (believe me you'll
    be thankful that the checkpoint is there). Now, turn around and hit the
    gravity modifier on the left, then go all the way to the end where some more
    gravity modifiers are lying, but don't pick them up. Now, go into the corner
    left of the modifiers and face them. Activate the gyrocopter and slide left
    off the edge holding forward as soon as you slide off, and you'll see the
    egg sitting on the outside of the wall. Use the blast to gain some extra
    height to grab it. If you miss it, then you'll start from that very close

    18. Level 54: Will o’ Wisp
    Follow through the level, and after you get the second gem, continue down
    the path, and when you get to a part where there's another path under you,
    drop down it, and where the two paths cross will be a gyrocopter. Grab it
    and head for the exit. When you first land on the same platform that the
    exit's on, well I don't know how to describe this so I'll draw a picture:
    _| |_
    |_ _|

    See where the ^ is? Well the "O" is where you first landed on the platform,
    look under the inside corner where the ^ is and you'll be able to see the
    egg sitting in the supports. Activate the gyrocopter and drop off the ledge
    to glide to the egg, using the blast if you need extra height.

    19. Level 58: King of the Mountain
    Follow through the level and after the annoying bumpers you'll reach a
    checkpoint. Go up the ledges and past the two fans and you'll find a
    gyrocopter. Wait for another gyrocopter to spawn, then activate yours and
    grab the one that respawned, then jump up the wall in front of you. You'll
    literally find a whole new path around the mountain. After you jump up the
    wall you'll land on a yellow ramp. Continue forward and you'll see a ledge
    that you can drop down to. Follow it around, jump the gap, and on the right
    side you'll see a veeeeeery thin path along the side of the mountain for you
    to walk across. Go all the way across it, past the corner, and when you hit
    the wall, face the wall that you've been hugging, then with your blast at
    full, activate the gyrocopter and jump blast up the wall, bouncing into the
    wall to give you extra height, and the egg will be on top of the mountain.

    20. Level 59: Natural Selection
    Go through the level, and when you get to the part where the platform has
    just came up through a hold as you went up numerous ramps, and then you
    choose to take two paths as the platform is about to go into the small gap
    in the wall (you'll be at about 1 minute if you started on the moving
    platform around 4 seconds), take the left path, and when you get to the top
    platform you'll find a gyrocopter. Get the gyrocopter and wait for another
    one to spawn. When it does, activate your gyrocopter, grab the one that just
    spawned, and jump up to the level right above you. Look in front of you and
    see the very tall pillar? The egg's on top of it. Go forward and on the
    right side CAREFULLY drop down onto the level below, and on the bottom part
    you'll see the super jump powerup. Activate the gyrocopter, grab the super
    jump powerup and then super jump up to the top of the pillar to get the egg.
  2. auke

    auke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waarom maak je 2 dezelfde topics???:confused:
  3. Matrix

    Matrix Semi-Définie Positive XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Een ongelukje kan toch iedereen gebeuren? :{
    De ander is wat netter met een spoilertag dus deze doe ik dicht.
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