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[Anime] Algemeen [Deel 2]

Discussie in 'Actualiteiten, Sport, Entertainment en Lifestyle' gestart door Goiz, 8 dec 2005.

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  1. DiaLogical

    DiaLogical 3 red lights

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zijn er hier nog mensen die One Piece volgen?
  2. Pascal

    Pascal ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vind het er eerlijk gezegt een beetje wack uitzien, trekt me niet zo erg. Kun je misschien eens vertellen waar het over gaat?

  3. Goiz

    Goiz XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Een mooi plaatje uit de manga (ik ben inmiddels helemaal up to date, er komt nog een hele lading hele vette troep):


    Zal voor de rest niet zeggen wie het is of whatever... ^^
  4. Shcaap

    Shcaap Liev Gastje

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Meh die rukia vind maar een emo doos geworden hoor, die roodharige gast haar een beetje beschermen en zij hangt daar maar wat, die muts kan nu best zelf lopen hoor.
  5. Orcrist

    Orcrist XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Omg, nu kan ik al helemaal niet meer wachten. 8) Net epi 61 gezien en die liet me al smachten naar meer. 8) Lijkt me echt gaaf die uitdrukking op Aizen's gezicht te zien als Ichigo weer in zijn "hollow" vorm komt.
  6. the only ego

    the only ego linux hippie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hou op die spoilers zijn gevaarlijk :+ .*zit op handen*
  7. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is dit de centrale Bleach thread ofzo :D 8)

    veel Bleach fans hier op Xboxworld, zo te zien.

    Ik zoek nog steeds naar Lupin III de serie, dus niet de films. Weet iemand die te vinden?
  8. the only ego

    the only ego linux hippie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    tjah modder .We hebben gewoon goede smaak wat anime betreft hier ;)
  9. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hmm, mn kloon begint een eigen wil te ontwikkelen. Dat moeten de professoren wel ff weten, denk ik :D 8) :p
  10. the only ego

    the only ego linux hippie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    erhm kloon :+ dat jnij nou de zelfde smaak als muziek hebt betekent niet dat ik je kloon ben ;). Dat mocht je willen
  11. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    anime ligt ook erg dicht bij elkaar :p

    alleen wil ik Bleach niet checken omdat het, net als naruto, een lange serie is die ook nog eens weer een zooi spoilerepisodes bevat. Dat hoeft van mij niet meer.
    (ik kijk trouwens geen naruto meer, doe het wel als de serie is afgelopen)
  12. the only ego

    the only ego linux hippie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    je bedoelt fillers :+ en dat maakt de echte fan niet uit ;)
  13. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik weet zeker dat als FMA net zoveel fillers zou hebben als naruto dat het niet als een van de beste animes ooit zou gelden.
  14. the only ego

    the only ego linux hippie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    dat is waar maar fma heeft wel weer een klote einde
  15. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    dus? Misschien hebben bleach en naruto ook wel een kloteeinde?

    dragonball had ook een kloteeinde :p
  16. the only ego

    the only ego linux hippie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    tjah en maar 51 eps.Dat heeft bleach nu al overtroffen ;)
  17. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik zeg altijd maar: Kwaliteit boven kwantiteit (en dat spreekt zeker voor FMA _O_ )
  18. the only ego

    the only ego linux hippie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    en net zo voor bleach ;)
  19. Orcrist

    Orcrist XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kwalitatief scoort Bleach imo erg hoog. Tot nu toe ook nog maar 2 fillers mee gemaakt die echt stoorden, van de 61 epi's. Het is gewoon een geweldige serie, en je kan dit gewoon lekker lang volgen. Tenminste een flinke tijd uitkijken naar een epi van Bleach iedere week weer. In tegenstelling tot kortere series die je na 3 weken gezien hebt, en klaar zijn. Nu zijn die kortere series ook heel cool, en zeker kwalitatief ook van hoge standaard, dus die kijk ik gewoon lekker tussendoor als ik weer 7 dagen moet wachten op de volgende Bleach epi. :cool:
  20. DiaLogical

    DiaLogical 3 red lights

    Leuk Bevonden:
    looks are decieving. op het eerste oog dacht ik hetzelfde als jou..maar nu ben ik hooked. humor en verhaallijn zijn erg goed. en elke episode is kwalitatief goed..waar het precies over gaat kan je hier lezen...http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=69

    For series of this length, there’s a fairly intriguing piece of conjecture that I occasionally enjoy trotting around. According to the theory, no matter how awesome the original premise, no matter how charming the cast of characters, no matter how competent the studio, every long series will tank after about 75 episodes. As evidence, a myriad of lengthy anime can be cited that begin excellently and then slowly degenerate into recycled material and filler. Kenshin was excellent until some genius decided to deviate from the manga. Kodomo no Omocha was brilliant until the series drowned itself in the utterly craptastic New York arc. Naruto was actually fairly fun until Gaara and his whiny, sniveling flashbacks slowed the series down to a monotonous crawl. Prince of Tennis, Slam Dunk, Galaxy Angel... I could rant on this phenomenon for hours, and probably will someday.

    Of course, my theory has an annoying, irrefutable, and ultimately fatal hole in its logic. Even when I’m at my most eloquent, I inevitably find myself forced to tag “…except One Piece” onto the end of every sentence. According to the hypothesis, the series should have died off episodes upon episodes ago, and yet continues to succeed well beyond any possible expectations. Just as other shows of similar length are running out of creative steam and tormenting their fans with shamelessly shitty schlock, One Piece draws from a seemingly infinite well of creativity to deliver time and time again. Put simply, One Piece seems almost limitless in its capacity for entertainment.

    Granted, the storyline is not without its weak moments. There are scattered filler episodes that really don’t belong, and the dragon puzzle arc is some of the most boring material that I’ve ever willingly watched. However, although during these moments the show seems like it might finally go the way of Inu Yasha, the creators always bounce back to deliver more of what everyone loves. The Arabasta arc, which has just recently concluded, is one of the best segments of the entire series.

    This fact alone leads to the inevitable question of what separates the show from lesser works. What makes the series as good as it is? Why has the series succeeded where so many others have failed? Essentially, what is driving the show to remain so engaging for such a ridiculous amount of time?

    The answer, I believe, draws not from what the story is about, but how the story is approached. With fight scenes, simplistic humor, and the ever-present emphasis on the importance of friendship, the anime contains many of the expected trappings of the shounen genre. However, a characteristic seemingly unique to One Piece is the distinct air of genuineness that the show seems to permeate.

    With other shows of similar length, I’m often struck by the distinct feeling that the show has exactly one thing on its mind: money. Oftentimes, an anime with an established audience will simply stop coming up with new material, and start recycling what they’ve already made. In this creative void, the show will rigorously follow its formula beyond any semblance of what is entertaining. Thus, the studio is able to pump every possible cent from its cash cow until nothing is left but the lifeless husk of what the show used to be. At this point, ratings dip, and the studio cancels it at a completely arbitrary point, neglecting even the slightest of closure and basically spitting in their fans’ faces.

    With One Piece, however, the feeling is crucially different. While watching the anime, one gets the impression that Eiichiro Oda, the author of the original manga, was focused not on money, but something much more substantial: having fun. Every element of the storyline, from the delightfully absurd jokes to the most serious of plot points, seems to be there because the manga creator enjoyed putting them there. This, I believe, is the reason why One Piece has remained fresh for so long. For some unfathomable reason, the creator enjoys pumping out volume after volume of golden material. Furthermore, as opposed to many other manga to anime conversions, the studio is actually faithful with its material. The result is a storyline that, despite some inevitable inconsistency, is one of the best of its kind: an unnaturally enjoyable romp across the seas of a thoroughly original world.

    Animation - 6.5

    Animation, while fairly nice, is not completely free of the penny-pinching shortcuts that typically plague shows of this length. Backgrounds are often rather ugly and hastily drawn, and anything drawn at a distance tends to be a little too oversimplified. The show also sports some truly ugly character designs that take a good deal of time to get used to, and a good deal longer to actually appreciate.

    The fight scenes are almost certainly the highlight of the animation, which seem to involve a lot more money than the rest of the show. The action is usually very well timed, and character movements are suitably lithe and convincing (and by that, I mean as convincing as a person made of rubber could possibly be). A lot of fight scenes in other anime tend to overuse repeated footage, but One Piece doesn’t seem to have this problem.

    Overall, One Piece’s visuals are pleasant, but certainly not groundbreaking.

    Sound - 5.5

    Music starts out on a fairly shitty note, with one of the lamest OP’s I’ve heard that I can remember. After the first episodes, the anime begins to cycle through the opening and ending songs at a fairly quick pace, and soon there are too many of them to actually keep track of. However, just about every song is a fairly mediocre J-Pop track, and none of them are actually good enough to really get excited over.

    Background music doesn’t really stand out, but never becomes noticeably repetitive or distracting, either. Voice acting tends to be fairly good, although there are exceptions to this (in particular, that one dog from the Buggy arc comes to mind).

    Character - 9.0

    Love them or hate them, few people would disagree with the statement that each and every character of One Piece is decidedly unique. From the bizarre character designs to the off-kilter personalities to the extensive back-stories, there isn’t a whole lot here that can be seen somewhere else.

    The question of actual appeal, however, is a slightly different issue. For the actual protagonists, many, many people (including myself) are going to have an initially difficult time liking characters like Usopp. Also, a good deal of the supporting cast in the early episodes has the tendency to be excruciatingly annoying (Buggy the Clown, Kobe, Guy in the Box).

    However, whether the show is actually improving at development or whether it simply takes time to grow to like some of the more pathetic characters, this is becoming much less of an issue than what I’ve previously made it out to be. Amazingly enough, I’m beginning to like Usopp as a character, and for the recent Arabasta arc, there wasn’t a single character that I wasn’t fond of.

    Furthermore, the characters that happen to be above-average for the show tend to be downright excellent. If there are people in this world that are immune to the charms of characters like Sanji, Luffy, or Nami, then I haven’t met them yet. Each one of these has an immensely compelling back-story and a loveable and distinctive personality. Also, each can be amazingly funny when played off of the rest of the cast.

    My one possible complaint would lie with Vivi, who seems a little dull at times; there just doesn`t seem to be anything interesting about her personality. However, this could easily be just because she’s not quite as original and wacky as the rest of the crew. As a whole, the characters are an ultimately endearing bunch, especially if one chooses to overlook the weaknesses of some of the more minor characters.

    Overall - 8.0

    Do I believe that One Piece will last forever? Surely not. All great things, even ones that initially seem infinitely robust, must eventually come to an end. I’m sure there will come a time where One Piece will either cease to be entertaining or simply end.

    However, even if One Piece begins to suck from the very moment that I finish writing this review, the sheer length of quality episodes that have been released already easily elevate the series to far beyond most anime can dream of. Besides, if the Arabasta arc is any indication, One Piece looks as though it will remain entertaining for a good deal longer.
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