DogTag is a squad based military game, where a marine battalion has been sent in to replace a retreating rebel faction. A few weeks later, intelligence confirms that the colonel leading the battalion had engaged in a mutiny against central command with the support of (some or all of) the troops under his command. His reasons, at this stage, are unknown. Players will control an elite Special Ops Squad whose mission is to arrest and retrieve the command structure behind the rebellion. If retrieval is not possible, players need to neutralize the battalion command. How will the player decide to pull the trigger when the enemy is a friend? Using a unique cover-based gameplay system, players will be encouraged to fully interact with every aspect of the environment for both offensive and defensive manoeuvres. In addition to shielding your squad from any immediate threat, the environments are specifically designed to provide multiple tactical firing positions, as well as blind-fire tactics to destroy the enemy without exposing your team. Key Features • Intense urban combat in ultra-realistic modern day city and industrial environments • Unique cover based gameplay – using every aspect of the environment for defensive manuevers and blind-fire tactics to destroy the enemy • Tactical squad based movement and attack against an enemy who knows all your moves • Face an entire battalion of soldiers, equipped with the latest military hardware, vehicles and weaponry • Marine vs. Marine as the distinction between good and evil disappears • Proprietary game engine with full environmental and player collision physics, dynamic shadowing and global illumination light mapping
van wie is het? wanneer komt het uit? uitgever? filmpjes? welk(e) platform(s)? (xbox360 lijkt me aan het forum te zien, exclusief?) om ff antwoord op mezelf te geven: By: Digital Jesters, Diezel Power Genre: Modern Tactical Shooter Release Date: 2006 Also On: PC | XBOX
Net als die nuttige bijdrage van jou ontopic: ziet er tof uit, beetje Ghost Recon achtig zo te zien, denk alleen niet dat alle screens ingame zijn.
Ziet er opzich best goed uit. Niet bepaald orgineel, maargoed. Screen 3 vind ik een beetje vreemd. Het lijkt wel alsof de personages zweven, t.o.v. de achtergrond. Alsof er heel simpel 2 plaatjes over elkaar heen geschoven zijn.
Ja, dat vond ik dus ook, die lijkt me niet ingame net zoals de 1e is gewoon te scherp of juist beetje vaag als je naar de screens kijkt die wel duidelijk ingame zijn.