FF lachen!

Discussie in 'PC, Handheld & Algemeen' gestart door simmertje, 23 jul 2003.

  1. simmertje

    simmertje Noessoes

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jullie moeten fftjes naar deze site gaan!


    Dit is niet normaal meer :D Ik lig hier echt dubbel om sommige reviews van games. Dit is een Christelijke site.....do I need to say more?

    (kijk vooral ff naar de review van Halo)
  2. Chupacabra

    Chupacabra Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    "The Covenant is a group of alien religious fanatics that have declared a holy war against humanity."

    Halo is a violent game with impressive special effects and loud, annoying aliens. Violence is glorified, and death, even of the player himself, has little consequence. This game has one redeeming quality, though, and that is the distinct lack of sexual themes and swearing."

    WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH. Waar zoek jij naar op internet zeg.
    Laatst bewerkt: 23 jul 2003
  3. Karelax

    Karelax Guest

    Wat een luegenaar ik weet zeker dat hij de hele tijd liep te vloeken als MC weer es dood ging.
  4. Karelax

    Karelax Guest

    The fighting itself is not graphic, but creatures do die in a pool of blood with screams of pain.The worst part is they can be mutilated further after death by beating them with the butts of the guns.

    Duh daarom is de game koel
  5. Peter OtH

    Peter OtH XBW.nl VIP Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hahahhaha briljant dit.. ff gekeken bij de review van Zelda.. hehe die krijgt minpunten omdat er een occult thema in zou zitten.. lol
  6. [JeLL!e] HALO

    [JeLL!e] HALO Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die van GTA is ook lachen, die moet je zeker lezen!
  7. Karelax

    Karelax Guest

    Though highly entertaining, Halo (Combat Evolved) receives a 60 (D-) [See Rating Definitions] for being easily addictive, highly violent, and for glorifying violence. This game was one that was played by the DC Sniper as a way to desensitize himself to mass slaughter, and after many hours of game time, I can see that easily happening. Any person who plays Halo needs to be very wary of the violence inherent in the game play.

    yeah Right
  8. Chupacabra

    Chupacabra Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deze site is echt zo cool. Die van GTA is idd ook leuk. Maar ben benieuwd of ze over mario ofzo ook iets mins kunnen ontdekken.

    FF lezen zo.
  9. Jeroen

    Jeroen nomnomnom

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ha ha, echt lache, wat een kanslozen die dit reviewen. Wie gaat nou van deze meningen uit :D

    Die van GTA 3 dan _O_

    Besides all the violence, there are constant sexual references! If your health has been decreased for whatever reason, get in a car and look for a prostitute. When you find one walking down the street, she will get in when you stop the car! Then you can drive to a dark alley for a sexual encounter. You see your health points increase as your car begins to rock! Here is the most disturbing part: When you have sex with a prostitute, your health goes up but your money goes down. Want your money back? Get out of the car and beat her to death and take it back...either that or shoot her, run her over, or set her on fire for extra points. Can you believe it? Also, in the game, people yell constant sexual references like "carpet muncher" and other such things. There are also many homosexual civilians looking for sex. I've also heard people say things (that we are unable to repeat here. Editor) and many, many other offensive words.

    Ha ha hah ha, lol :cool:

    En dit dan

    "What I have told you is just the tip of the iceberg. You need to go play this game for yourself and see how disgusting it is."

    Ha ha ha *) :+
    Laatst bewerkt: 23 jul 2003
  10. Peter OtH

    Peter OtH XBW.nl VIP Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hehehe dit vind ik wel grappig van de WWE smackdown review

    "Many of the female wrestlers in this game wear revealing clothing, and you can create a buxom, scantily clad female superstar if you wish."

    .. egh. Hoe weet hij dat? :) hij zal het dan toch geprobeert moeten hebben he? lol

    Nou vind ik dat iedereen moet geloven wat hij wil.. Maar aan de andere kant kan je het ook overdrijven moet je maar eens die clive barker (pc) review zien
  11. Chupacabra

    Chupacabra Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Volgens mij zijn er genoeg van die mensen die dit serieus lezen. Kijk maar naar de documentaire Bowling for Columbine. Ook hier krijgen game weer de schuld van moorden.

    Hier nog een stukje uit quake III arena:
    "Why is it in games like this that the women are nearly nude, but the men are covered in armor? I don't understand. Could it be that these games are developed and played by sexually immature men (boys)?".
    Laatst bewerkt: 23 jul 2003
  12. Jeroen

    Jeroen nomnomnom

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die luitjes zitten bijv ook bij GTA 3 gewoon met zo'n hoer te neuken en dan afknallen om het geld weer terug te krijgen. Beetje tegenstrijdig he :D
  13. Quack

    Quack That's my stapler.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    "I don't know if you've ever heard about the Grand Theft Auto video game series. Well, there have been 3 of them made so far, and they are the most violent, bloody, degrading video games ever made. The point of the games is to steal cars and kill any person - innocent or not - who gets in your way. As a matter of fact, the more people you kill, the more points you get!

    Haha! 8)
  14. Peter OtH

    Peter OtH XBW.nl VIP Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    medal of honor
    "As in all violent games, killing people is seen as an acceptable action. Even though , in this game, you are fighting Germans, nothing can ever justify taking the life of another person. "
  15. Karelax

    Karelax Guest

    Diablo 2 lives up to the legacy started with the original Diablo and remains rife with occult magic and murder. The Bible warns us to have nothing to do with the Devil in any of his names. Diablo 2 earns a score of 19% (F) [See Rating Definitions] on these grounds.

    Ik had verwacht dat Diablo 2 nog lagere score zou krijgen.
  16. being-xboxed

    being-xboxed Peace here!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Moet je kijken naar state of emergency.
    Die is pas funny.
  17. Eckie

    Eckie Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    mwaaaaahahh omg geniaal!! _O_
  18. Sostic

    Sostic Sostic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    . In multiplayer mode, the players can kill one another as many times as they feel like and simply respawn. When I played this game with a friend, we thought it was funny (at the time) to kill each other the moment we respawned, so we ended up filling a room with our own bodies before we finally got tired of it and moved on within the level. Bodies do not disappear, so the player can be wading through the bodies of his victims after a difficult level is conquered.


    Bwhahahaha hij vind het nog leuk ook, stiekem is het gewoon een antichrist die deze stukjes gewoon schrijft voor het geld..


    There is no nudity in this game

    Valt dan nog mee dat hij niet begint over Cortana :+

    \edit, check die banner onderaan dan.. "Dont like hearing gods name used in vain on TV? Stop the profanity, tv guardian."

    LOL _O_
    Laatst bewerkt: 23 jul 2003
  19. Elite

    Elite Elite TAR

    Leuk Bevonden:
    spammen! ff een mailtje sturen hoor.
    EDIT: Done:
    dear President Menconi,
    I've found myself be insulted by a review on your site about Halo. I certainly don't share your vision about violence in games, I believe that it is an acceptable way to fight in games to de-stress, that way people can prevent that their aggression has to be used in real life. I share your vision about gore and sex in games...that's not neccesary. I believe in God and that God don't disapprove such an innocent thing as playing games. That's my vision against yours, however, that isn't my point.
    In the Halo Xbox review you point out clear that playing Halo has violence in real life as RESULT and your using the exemple of the people, sniping down pedestrians in DC. This isn't correct. Yes, they did play Halo. But 4 million others play Halo too. The other people playing Halo didn't kill others. Using that exemple is the same as saying that the snipers from DC drank milk, so that other people shouldn't drink milk because you become violent. That sounds ridiculous, hmm? Even ridiculous as your statement.
    The two man sniping didn't go crazy because they played Halo, they had social problems, bad education etc. You mustn't pick those man as general Halo players, that way your insulting me and many others. I hope you understand my point and that you'll change that line in your review. I'd also like to receive an answer on this mail.
    Yours Faithfully,
    *******, Xboxworld.nl member.
    Laatst bewerkt: 23 jul 2003
  20. Darkwing

    Darkwing Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    OMG deze gasten moeten Postal gaan reviewen 8)

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