- Broadband only. (Cable or DSL) - Customer is responsible for broadband connection separately. - To be called Microsoft Live. - Pay for play -- monthly fee TBD, though ~$10 seems likely. - Alpha testing (stress testing the system) begins in July w/ 10,000 "hardcore" gamers. - Testing expands with the release of NFL Fever 2003. - Buyers will be offered the chance to test the MS Live system. Test adds 20,000 more users to the network. - Full retail rollout on late Oct/Nov. - Retail packing will be with the Microsoft Communicator, a headset w/ mic that hooks into controller. $49.99 will include a 12 month subscription to MS Live. - Only one fee per month, not by game. - Need 1 game per machine. - Will have specialized downloads available. (i.e. Football roster updates, etc.) - No "entire game" downloads. - Expect 5-8 1st and 3rd party games at rollout. - 50,000 users through holiday 2002. - 250,000 through holiday 2003. MS zal de details later op de dag officiƫel bekent maken, over Europa is nog niets bekent, hopelijk wordt dat ook vandaag bekent gemaakt.
Ik denk niet dat het pas in 2003 komt in EU. Microsoft zal toch wel slimmer zijn dat Sony en Nintendo?