MechAssault Review

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door diazull, 7 nov 2002.

  1. diazull

    diazull game junkie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ign insiders

    MechAssault is an action fan's dream game. It doesn't have all the options you'd want, but it does not get old. Every night I play MechAssault and every day I'm thinking about getting home so I can get in my mech again. I've listed plenty of complaints about how the online package was put together, but don't let that deter you. MechAssault online is about as good as it gets (for now). It could have been even better. The promise of downloadable content only sweetens the honey in the pot. MechAssault is a glimpse at the future of Xbox. A future fast approaching. Though some presentation elements are lacking, the game overall is absolutely worth your money. Anyone who has Xbox Live needs this game. And any mech fan without Live will still have fun, though the game itself is a little undervalued without Live. This is one of the first online Xbox games, so it's understandable that it's not perfect. And while other, perhaps better Live games are in the works, MechAssault will see you through the cold days of winter and right on into summer. Halo 2 is a year away, until then make mine MechAssault.

    A ton of mechs, a good single-player mode and a nice interface. It would have been nice to see more options for Live and even some customization, but I guess you can never have it all. 7.0

    Though there are some moments of slowdown, this is one pretty game. Great mech animations, amazing particle effects, and I never tire of blowing up buildings. 9.0

    Those with 5.1 will go deaf cranking up the volume on this beast. Fantastic sound effects and a solid score, but no customizable soundtracks. And please, stop with the voice masking! 9.0

    Straight-up action. At times it almost seems too simple, but there is certainly strategy here. It's amazing how fresh the game feels no matter how often you play it. 8.0

    Lasting Appeal
    Plenty of mechs to enjoy, Xbox Live, and future downloadable content. More multiplayer modes would help, but there's no denying everyone will be playing this game online for the next year. 10.0

    OVERALL SCORE (not an average) 9.2

    hm een zeer goed cijfer voor 1 van de eerste xbox live titels
  2. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ff of-topic (on-topic) wanneer komt er een preview :+ ???

    Hmmm deze game ga ik zeker kopen ... wanneer ligt deze bij ons in de schappen?
    Laatst bewerkt: 7 nov 2002
  3. Baltimore Raven

    Baltimore Raven PRO-BOWLER

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik denk ook van hem te gaan halen ik dacht dat hij nog deze maand in de winkels moet liggen ergens rond 22 november ofzo?
  4. fallout

    fallout Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    dat zou erg fijn zijn moet ik zeggen.
  5. Baltimore Raven

    Baltimore Raven PRO-BOWLER

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als te betrouwen valt dan zou hij op 22 november idd in de winkels te verkrijgen moeten zijn dan wordt het een duurdere maand dan ik had verwacht maar na novembre valt het terug wat stil voor mij, of ga ik het wat kalmpjes aan doen want ik heb nog heel wat games die moeten worden gebeat worden dus ik zal mij niet vlug vervelen deze winter.
  6. Okami69

    Okami69 Redshift freak

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als je het geld niet hebt dan zou ik gaan voor Steel Batallion (E199), als je het geld wel hebt zou ik gaan voor beide.

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