media2go news

Discussie in 'Xbox Hardware' gestart door Chefke, 12 jan 2003.

  1. Chefke

    Chefke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Media2go Xbox truth revealed!

    Over at the Consumer Electronics show, happening in Las Vegas as we speak, Microsoft has unveiled plans to release a portable media player for its Xbox machine.

    According to early reports this morning, the system will be called Media2go and will see ‘pay-per use’ music and film streamed over Xbox Live, and downloaded to a portable device of some kind.

    Furthermore, the Xbox and PC will be linked together, though the details of this have not yet emerged.

    This is now the absolute end to Microsoft’s insistence that the Xbox would be a games machine, not a broadband-enabled media-purchasing unit. It was always obvious, but to see the firm so blasé about its previous deception is quite startling.

    Is everybody resolved to the idea of Microsoft having an interest in every aspect of our lives. Will someone stop this runaway steamroller of a company?

    Stay tuned for updates on this breaking story.

  2. Gerbo

    Gerbo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hmm hier geloof ik geen kont van. Op deze pagina staat een hele beschrijving van het apparaat en er wordt alleen gesproken over koppelen met de PC en daar bestanden van downloaden om portable dingen te bekijken. Niets met Xbox dus. Ooit dachten we dat ook van Mira ofzo. Vooral die laatste twee alinea's zijn een behoorlijke diss naar Microsoft.

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