Source is a surreal adventure that unfolds in a strange alternate dimension. You control a creature similar to a butterfly that must prevent the world of Source from falling into eternal darkness by gathering and distributing energy throughout the vast world. In order to achieve this, you must first learn how the world works by observing and coexisting with the various indigenous creatures that inhabit this bizarre world. Playing out as a true metroidvania, you will face many mind bending puzzles and epic moments while constantly putting yourself at risk for the good of the world.
Imagine you are a butterfly like creature breaking out of your cocoon only to discover that you are the last of your kind left to preserve a beautiful world filled with mystery but in great turmoil. You have the ability to exchange and distribute your energy which is constantly depleting and you need to find a way to replenish your energy or you will die. Don’t fret, for when you die you are reborn and re-hatched, sometimes into a more advanced creature with new abilities, better powers and improved wings. This brings excitement, hope and purpose to your character.
You explore a white world and a dark world. Both filled with wonder, hidden areas, mind bending puzzles, epic moments and incredible creatures. You must determine how you are going to exchange and distribute your energy to stop the threat of eternal darkness. You need to find and end the “Source” in order to give balance and peace back to this world. Do you have what it takes? How much would you give to save your world? Will you discover the Source?
A deep, Metroidvania style adventure revolving around the life of a strange butterfly-like creature.
High end 3D rendering and the latest in DirectX11 particle acceleration.
Full Screen effects such as Depth of Field is completely integrated into the gameplay.
Original soundtrack and audio score that perfectly augments the unique visuals of the game.
Visual storytelling unfolds in an all original adventure.
Explore the world, discover hidden areas, grow your character, and uncover the mysteries of Source.
OP gebasseerd op die van Borderlands 2, van Maddmonkey & DulleNL.
Laatst bewerkt: 12 apr 2014