Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow

Discussie in 'XBW Gaming' gestart door Sora, 6 jul 2004.

  1. Sora

    Sora Spicy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het vervolg op de meest populaire live game word verwacht ergens in augustus :D

    hier een pittig interview :)

    IGN: Are you worried that people will call Black Arrow an expansion pack? What makes it its own standalone game?

    Patrick Naud: Black Arrow uses the same technology that made Rainbow Six 3 such a great game, so I can understand that people might think it's an expansion based on the screenshots. However, when you dig a little deeper and see all the new features, you do understand that this is a brand new game.

    IGN: Rainbow Six 3 is one of the most popular games on Xbox Live. And when people play a game a lot, they tend to notice more and more bugs. Since you guys play online, I'm sure you know a lot of the specific complaints, such as the leaning bug and complaints about aiming, as well as some lag issues with more than eight people on a non-dedicated server. How did you address these and other issues in Black Arrow?

    Patrick: Let me start by saying that the leaning bug was fixed a few days ago! Regarding the aiming problems, we made adjustments to the close range damage which should be appreciated by our fans. As for the lag problems with non-dedicated servers, we still recommend playing on dedicated servers for the best possible experience or playing on servers with a lower number of players. As we did for Rainbow Six 3, we'll have a few dedicated servers running on the office T1 set-up for your enjoyment when the game launches.

    With regard to other issues, like players complaining about not being able to plan before starting a mission or not being able to change weapons during a match, we came through with some nice little modifications.

    IGN: How many maps are shipping with the game and how many do you plan on putting up for download via Xbox Live?

    Patrick: We'll have a brand new 10-mission campaign and 14 new multiplayer levels. We'll also be shipping with 4 multiplayer levels from Rainbow Six 3 -- to which we added our two new multiplayer game modes. No official word yet on downloadable content, but plans are being developed.

    IGN: What are your favorite new maps and why?

    Patrick: My current favorites are Back Alley in Total Conquest and Café in Retrieval. Why? Because I own these maps!

    IGN: You've included four maps from Rainbow Six 3. Now, I'm all for Garage, Airport 1, and Presidio -- those are my three favorite maps -- but everyone in the office is wondering why the heck you chose Peaks as the fourth map?

    Patrick: Peaks works really well in both Total Conquest and Retrieval. And honestly, there are a lot Peaks fans in the community. There were a few threads on the message boards thanking us for choosing Peaks, and to all these loyal Peaks fans: You're welcome!

    IGN: Some changes had to be made to these maps. Why were some walls put into certain areas of Presidio and Airport and do you worry that a change like that, while necessary perhaps for one of the new game modes, might negatively affect the gameplay in other modes like Team Survival?

    Patrick: These changes were necessary in order to accommodate the new game modes. And by the way, we might have condemned the suicide door but the new flow is actually pretty interesting in Team Survival. Give it a try!

    IGN: You have two new online modes, both team-based. What do Total Conquest and Retrieval add to the online experience?

    Patrick: One of our priorities for Black Arrow was to put even more emphasis on the team-based aspect of this game because frankly, this is one of the main reasons the game stands out from the rest. Both those game modes require players to play together, communicate and work as teams. There is no way a lone gunmen can win a match by himself like it was possible in Team Survival.

    IGN: Talk a bit about the new Live 3.0 features. How do clans work in Black Arrow, how many members can you have in a clan, and what sort of stat tracking can we expect with clans?

    Patrick: In short, players will be able to create their clan (we're calling them squads), customize their personalized squad logo and tag, invite players to join and defend their squad's honor in tournaments against up to 127 other squads; and all of this is done in-game! All squads can have up to 32 members and will be ranked according to their tournament results. All the squad's stats and info will be available on the games website. And of course, as you probably know, we'll be the first title using all of these new Xbox Live 3.0 features so don't even try finding them in any other game!

    IGN: Explain the Briefing Room and how it works in the game. Will there be a Briefing option for every game mode?

    Patrick: The briefing room was added to Black Arrow in order to help players plan strategies with their teammates before going in-game. Many players complained (with reason) about the lack of team privacy in Rainbow Six 3 and we believe it was a "must do," especially with the two new team-based game modes. Players will have access to top-view maps of the levels in which the mission objectives will be displayed (if there are any). These maps will be available for all Team Survival, Total Conquest and Retrieval missions.

    IGN: How many new weapons are in the game and did you alter any of the other weapons for balancing purposes?

    Patrick: The only major issue with the Rainbow Six 3 arsenal was the M82A1 .50cal which has been replace by the Dragunov. Everyone has their own favorite and we didn't want to break that nice balance. I personally am a fan of the L8501.

    IGN: Playing the game, it looks like you've made some upgrades to the graphics, particularly in lighting. Am I nuts or is that true? What specifically have you done to make Black Arrow look better than RS3?

    Patrick: Since we're reusing the "very stable and bug free" Rainbow Six 3 technology we have a big edge over other games that must develop their graphical technology simultaneously with production. We also have a few core Rainbow Six 3 team members on the team that have already mastered the technology, so we already know how everything works and how we can work with it more efficiently. Therefore, yes, Black Arrow does look better than Rainbow Six 3!
    IGN: What have you done to improve the single player game?

    Patrick: The single player gameplay of Rainbow Six 3 wasn't as buzzed-about as the online experience but it's a big reason why this title did so well. We therefore put lots of emphasis on this aspect of the game and enhanced the offline experience even more. The most notable change beside the kickass new campaign probably is the randomized AI; terrorists now have different scripted reactions and will change their reactions every time you replay the mission or restart from a save point. This feature will be especially amazing for coop players.

    We also created a new single player game mode called Lone Rush. The rules are fairly simple: You start alone on one side of the level with a 1:00 minute timer, you have to get across the map before the timer reaches 0:00, you get bonus time by neutralizing terrorists, securing civilians, and disarming bombs. It's pretty challenging but very addictive!

    IGN: How many single-player missions are there in Black Arrow and are there different types of objectives or does it play much like in RS3?

    Patrick: We've built a brand new 10 mission campaign with new objectives. Our fans wanted more of that great Rainbow Six 3 team gameplay -- we deliver.

    IGN: What was it like getting your ass kicked by IGN when we played the Garage map in Black Arrow? Had you known you would be so thoroughly stomped by us in the Garage, would you have chosen a different map to put in the game instead?

    Patrick: I'd like to point out that I didn't play with you guys last time, you played against the B team. We wanted to be nice with you to get a good article. And yes, you can take it as an open challenge!

    dit klinkt erg lekker moet ik zeggen }:]
  2. Unrealist

    Unrealist A Real Unreal Fan

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Klinkt zeer goed.
    14 multiplayer maps :9 _O_
  3. SILVER_bullit

    SILVER_bullit Nieuwe gadget: K750i

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kan 't niet even door de vertaalmachine of worden samengevat;) Ik ben nu dus lui he, ik heb sinds vandaag vakantie, dan ga ik niet meer mijn Engels doen;)
  4. Xatos

    Xatos Grand Theft Auto

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Damn did wordt erg vet. Gelukkig is die lean bug er uit gehaald. :) Maar waarom die shit map Peaks erin? Ik vind die map echt zo dom.
  5. McSparkle

    McSparkle Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja idd, ik hoopte op Aiport 1, Presidio, City Street Large, Ennuh ....... Warehous ! Maar ik denk niet dat ik die nog egt nodig heb als er 14 nieuwe komen ! Er zouden tog ook Capture The Flag en CT point komen ? En als het goed is zou er ook een nieuwe map komen die zich afspeelt op zo'n heel grote ferry :9 (Dat had ik een poosje geleden ergens gelezen)

    Dat Clan-maak-systeem is cool !! Dat had je ook in Socom II volgens mij ! (iets zegt mij dat het Socom II voor de ps2 was)
    Laatst bewerkt: 6 jul 2004
  6. SILVER_bullit

    SILVER_bullit Nieuwe gadget: K750i

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Jah idd, SOCOM II voor de PS2, maar idee is hetzelfde!;)
  7. Jeroen

    Jeroen nomnomnom

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nice :9 dat word weer een tijdje bezig zijn om alle levels van haver tot gort uit de kop te kennen ;)
  8. Banjy

    Banjy It's getting closer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die 3.0 features lijken me echt vet! Maar ik heb RS3 inmiddels wel een beetje gezien enzo... Doe mij maar Halo 2 ! Met al die Clan opties...
  9. thagamer4life

    thagamer4life kill to survive

    Leuk Bevonden:
    wat is d lean bug eiglijk??
  10. Sphinx

    Sphinx Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat gaat me 60 euro kosten. _0/
  11. Jeroen

    Jeroen nomnomnom

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Misschien dat ie wel iets goedkoper is. Bij Ebgames kost een normaal spel daar 49 dollar en black arrow 39 dollar.
    Maar ik zie ze er hier wel weer voor aan om het spel voor de volle bak te verkopen. :{
  12. Renegades NL

    Renegades NL Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sorry maar ik ga die game echt niet voor 60 euro kopen. 30 lijkt me een beter idee, zooo veel veranderd is het volgens mij ook weer niet.
  13. Sora

    Sora Spicy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    er komen geen 14 nieuwe maps, als je goed leest zegt hij 14 maps waaronder 10 nieuw en 4 oude uit rb6, met enkele aanpassingen
  14. MasterApu

    MasterApu De klassieker

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hmm ik ben benieuwd naar deze game. Ik wacht het nog even af. Rainbow Six 3 is geweldig. Maar je zult voor deze game wel de volle mep moeten betalen. :eek:
  15. Ol' Capone

    Ol' Capone Future xbw *****

    Leuk Bevonden:
    dit was toch volgens mij al eerder bekend? :eek:
    maar iig alsnog goed nieuws :D belooft wel wat te worden!
  16. Darkpunker NL

    Darkpunker NL CoD4: 3.06 k/d ratio

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Dat is als je naar links/rechts doet peaken en dan langzaam tegen een muur loopt door die muur heen kan kijken, toch?
  17. MasterApu

    MasterApu De klassieker

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Klopt. Zo kun je de volgende kamer bekijken. Je kunt vanaf dan kiezen om af te wachten totdat de vijand door de deur komt of zelf ten aanval te gaan. Het is gewoon cheaten en verpest de game. Want al open je de deur dan wordt je opeens neergeschoten:confused:.
  18. Stryker

    Stryker *

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het is toch ook dat als je langs een muurtje keek dat je dan soms niet geraakt kon worden, zoals in Garage?

    Mja, ik ben helemaal uitgekeken op RBS 3, misschien dat ik Black Arrow koop, maar dan niet voor de volle mep.
  19. Tigerstyle

    Tigerstyle Cinematic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    de planning is ook dat ie voor 30euri op de markt komt als ik me niet vergis
  20. Thomas

    Thomas Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Lean bug is dat je langs een hoekje peakt en dat je dan bijna niet te raken bent. Door de muren kijken is met de laatste patch verholpen.

    Anyway, ik ga dit spel zeker halen. RB6 heb ik tientallen uren gespeeld, en met nieuwe maps en modes ben ik voorlopig weer even zoet.

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