[XOne] Transformers: The War for Cybertron

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Lukky NL, 11 dec 2009.

  1. Lukky NL

    Lukky NL Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Nieuwe game van Transformers. Losstaand verhaal. Filmpje ziet er aardig uit en qua sfeer zit het wel goed. Als het maar en beetje op Transformers Armada lijkt op de PS2, dan moet het helemaal goed komen.

    Voor fans zeker iets om naar uit te kijken :b:

    Edit: heb geen flauw idee waarom het filmpje het niet doet... Misschien kan een mod helpen?
    Laatst bewerkt: 11 dec 2009
  2. Tco

    Tco The Chosen One

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Alleen de cijfers gebruiken van de link.
  3. Gdzr

    Gdzr Hmmm?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En wel ff een goede startpost maken :) Zoals in de regels staat.
  4. Tco

    Tco The Chosen One

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Lijkt me toch dat daar geen regel voor is... startpost is startpost. Het mag best een slechte (lees lege) zijn.
  5. Ferron

    Ferron Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dan heb ik liever dat je geen startpost maakt als er toch geen info in staat..
  6. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
  7. LeGerman

    LeGerman Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ziet er gruwelijk uit! dit kan wel wat worden.
    hoop dat ie lekker wegspeelt....
  8. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Er zullen vast mensen zijn die dit allemaal interesseert.

    Transformers: War For Cybertron Character Profile – Optimus Prime


    This is the first of several character profiles we'll be running for Transformers: War For Cybertron, showcasing exclusive concept art and the new visual style that High Moon Studios is using in the game. We'll kick things off with everyone's favorite Autobot leader, Optimus Prime. You can check out his new vehicle form above and his robot form below.

    Though Optimus is a powerful and respected Transformer at the start of War For Cybertron, he is not yet the leader of the Autobots. After a devastating Decepticon attack on his home city of Iacon, Optimus is forced to step up and help lead his people to victory – wherever that might be.
    In robot form, Optimus' main weapon is the Ion Blaster, a special gun that's totally unique to him. His vehicle mode, on the other hand, resembles the truck we all know him as, but actually operates as a Cybertronian tank. His special abilities include Warcry and Mark Target. Though we're not entirely sure what these are yet, it sounds like they may be more focused on buffing allies than full-out assault.

    Stay tuned to Game Informer for two more big character profiles from War For Cybertron in the coming weeks. You can watch for those and all of our other Transformers: War For Cybertron coverage in our War For Cybertron hub.


    Transformers: War For Cybertron Character Profile – Megatron


    Last week, we kicked off our group of exclusive Transformers: War For Cybertron character profiles by showing you High Moon Studios' interpretation of Optimus Prime. Who better next than his evil opposite, the Decepticon leader, Megatron. Take a look at his new tank form above as well as some new info and his vehicle form below.

    As the leader of the Decepticons, Megatron has a goal that fans of the cartoons know all too well: to win control of Cybertron for his faction and exterminate the Autobots. Throughout War For Cybertron, he will be searching for the means to achieve this end, a mysterious substance known as Dark Energon.

    Just in case Megatron's attitude didn't make him imposing enough, his frame certainly should. The whole of his right arm is covered by a giant fusion cannon, a powerful one-of-a-kind weapon that can destroy a whole city block with a single blast. This power will be on display throughout War For Cybertron as Megatron launches powerful attacks against his enemies, including a brutal sacking of the Autobot home city of Iacon.


    Though Megatron will greatly reward loyalty, he's also not concerned with destroying supporters the second they let him down. As such, he's got the helpful ability to Mark Targets (an ability he shares with Optimus Prime) but also the more selfish Drain ability, which will presumably allow him to take the power from his enemies and use it to fuel himself. When switching to vehicle mode, Megatron transforms into a powerful hovering tank that also puts his powerful fusion cannon to use.


    Transformers: War For Cybertron Character Profile -- Starscream


    We've already given you the lowdown on the esteemed leaders of the Autobots and Decepticons, Optimus Prime and Megatron, but for our final Transformers: War For Cybertron character profile, we wanted to take a look at a true fan favorite. Enter Megatron's ever-scheming second-in-command, Starscream. You can see his powerful jet form above and his newly-designed robot form below.

    Cartoon watchers who were introduced to Starscream in the '80s were immediately drawn to his sneaky, deceitful nature. Despite being arguably the highest-ranking member of the Decepticons besides Megatron, Starscream is deadset on taking the top spot, and he makes no efforts to hide it. But the original cartoon never really attempted to explain why Starscream was on such a power trip nor why Megatron kept him around despite that. War For Cybertron's prequel story lends itself perfectly to fleshing out these motivations.

    The first mission of the Decepticon campaign will chronicle the first meeting between Megatron and Starscream aboard a space station that orbits Cybertron. This dramatic encounter will culminate in one of the Decepticons defecting only to be replaced by an eager Starscream. Despite teaming up with the Decepticons, Starscream will make it clear that in his mind both Megatron and Optimus Prime are failing to keep the best interests of all of Cybertron in their minds.

    As one of the handful of Transformers that can change into a jet, Starscream will also have the special Hover ability while in robot form. His other special ability, Shockwave, sounds like it will be perfect for handling large groups of enemies.

    [gb]Random art[/gb]

  9. tricker

    tricker Semper Fi

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het werd ook wel hoog tijd dat iemand een keer de game in zijn ware vorm ging maken
  10. MaxxRaptor

    MaxxRaptor Eigen aanduiding

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wel cool dat Soundwave d'rin komt, altijd mijn favoriet geweest. Maar wat hebben ze met Starscream gedaan joh?
  11. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Transformers: War for Cybertron Preview
    Could this be the Batman: Arkham Asylum of 2010?

    January 12, 2010 - Hearing High Moon Studios director Matt Tieger talk about the upcoming Transformers: War for Cyberton raises my hopes that fans will get a worthwhile game. Describing it as "a gamer's game," Tieger speaks about Transformers in the same way the folks at Rocksteady, makers of Batman: Arkham Asylum, talk about the Dark Knight. Granted, we've yet to set our eyes on War for Cybertron, but it's clear the goal is to create something special.

    Freed from the constraints of a movie license, the new Transformers game lives within its own universe. "If you had to pick an area where we are most firmly rooted, it's probably from the Generation One cartoon from the 1980s," Tieger says. Most of the characters selected are from the first generation of toys -- the real classics of the Transformers universe. They include Megatron, Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Ironhide, Starscream, Soundwave and Bumblebee. But don't expect exact replicas of your favorite characters. Transformers takes place before these warring factions crashed on Earth.

    "Our setting for our game is the waning years of this civil war that's been waging on Cybertron," Tieger explains. "The Autobots and Decepticons have been fighting for millions of years. We picked the last few years where that war is ultimately coming to a head. We're set on Cybertron. Huge giant war. The bad guys have an evil plan and really, that story is all about Megatron and his quest for power, his lust for power -- his abuse of power, ultimately."


    When you pop in the disc, you'll be given a choice: Autobot or Decepticon campaign. The Decepticon campaign takes place first, but you can play them in either order. And while the two are tied together, you won't be playing the same scenarios from different sides. These are two separate stories and whichever side you choose believes they are the good guys.

    "The story that we put together, we wanted to be more mature," Tieger said. "We wanted to be grittier and darker and dangerous. That meant taking those characters and figuring out who they were." Tieger views Optimus Prime, the Autobot leader, as someone who "doesn't really want to be the guy in charge." But at this critical moment in Transformers history, he is "coming to the conclusion that he is the right guy and even if he doesn't want it, he is the savior of their race. I wanted to [explore those] reasons a little deeper in this story."

    Tieger looks forward to how fans will react as the Transformers mythos is given a little added depth. "What's fun for me is exploring some relationships that really haven't been explored," he says. "Who is Starscream and why does he sign up with Megatron? And why does Megatron keep him around? We explore [those questions] in the first level of the Decepticon campaign."

    Optimus has an axe to grind.

    Tieger and High Moon Studios have an interesting take on Megatron, who figures prominently in the Decepticon storyline. "I never really understood why Megatron was evil. He's just evil. Okay, but why is he evil? What I believe comes across in our game is that Megatron is the hero. That's what he believes. What he is doing and why he does what he does, he believes is the right thing to do. He just has such a force of will and determination that he believes that the end justifies the means. What he's doing and why he's doing it is a very clear objective for him. He's bringing Cybertron back to former glory. Cybertron has fallen from what he believes it should be and he is going to reset things. That's not evil in his mind."

    At the start of each level, you're given a choice to play as one of three different Transformers. The selection changes with each level and those levels are crafted specifically to fit those Autobots or Decepticons' skill sets. In terms of the gameplay, War for Cybertron has been compared to Gears of War. In fact, the trailer clearly shows some moments where Transformers take cover.

    According to Tieger, "It's a much more linear, story-driven, Gears of War-type experience. It's not an open world type of experience. It's about getting on that rollercoaster ride, which is a really cool story, and blasting your way through it. We feel it's a real benefit, because we're trying to tell a solid story."

    There is a mixture of ground and air levels. Characters that turn into jets aren't playable in ground levels for a simple reason. Games that go from ground to air (a la Superman) almost always fail. So why not take a different approach? The jet levels offer the freedom of the air (with the ability to still transform) and the ground levels are designed specifically for characters that can transform into vehicles at any time. Oh, and there are jet levels for both Decepticons and Autobots. Could that mean Autobot fan fave Jetfire will be playable?

    Though Tieger and crew want to maintain the integrity of our childhood memories, some of the characters had to undergo some changes to fit the structure of a videogame. Though Soundwave is a favorite, it hardly seems exciting to have him transform into a boombox. In War for Cybertron he turns into a vehicle. He's not the only one to get a makeover. "I will break your heart and tell you that Megatron does not turn into a little tiny gun. We made choices based on transformation gameplay."

    Not in the game? Impossible!
    To make the experience more accessible, Transformers uses "standard third-person action shooter controls." Tieger adds, "We found a great way to fit transformation in that so that it feels very seamless and intuitive and so that you don't have to rethink about your controls."

    Of course, an action-heavy shooter means that players will be taking a lot of damage. Transformers uses a segmented health system similar to The Chronicles of Riddick. Your health bar is made of several boxes and as you take damage, the health in a box drains. Get to safety and it recharges. If you lose all the heath in a box, it stops regenerating and health starts draining from the next box. There are two ways to restore lost health from a depleted segment: find Energon cubes or get healed by Ratchet (if you're playing as an Autobot).

    There's certain to be debate about which characters were chosen. Everyone has a favorite and certainly some won't make an appearance. My personal favorite, Shockwave, "is not really well-incorporated in the story." However, he might show up in the multiplayer. Combiners like the Constructicons don't show and neither do any of the Triple Changers (alas, poor Blitzkrieg, I knew him well); Tieger knows that you can't satisfy every fan. High Moon's strategy was to "pick the best, most popular guys -- and fans will ultimately decide if they feel Wheeljack is a more popular Transformer than Ratchet -- and then fill in the cracks with characters who are necessary for gameplay reasons."

    Tieger is pretty tight-lipped on additional Transformers making appearances, but he promises there will be plenty for fans to enjoy. Trypticon and Omega Supreme show up as two of the big bosses in the game. "They bring the sense of scale to fights." Tieger warns not to be fooled by the size of these characters in the newly released trailer. "I think we make [them] bigger in the game than they are in the trailer. They are just colossal in size."

    That is one big boss you have to fight.
    Though the prospects of a great single-player Transformers campaign are tantalizing, Tieger doesn't want gamers to think the multiplayer component is being thrown together. "I love multiplayer," he says. "As a studio, we are huge multiplayer gamers. Multiplayer is a huge portion of what we're going to give gamers. It's been part of our development process since the first day we started developing this game. The level of commitment behind multiplayer is very large. The experience we give you is as big as Cybertron in my mind."

    All the talk in the world really doesn't mean a thing. The proof is in the gameplay. "It's all about how it feels under your thumb," Tieger concedes. There is definitely a lot of promise in Transformers: War for Cybertron, but I have to see it to truly believe it. Hopefully Activision will soon show us that there really is more than meets the eye when it comes to licensed games.
  12. tricker

    tricker Semper Fi

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fucking hard!! Die trailer is ook super bruut! Trouwens de stem van optimus prime dat is die ook van de film en ouwe series? Maar wil dat dus zeggen dat hij die ook inspreekt voor de game?!
  13. Lukky NL

    Lukky NL Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Yup Peter Cullen voiced Optimus.
  14. iMark 007

    iMark 007 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wow, de vooruitzichten zijn echt goed voor deze titel. Eindelijk een spel met de Generation 1 characters, en ik vind het erg gaaf dat het verhaal zich afspeelt op Cybertron in plaats van op Aarde. Ik zie dat mijn favoriete Transformers ook speelbaar zijn zoals Megatron, Soundwave en Starscream. De gameplay lijkt een beetje op Gears of War, niks mis mee zou ik zeggen. In die preview houd die gozer een mooi verhaal. Mijn verwachtingen zijn in ieder geval hoog gespannen. Eindelijk een Transformers titel die niets met die waardeloze films van Michael Bay te maken heeft. In die films herken ik de meeste niet eens, omdat meneer Bay ze behoorlijk verkracht heeft. Ik ben een fan van de Gen 1 serie, dus dit spel zou een droom kunnen zijn. Alleen afwachten of het echt goed wordt. De trailer is top, maar ben zeer benieuwd naar de eerste gameplay beelden. Maar dit is wel 1 van de weinige aankondigingen tegenwoordig waar ik echt enthousiast van wordt. En er komt ook een uitgebreide multiplayer, ik zie veel potentie.
  15. Sound

    Sound Iwrestledabearonce

    Leuk Bevonden:
    eindelijk een Soundwave die er vet uitziet en nog een beetje lijkt op de G1 versie! hopelijk komt er ook een figure die er op lijkt voor mn verzameling :)
    Game zal ongetwijfeld wel weer net zo but zijn als eerdere spellen. ben wat dat betreft altijd sceptisch als er weer wat gemaakt wordt van Transformers (game, film, nieuwe cartoons, figures) valt bijna altijd tegen helaas. hopelijk wordt het ineens geweldig en net zo'n verassing als Batman AA
  16. Lukky NL

    Lukky NL Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Animated figures ownen anders wel. Purple Shockwave en (electrostatic) Soundwave ftw! ;)

    anyway, deze gane kan best aardig worden hoor.
  17. iMark 007

    iMark 007 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die wagen van Optimus Prime ziet er erg strak uit.
    Vind hem eigenlijk nog toffer dan de originele vrachtwagen.
    Ze maken tot nu toe logische keuzes volgens mij.
    In Gen 1 worden Megatron en Soundwave niet bepaald moordmachines, dus logisch dat ze in andere dingen transformeren.
    En ik ben heel benieuwd hoe ze Cybertron gaan uitwerken.
  18. Lukky NL

    Lukky NL Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En of het verandert in Primus.
  19. tricker

    tricker Semper Fi

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zou het zelf wel vet vinden komt Unicron erin :cool: Verder gewoon transformeren en veel characters.
  20. iMark 007

    iMark 007 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sinds vandaag staat de volledige trailer op internet.
    In de startpost staat alleen de teaser.
    Dus misschien kan je de volledige trailer in de startpost zetten, aangezien die episch is.

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