[PC] World of Warcraft Collectibles Preview

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door ShadoW_2k, 30 sep 2007.

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  1. ShadoW_2k

    ShadoW_2k Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zag dit op internet staan denk post hier omdat er nog wel wat mensen zijn die deze dingen sparen ;)

    Ze zien er zeker weten nice uit man .. heb zelf 2.5 jaar wow gespeelt en ook al speel ik het nu niet meer ik ga me toch paar van deze dingen halen als ze te krijgen zijn hier heet dat :thumbs:

    Op de site staan er nog meer dus check de site maar even ;)

    Bron : http://comics.ign.com/articles/823/823771p1.html

    Blood Elf Rogue




    Dwarf Warrior




    Illidan Stormrage




    Orc Shaman




    Undead Warlock




    Night Elf Druid



    Human Warrior



    Gnome Warrior


    September 28, 2007 - You know, we've done a whole bunch of collectibles-related articles now, and every time there's some smart ass who doesn't believe us when we say these things are friggin' awesome. We're hoping this feature might really sway some minds. For all of you who believe toys are silly little objects that aren't very well-contstructed, for all of you who can't turn away from your computer to make the desk look nice, for all of you who love gaming... we present DC Direct's World of Warcraft action figure series.

    To be clear, these aren't "action figures" in the strictest sense. While there are some points of articulation, these figures are mostly about looking cool and making coworkers jealous. Which they most certainly will. With this line, DC Direct is giving every other toy company out there, including McFarlane Toys and Sideshow Collectibles, a run for their money. The pictures you are about to see are 100% indicative of the final product.

    Kicking things off will be a gallery of images from the first set of figures. These collectibles are set to ship on October 24, 2007. Figures range from five inches to nearly a foot, depending on the character. Prior to the gallery for the second series we'll give our initial impressions about one of the figures DC shipped to us. Once we can gather the rest from the company, we'll report back with a full evaluation of the entire line. Also keep in mind that there are many more images in the Image Gallery at the end of this article.
  2. Nitram

    Nitram BiA!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    die warlock en shaman zien er vet uit, maar ik koop nooit van die dingen :)
  3. Phoenix NL

    Phoenix NL ...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Undead Warlock is wel erg vet, even afwachten wat ze gaan kosten..
  4. Orcrist

    Orcrist XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kan voortaan gewoon in het WoW draadje posten. :)

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