Wii: WWE Smackdown! vs. Raw 2008 Hand-on IGN: http://wii.ign.com/articles/802/802607p1.html groot verschil met vorig jaar is natuurlijk dat nu ook ECW erin zit. verwacht dus ook mensen zoals cm punk en elijah burke in dit deel. discussier hier.
Hoe gaan ze dit doen met de besturing? Lijkt me nogal lastig maar wie weet word het wel heel goed! Edit: Nieuwe Info over de besturing van de game! * Swing the Wiimote to throw a punch (backhand swing to do a chop). * Block attacks by performing the same actions. * There's no Run button. Running attacks are activated automatically. * Hold A or B and swing the remote to grapple. Swing again to do a move. * Hold C button and swing to do a taunt. * Vertical Suplex: Grapple, lift Wiimote to raise opponent up in the air, drop Wiimote forward to slam into the canvas. * Up to 4 players supported. Nieuwe Screens: Release Date: Amerika: 13 November 2007 Europa: November 2007
ik ben niet tevreden over die "no run" functie. maar in een interview heb ik gelezen dat ze die er misschien nog wel ingooien. die taunt moves zijn trouwens ook wel leuk. zo kan je bijvoorbeeld de dx-chop toen door met de controllers ook echt de dx-chop te doen. misschien kan je ook wel de pose van randy orton enzo doen. en chris benoit zal er wel uitgehaald zijn denk?
Btw ik ga deze game niet op de wii kopen, die besturing werkt vast voor geen meter, geef hem mij maar op de xbox360.
WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2008 Roster Update Seven superstars are almost ready to make their way to the ring. by Greg Miller August 15, 2007 - If you're a professional wresting fan, we don't have to tell you -- WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2008 is coming. However, the wait hasn't been -- and isn't going to be -- easy. Each week, WWE Superstars duke it out on TV, and you end up sadly glancing at your videogame machine and praying that the faces and heels will make haste to the digital world. Today, the wait is a bit easier. THQ has announced the next seven superstars for this year's game: Elijah Burke, Carlito, CM Punk, the Innovator of Violence Tommy Dreamer, the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, the Nature Boy Ric Flair and Mr. Kennedy … Kennedy! Uh ... what was I going to say ... The seven join the previously announced roster of Jeff Hardy, Sandman, Undertaker, Bobby Lashley, Kane, Triple H, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, Chris Masters and Randy Orton. The company's three commentary teams will join the 17 named superstars as well as a plethora of others on the final roster. Want to know which wrestlers will make the final line-up? Check out IGN's exclusive on September 3 and look for the annual countdown to follow in the near future.