X-Box 360 Elite 120GB met 108 Games!!!!

Discussie in 'Te Koop/Ruil Aangeboden' gestart door Omar Anshof, 6 nov 2014.

  1. Omar Anshof

    Omar Anshof New Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    zoals de topic zegt eigenlijk

    X-Box 360 Games

    1. Army of Two

    2. Beijing 2008

    3. Burnout Paradise The Ultimate Box

    4. Grand Theft Auto IV

    5. Grand Theft Auto Episodes from Liberty City

    6. Streetfighter IV

    7. Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising

    8. F1 2010

    9. Battlefield Bad Company

    10. R.U.S.E.

    11. Crackdown 2

    12. Call of Duty : World at War

    13. Gears of War

    14. Gears of War 2

    15. Gears of War 3

    16. Transformers War for Cybertron

    17. Dragonball Z Raging Blast

    18. Dragonball Z Burstlimit

    19. Alan Wake

    20. Dante's Inferno

    21. Fight Night Round 4

    22. Halo 3

    23. Halo Wars

    24. Def Jam: Icon

    25. Far Cry 2

    26. Turok

    27. Mercenaries 2 World in Flames

    28. Perfect Dark Zero

    29. The Chronicles of Riddick : Assault on Dark Athena

    30. Mortal Combat Vs DC Universe

    31. Hitman Absolution

    32. Army of Two : The Devils Cartel

    33. Tom Clancy's : H.A.W.X.

    34. Mass Effect

    35. Mass Effect 2

    36. Mass Effect 3

    37. Fifa 12

    38. Farcry 3

    39. Saints Row the Third

    40. Max Payne 3

    41. Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare

    42. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

    43. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

    44. Call of Dutu Black Ops

    45. Call of Duty Black Ops 2

    46. Just Cause 2

    47. Star Wars The Force Unleashed

    48. Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2

    49. The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion

    50. Darksiders

    51. Darksiders II

    52. Battlefield Bad Company 2

    53. Battlefield 3

    54. Ace Combat Assault Horizon

    55. Star Trek

    56. Sniper Elite V2

    57. Sniper 2 Ghost Warrior

    58. Duke Nukem Forever

    59. Prototype

    60. Jane's Advanced Strike Fighters (JASF)

    61. X-Men Origins Wolverine

    62. Dead Space 2

    63. Injustice Gods Among Us

    64. Red Faction Guerrilla

    65. Red Faction Armageddon

    66. Crysis 2

    67. The Witcher 2 Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition

    68. Aliens VS Predator

    69. prince of persie

    70. batman arkham city

    71. batman arkham asylum

    72. Sleeping Dogs

    73. Sonic Generations

    74. Forza Horizon

    75. Need for Speed Prostreet

    76. Need for Speed Shift

    77. Need for Speed shift II unleashed

    78. Grid II

    79. Assassins creed 2

    80. Assassins creed brotherhood

    81. Assasiisns creed Revelations

    82. Assassins creed III

    83. Dead Space

    84. DMC Devil May Cry

      op de X-box 360 zelf staan:

    85. Asura's Wrath

    86. Binary Domain

    87. Birds of Steel

    88. Boom Boom Rocket

    89. Brain Challenge

    90. Call of Juarez Gunslinger

    91. Crash Course 2

    92. Dorito's Crash Course

    93. Farcry 3 Blood Dragon

    94. Flashback

    95. Geometry Wars Evolved 2

    96. Missle Command

    97. Monkey Island Special Edition

    98. Monkey Island 2 Special Edition

    99. Perfect Dark

    100. Red Dead Redemption + Undead Nightmare

    101. Shred Nebula

    102. Spartacus Legends

    103. Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition

    104. Toy Soldiers

    105. Trials Evolution

    106. Trials HD

    107. Wolfenstein 3D

    108. WRC Powerslide

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